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Non-fiction ja autofiktio nykyromaanin lajityyppein

L?hteit?. Dolozel, Lubomir (1999): "Fictional and Historical Narrative Meeting the Postmodernist Challenge." David Herman (ed.), Narratologies: New Perspectives on Narrative Analysis.Heyne, Eric (2001): "Where Fiction Meets Nonfiction." Modern Fiction Studies 33.3.Hutcheon, Linda (2000): "Histori

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Non-fiction ja autofiktio nykyromaanin lajityyppein

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    1. Non-fiction ja autofiktio nykyromaanin lajityyppein 30.3.2009 Lotta Khknen Yleinen kirjallisuustiede

    2. Lhteit Dolozel, Lubomir (1999): Fictional and Historical Narrative Meeting the Postmodernist Challenge. David Herman (ed.), Narratologies: New Perspectives on Narrative Analysis. Heyne, Eric (2001): Where Fiction Meets Nonfiction. Modern Fiction Studies 33.3. Hutcheon, Linda (2000): Historiographic Metafiction. Michael McKeon (ed.), Theory of the Novel: A Historical Approach. Lehman, Daniel (1997): Matters of Fact: Reading Nonfiktion over the Edge. Zavarzadeh, Masud (1976): The Mythopoeic Reality: The Postwar American Nonfiction Novel.

    3. Lhteit, kotimainen tutkimus Lehtimki, Markku (2005): The Poetics of Norman Mailers Nonfiction: Self-Reflexivity, Literary Form, and the Rhetoric of Narrative. Koivisto, Pivi (2005): Minhn se olen! Miten elmst tulee fiktiota Pirkko Saision romaanissa Pienin yhteinen jaettava. Teoksessa Pirjo Lyytikinen (toim.) Lajit yli rajojen. Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden lajeja. Kosonen, Pivi (2000): Elmt sanoissa. Eletty ja kerrottu epjatkuvuus Sarrauten, Durasin, Robbe-Grillet'n ja Perecin omaelmkerrallisissa teksteiss. Lehtimki, Leisti & Rytknen (eds.) (2007): Real stories, imagined realities : fictionality and non-fictionality in literary constructs and historical contexts. Rojola, Lea (2002): Lheisyyden lyhk ky kaupaksi. Teoksessa Markku Soikkeli (toim.) Kurittomat kuvitelmat. Johdatus 1990-luvun kotimaiseen kirjallisuuteen.

    4. Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886) [--] nicht das Amt die Vergangenheit zu richten, die Mitwelt zum Nutzen zuknftiger Jahre zu belehren, sondern blo zu zeigen, wie es eigentlich gewesen ist. Geschichte der romanischen und germanischen Vlker von 1494 bis 1514 (1824)

    5. Roland Barthes Historian diskurssi (Le discours de l'histoire, 1967) - historiallinen diskurssi on jo pelkstn rakenteensa kautta ideologista tai imaginaarista kehittely - konstruktivistinen ksitys kielest ja signifikaatiosta; kieli merkkijrjestelmn, joka ei viittaa itsens ulkopuolelle - historiankirjoitus on diskurssi, joka kaunokirjallisuuden tapaan tuottaa toden tunnun ( leffet de rel)

    6. Non-fiction romaani Fiction proosamuotoinen kirjallisuus, joka kuvaa kuviteltuja tapahtumia ja ihmisi. vrt. kaunokirjallisuus ja fiktiivisyys Miten kaunokirjallisuuden kieli eroaa muusta kielenkytst? Poeettisuus, poeettinen funktio

    7. Truman Capote: In Cold Blood (1966) Parateksti: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences I wanted to produce a journalistic novel, something on a large scale that would have the credibility of fact, the immediacy of film, the depth and freedom of prose, and the precision of poetry. Truman Capote

    8. In Cold Blood Throughout his life as a child, poor and meanly treated, as a foot-loose youth, as an imprisoned man the yellow bird, huge and parrot-face, had soared across Perrys dreams, an avenging angel who savaged enemies or, as now, rescued him in moments of mortal danger: She lifted me, I could have been light as a mouse, we went up, up, I could see the Square below, men running, yelling, the sheriff shooting at us, everybody sore as hell because I was free, I was flying, I was better than any of them. (s. 257-258)

    9. In Cold Blood: Acknowledgements All the material in this book not derived from my own observation is either taken from official records or is the result of interviews with the persons directly concerned, more often than not numerous interviews conducted over a considerable period of time.

