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Understanding Prenatal Development: From Conception to Birth

Learn about the stages of prenatal development, the impacts of maternal nutrition and drug use, and the importance of attachment for infants.

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Understanding Prenatal Development: From Conception to Birth

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  1. :: Slide 1 :: :: Slide 2 :: Left blank The prenatal period extends from conception to birth, usually encompassing nine months of pregnancy. A great deal of important development occurs before birth. :: Slide 3 :: :: Slide 4 :: The germinal stage lasts from conception to about 2 weeks. During this stage, rapid cell division occurs, and the mass of cells migrates to the uterus and beings to implant into the uterine wall, forming a placenta during the implantation process. The embryonic stage lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months and is the period when most of the vital organs and bodily systems such as the heart, spine, and brain emerge. The embryonic period is a time of great vulnerability; if anything interferes with development during this time period, effects can be devastating. :: Slide 5 :: :: Slide 6 :: The fetal period lasts from 2 months to birth. During the early parts of this stage, the muscles and bones begin to form. The body continues to grow and function, with sex organs developing in the 3rd month and brain cells multiplying during the final 3 months. Somewhere between 22 and 26 weeks, the age of viability is reached – when the baby could survive if born prematurely. At 22 or 23 weeks, chances for survival are slim, but by 26-28 weeks chances improve to a survival rate of about 85%. A developing baby and its mother are linked through the placenta, and a mother’s behaviors can affect the baby dramatically. Severe maternal malnutrition is linked to increased risk of birth complications and neurological problems in the newborn. Research links maternal malnutrition to vulnerability, schizophrenia, and other psychiatric disorders in adolescence and early adulthood.

  2. :: Slide 7 :: :: Slide 8 :: Maternal drug use can significantly impact a developing baby, even if the drugs are legal, like alcohol and cigarettes. Many drugs, both prescription and recreational, are linked to birth defects. Problems can even be caused by some over the counter drugs. Fetal alcohol syndrome, one of the leading causes of mental retardation, is a collection of congenital (inborn) problems associated with excessive alcohol use during pregnancy. Current studies suggest that even normal social drinking can have enduring negative effects on children, including deficits in IQ, reaction time, motor skills, attention span, and math skills, as well as impulsive, antisocial, and delinquent behavior. Motor development refers to the progression of muscular coordination required for physical activities. A basic number of principles are apparent in motor development. The cephalocaudal trend describes the fact that children tend to gain control over the upper part of their bodies before the lower part. The proximodistal trend describes the fact that children gain control over their torsos before their extremities. Motor development depends in part on physical growth, as well as on the process of maturation (the gradual unfolding of one’s genetic blueprint), and the infant’s ongoing exploration of the world. :: Slide 9 :: :: Slide 10 :: Attachment refers to the close, emotional bonds of affection that develop between infants and their caregivers. Separation anxiety is emotional distress seen in many infants when they are separated from people with whom they have formed an attachment. Harry Harlow conducted a now-famous study in which he removed monkeys from their mothers at birth and raised them in a laboratory with two different kinds of substitute mothers – a cloth mother and a wire mother. Half the monkeys were fed from a bottle attached to the cloth mother, and half were fed by the wire mother. Harlow discovered that when frightened, the monkeys – regardless of which mother fed them – sought comfort from the cloth mother, suggesting that attachment. :: Slide 11 :: :: Slide 12 :: Harlow's work seriously undermined the behavioral view of the basis for attachment. An alternative explanation of attachment was soon proposed by John Bowlby, a prominent British psychoanalyst. Citing Harlow’s findings and Konrad Lorenz’s research on imprinting, Bowlby asserted that attachment has a biological basis. According to Bowlby, infants are programmed by evolution to exhibit endearing behavior – such as smiling, cooing, and clinging – that triggers an affectionate, protective response from adults. One of Bowlby’s colleagues, Mary Ainsworth, eventually showed that attachments vary in character. Ainsworth developed a method called the strange situation procedure to assess the quality of attachment between 1-2-year-old infants and their caregivers. The strange situation procedure puts infants through a series of short separations from and reunions with their caregivers. As a result, Ainsworth concluded that attachment falls into three patterns: secure, anxious-ambivalent, and avoidant.

