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PERKINS BALANCE: Get Your Ideas Funded!

PERKINS BALANCE: Get Your Ideas Funded!. Lorrie Toni, Perkins Director, CCCS CACTA Mid-Winter Conference February 5, 2014. Workshop Objective. Perkins Director’s:. Yours:. Compose justifiable, detailed action step descriptions that support improvement of one

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PERKINS BALANCE: Get Your Ideas Funded!

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  1. PERKINS BALANCE:Get Your Ideas Funded! Lorrie Toni, Perkins Director, CCCS CACTA Mid-Winter Conference February 5, 2014

  2. Workshop Objective Perkins Director’s: Yours: Compose justifiable, detailed action step descriptions that support improvement of one Perkins Performance Metric.

  3. Desired Competencies • General understanding of Perkins Performance Metrics • Thinking about “solutions” • Including the 3 required elements in action step descriptions • Thinking and writing in detail • Knowing the difference between a Perkins Funded Project and an action step description

  4. Your Desired Competencies:

  5. Independent Assignment • Map a Funded Project • Map an Action Step Description • Review/edit page 2 • Review/edit page 4



  8. TEAM WORK5 TEAMS: List all possible solutions if there were deficiencies: Technical Skill Attainment Measured meaning Function meaning 2. Degrees/Certificates/ Diplomas/Student Retention 3. Placement 4. Non-Traditional Careers 5. Academic Skills Attainment (Secondary)

  9. Technical Skill Attainment (Secondary)

  10. Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas/Student Retention

  11. Placement

  12. Non-Traditional Careers

  13. Academic Skills Attainment (Secondary)

  14. What Does a Funded Project Look Like?

  15. What Does an Action Step Description Look Like?

  16. Solution Building • Analyze data • Define problem • Theories of Root Cause • Design Experiment to Test Theory • Analyze Results of Experiment (Data) • New knowledge

  17. TEAM WORK Build A Solution Using Sample Data Problem: Theories: Experiment: Expenses: Experiment Design Description:

  18. Test-a-Theory Planning Notes What will be done? What do we need to do it? Who will do what? When will we do this? What do we think will happen? How will we know whether it worked? When will we know whether it worked?

  19. Independent Assignment • Select one expense from your team’s “experiment” • Write an action step description for this expense

  20. Map A Perkins Request Form

  21. Large Group Feedback • Listen to an action step description, as written • Can you think of any questions

  22. Build a Funded Project Place your action step description into one of your Performance Metrics envelopes

  23. What About Expenses That Do Not Relate to A Perkins Deficiency? Problem: Why do you want it? Theories: What makes you think that is a good reason to buy it? Experiment: How will you know that was a good reason to buy it? Expenses: What is this going to cost?

  24. Action Step DescriptionParts 1 and 2 Only Do X: To Accomplish Y:

  25. Large Group Feedback • Listen to an action step description, as written • Can you think of any questions? • Can you think of a Perkins Metrics that this purchase would support? • If yes, how – in detail?

  26. Build a Funded Project Place your action step description into one of your Performance Metrics envelopes


  28. Is Your Perkins Local Plan Balanced?


  30. BALANCE OBJECTIVESWITH SOLUTIONS Lorrie Toni, Perkins Director, CCCS 303-595-1565, lorrie.toni@cccs.edu Lauren Jones, Career Guidance and Counseling and ACE, CCCS 720-858-2825, lauren.jones@cccs.edu

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