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Scholarship. Scholarship is an award rather than a qualification. Scholarship is the senior secondary school award for New Zealand's most able students. Learners who have been awarded Scholarship in a subject will have demonstrated :

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  1. Scholarship Scholarship is an award rather than a qualification.

  2. Scholarship is the senior secondary school award for New Zealand's most able students. Learners who have been awarded Scholarship in a subject will have demonstrated: • High level critical thinking, abstraction and generalisation, and • Ability to integrate, synthesise and apply knowledge, skills, understanding and ideas to complex situations.

  3. Background Depending on the learning area, a range of the following will have also been displayed: • Comprehensive content knowledge; • Effective communication; • Original or sophisticated solutions, performances or approaches; • Critical evaluation; • Flexible thinking in unfamiliar/unexpected contexts

  4. Background • Scholarships is awarded to 2-3% of the cohort in each subject • Cohort is defined as the candidates enrolled in the subject at NCEA Level 3 • Assessment is restricted to content of the L3 achievement standards for that subject, derived from L8 of the NZ curriculum or its equivalent • Candidates must be enrolled full-time at a NZ secondary school • To receive a Scholarship a candidate must be a permanent resident of New Zealand. • Award of Scholarship does not generate credits or contributes towards a qualification • Student performance be assessed against an assessment schedule that ensures a ranking of candidates is produced using marks or grades.

  5. Awards for successful candidates • The Scholarship Awards are: • Single Subject Award • For students who get Scholarship in up to two subjects • A 'one-off' award of $500 per subject • Top Subject Scholar Award • For students who are top in one of the 27 Scholarship subjects • $2,000 each year for three years as long as students maintain a 'B' grade average in tertiary study in a New Zealand institution • Scholarship Award • For students who get three Scholarship subjects • $2,000 each year for three years as long as students maintain a 'B' grade average in tertiary study in a New Zealand institution • Outstanding Scholar Award • For the top 40-60 students who get three Scholarship subjects with at least two outstanding performances • $5,000 each year for three years as long as students maintain a `B' grade average in tertiary studies in a New Zealand institution • Premier Award • For the very top 5 to 10 students who get three Scholarships with outstandingperformances • $10,000 each year for three years as long as students maintain at least a `B' grade average in tertiary studies in a New Zealand institution

  6. Scholarship Premier and Top Subject Award • The top performers in the 2009 NZ Scholarship examinations have been named by NZQA. • In total, 37 students make up the Premier Award and Top Subject Award winners for 2009. • For 2009, eight students gained Premier awards. These students gained at least four Scholarship subjects at Outstanding level, OR a total of five Scholarships, with three at Outstanding level, and were ranked in the top three nationally in at least two subjects. • Premier Awards, carry a monetary award of $30,000 over three years of tertiary study. Four of the eight Premier Award winners were also Top Subject Scholars. • LOOk at the following school for outstanding achievements: 57 scholarships http://www.saintkentigern.com/college/news.asp?CategoryID=9&ID=716

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