  3. :: Slide 13 :: :: Slide 14 :: Ainsworth found that most infants have a secure attachment, playing and exploring comfortably when mom is present, becoming visibly upset when she leaves, and calming quickly upon her return. Some babies, however, show anxiety even when mom is near and protest excessively when she leaves, but are not particularly comforted when she returns (anxious-ambivalent attachment). Finally, some babies sought little contact with their mothers and were not distressed when she left, a pattern Ainsworth labeled avoidant attachment. Correlational evidence suggests that babies with secure attachment tend to show favorable traits as they develop through childhood, such as resilience, self-reliance, curiosity, and leadership. Secure attachment appears to be the most common type of attachment around the world, though variations in patterns exist. At around 10 to 13 months of age, most children begin to make sounds that correspond to words, after which their vocabulary grows slowly over the next few months. Fast mapping is the process by which children map a word onto an underlying structure after only one exposure – contributing to the rapid growth in vocabulary around 18 months. :: Slide 15 :: :: Slide 16 :: Children begin to combine words into sentences near the end of their second year. Telegraphic speech consists mainly of content words; articles, prepositions, and other less critical words are omitted. By the end of their third year, most children can express complex ideas such as the plural or the past tense, although still with mistakes, such as overregularization – when grammatical rules are generalized to irregular cases where they do not apply. Erik Erikson, in the 1960s, proposed a stage theory of personality development based on stages. Stage theories assume that individuals must progress through specified stages in a particular order because each stage builds on the previous one. They also assume that progress through the stages is strongly related to age, and that development is marked by major discontinuities that bring about dramatic changes in behavior. Erikson theorized that there are eight stages, spanning the lifespan, in personality development. He held that there is a specific psychosocial crisis during each stage, the outcome of which determines the balance between opposing polarities in personality. :: Slide 17 :: :: Slide 18 :: In stage 1, trust vs. mistrust, the infant in its first year of life must depend solely on its caregiver, which should lead to a trusting view of the world. [click to view next stage] In stage 2, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, the child begins to take personality responsibility and should acquire a sense of self sufficiency. [click to view next stage] In stage 3, initiative vs. guilt, children should learn to get along with family members, leading to self confidence. [click to view next stage] In stage 4, industry vs. inferiority, children must function socially outside of the bounds of their family, from which a sense of competence should evolve. Jean Piaget made a landmark contribution to psychology’s understanding of cognitive development, asserting that interaction with the environment and maturation gradually alter the way children think. This progression in thinking occurs through the complementary processes of assimilation (interpreting new experiences in terms of existing mental structures without changing them) and accommodation (changing existing mental structures to explain new experiences). Piaget proposed that children’s thought processes go through a series of four major stages.

  4. :: Slide 19 :: :: Slide 20 :: In the sensorimotor stage, a child progressively develops object permanence, or the recognition that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer visible. [click to view next stage] In the preoperational stage, children engage in symbolic thought, with characteristic flaws in their reasoning such as centration, the tendency to focus on just one feature of a problem, and egocentrism, the limited ability to share another’s viewpoint. This results in animism, the belief that all things are living, just like oneself. [click to view next stage] The concrete operational stage is characterized by the ability to perform operations with symbolic thought such as reversing or mentally undoing an action. Children in the concrete operational stage are able to focus on more than one feature of a problem simultaneously, a process called decentration. These new cognitive skills lead to conservation, or recognizing that amount of a substance does not change just because appearance is changed. [click to view next stage] The formal operational period is marked by the ability to apply operations to abstract concepts such as justice, love, and free will. This video shows children at Piaget’s sensorimotor stage. :: Slide 21 :: :: Slide 22 :: This video shows children at Piaget’s concrete operational stage. Lawrence Kohlberg devised a stage theory of moral development based on subjects’ responses to presented moral dilemmas. Kohlberg was interested in a person’s reasoning, not necessarily their answer. He theorized that people progress through a series of three levels of moral development, each of which can be broken into 2 sublevels. Each stage represents a different way of thinking about right and wrong. :: Slide 23 :: :: Slide 24 :: Younger children at the preconventional level think in terms of external authority – acts are considered wrong or right based on whether or not they are punished for them. Older children who have reached the conventional level of moral reasoning see rules as necessary for maintaining social order. Adolescence represents the move to the postconventional level of moral reasoning, where acts are individually judged by a personal code of ethics. This video explains moral development, and shows children’s responses to moral dilemmas.

