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Indigenizing the Academy: Engaging Joseph Gone's Critique

Explore the response to Joseph Gone's critique of Indigenous Research Methodologies, co-created by SSITA members, mentors, and elders. This project aims to engage in critical reflection and create a framework for Indigenist graduate students to respond to such critiques in academic knowledge production.

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Indigenizing the Academy: Engaging Joseph Gone's Critique

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beyond Gone Student Storytellers Indigenizing the Academy (SSITA) American Indigenous Research Conference, 2015 Salish Kootenai College, Montana

  2. Student Storytellers Indigenizing the Academy (SSITA) More than: 120 members 10 countries 69 institutions 58 reported tribal affiliations 5-10% graduated with degrees sought

  3. Joseph P. Gone“Considering Indigenous Research Methodologies: Critical Reflections by an Indigenous Knower” (October, 2014) 10 postulates of IRMs 3 Key Questions for Proponents of IRMs 8 Persistent Misgivings about IRMs 2 Takeaway Ideas about IRMs …in the context of academic knowledge production…

  4. SSITA members and mentors Discussing a response to Joseph Gone’s presentation following the 2014 American Indigenous Research Conference, Montana.

  5. Original Goals of Response • Engage J. Gone in conversation. • Co-create response with SSITA members, mentors, elders, and J. Gone. • Create a “framework” for Indigenist graduate students to respond to similar critiques. • J. Gone served as a proxy for the Academy. SSITA Members & Mentors

  6. May-June, 2015 J. Gone & co-authors submit final reflections. SSITA Response to Gone at HMW. Project Chronology Feb-Apr, 2015 “Response Matrix” established. October, 2014 J. Gone presents at 2014 AIRA Meeting. April, 2015 J. Gone engages in conversation with co-authors, S. Windchief’s class. October 2015 AIRA 2015 May, 2015 J. Gone responds to 1st draft of manuscript. J. Gone & co-authors talk via phone. December, 2014 Abstractaccepted by HMW Conference.

  7. Development of responsesWeekly Conversations

  8. Development of responsesResponse Matrix

  9. Development of responsesManuscripts

  10. How did you get over Gone?

  11. What next?

  12. For More Information

  13. We are grateful. Thank you.

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