  5. :: Slide 25 :: :: Slide 26 :: Pubescence is the term used to describe the two-year span preceding puberty during which the changes leading to physical and sexual maturity take place. During this period, children grow taller and heavier and develop secondary sex characteristics, physical features that distinguish one sex from the other but that are not essential for reproduction. Puberty is the stage during which sexual functions reach maturity, marking the beginning of adolescence. It is during puberty that the primary sex characteristics, the structures necessary for reproduction, develop fully. In females, the onset of puberty is signaled by menarche – the fist occurrence of menstruation. In males, it is signaled by sperm production. At this time, males begin to show acne, facial and body hair, voice change, muscle development, and ability to ejaculate. Females also develop acne, as well as body hair, breast development, rounded contours, enlargement of the uterus, clitoris, and labia, as well as menstruation. :: Slide 27 :: :: Slide 28 :: In recent years, the increasing availability of MRI scans has allowed researchers to study the developing adolescent brain. The “white matter” increases, reflecting increasing myelinization. At the same time, there is evidence of increased synaptic pruning. These changes are thought to reflect maturation in the prefrontal cortex. It appears that the prefrontal cortex is the last area of the brain to mature fully. Some researchers have suggested that this is connected with the increase in risky behaviors during adolescence. According to Erikson, the key challenge of adolescence is to form a clear sense of identity. :: Slide 29 :: :: Slide 30 :: James Marcia asserts that the presence or absence of crisis and commitment during the identity formation stage can combine in various ways to produce four different identity statuses. Foreclosure is a premature commitment to a role prescribed by one’s parents. A moratorium involves delaying commitment and engaging in experimentation with different roles. Identity diffusion is a state of lack of direction and apathy, where a person does not confront the challenge and commit to an ideology. Identity achievement involves arriving at a sense of self and direction after some consideration of alternative possibilities. According to Erikson, adulthood involves three stages: Intimacy vs. isolation is the concern with the ability to share intimacy with others, and should lead to empathy and openness. Generativity vs. self-absorption involves concern for future generations, resulting in unselfish guidance to younger people. Integrity vs. despair involves overcoming the tendency to dwell on mistakes of the past, as well as the imminent presence of death.

  6. :: Slide 31 :: :: Slide 32 :: Many landmarks in adult development involve transitions in family relationships: marriage, parenthood, parent adolescent relations, and the empty nest syndrome. Young adults are becoming increasingly postponing marriage, which may be a reflection on career opportunities for women, increased educational requirements for work, and increased emphasis on personal autonomy. Studies of marriage and marital satisfaction indicate that when spouses have differing role expectations, adjustment to marriage is more difficult. Research also shows highest rates of marital satisfaction at the beginning and end of the family cycle. Research shows that adjustment to parenthood proceeds more smoothly if unrealistic expectations are not held. In this video, couples express their reasons for remaining child-free. :: Slide 27 :: :: Slide XX :: Age related physical changes include changes in appearance, neuron loss, sensory loss, and hormonal changes. Research indicates that menopause is not as problematic as once thought. Cognitive functioning research indicates that general mental ability remains fairly stable, with small declines in IQ after age 60. Fluid intelligence is more likely to decline with age, while crystallized intelligence remains stable or increases. Mental speed declines in late adulthood, and memory losses have been reported in many studies. These are moderate and variable. This video shows declining mental acuity in aging adults, as well as measures taken to prevent the decline. Left blank :: Slide XX :: :: Slide XX :: Left blank Left blank

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