    10. Norman Mailer The Armies of the Night (1968) Parateksti: History as a Novel / The Novel as History Marilyn (1973) Parateksti: A Novel Biography The Excutioners Song (1980) Parateksti: A True-Life Novel

    11. Tom Wolfe:The Electronic Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968) [T]he thought slips into Normans flailing flash-frayed brain stem ::: the human lung cannot go beyond this ::: [--], his eardrums ring like stamped metal with it and suddenly Ghhhhhwooooooooowwwwww, it is like the whole thing has snapped. (s. 3)

    12. Dave Eggers A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (2000) kirjailijan muistelmat, sislt fiktiivisi elementtej What is the What (2006) Parateksti: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng / A Novel - lajityypiltn hybridi: sekoitus non-fiction romaania, muistelmia, omaelmnkertaa, biografiaa ja kasvutarinaa (coming-of-age-story =bildungsroman/kehitysromaani)

    13. What is the What (2006): esipuhe [--] Dave and I have collaborated to tell my story by way of tape recording, by electronic mailings, by telephone conversations and by many personal meetings and visitations. [--] I told Dave what I knew and what I could remember, and from that material he created this work of art. It should be known to the readers that I was very young when some of the events in the book took place, and as a result we simply had to pronounce What Is the What a novel. I could not, for example, recount some conversations that took place seventeen years ago. However it should be noted that all of the major events in the book are true. The book is historically accurate, and the world I have known is not different from the one depicted within these pages. We live in a time where even the most horrific events in this book could occur, and in most cases, did occur. For example, between May 16, 1983 and January 9, 2005 over two and one-half million people died of war and war-related causes in Sudan, over four million people were internally displaced in southern Sudan and nearly two million southern Sudanese took refuge in foreign countries. [--] I wanted to reach out to others to help them understand Sudans place in our global community.

    14. What is the What? When I first came to this country, I would tell silent stories. I would tell them to people who had wronged me. [--] The stories emanate from me all the time I am awake and breathing, and I want everyone to hear them. Written words are rare in the villages like mine, and it is my right and obligation to send my stories into the world, even if silently, even if uttered powerless. (29)

    15. What is the What? My plans are jumble for now, but I do know certain things that I will and will not do. (s. 533) Whatever I do, however I find a way to live, I will tell these stories. [--] I will tell stories to people who will listen and to people who dont want to listen, to people who seek me out and to those who run. All the while I will know that you are there. How can I pretend that you dont exist? It would be almost as impossible as you pretending that I do not exist. (s. 535)

    16. Autofiktio Serge Doubrovsky Fils (1977), autofiktio termi esiintyy esipuheessa Kirjailijan niminen henkil esiintyy romaanin phenkiln Rikkoo realistista esittmist/referentiaalisuutta Intertekstuaalisuus, metafiktiivisyys

    17. Autofiktio Muita ranskalaisia autofiktion kirjoittajia: juuret modernismissa vrt. Marcel Proust, Louis-Ferdinand Cline, Jean Genet, Nathalie, Sarraute, Herv Guibert, Camille Laurens Pirkko Saision omaelmnkerrallinen trilogia (1998-2003), kertoo fiktiivisest henkilst nimelt Pirkko Saisio Pienin yhteinen jaettava (1998), Vastavalo (20000), Punainen erokirja (2003)

    18. Pienin yhteinen jaettava Trmilin looseihin ja minut pysytti ruokalista, jonka kiinalainen tarjoilija tynsi kteeni: - Huv piv. Ja hn nkee itsens istumassa kiinalaisen ravintolan pehmell loosipenkill tutkimassa ruokalistaa. Nyt olen naurettava, hn ajattelee. (s. 17)

    19. Pienin yhteinen jaettava Hn laskeutuu veteen, joka on kylm ja sameaa, ja yritt sanoilla pyydyst kuvaansa ilkest, rikkoutuneesta peilist. Eik hn ne itsen, sanoilla kuvaamatonta; tarkoituksettomasti huojuvat merikasvit ovat varastaneet kuvankin. Silti hn vedest noustuaan jatkaa valheista suurinta: sanoilla, uupuneilla merkeill rakentamista, tmn kirjan kirjoittamista (s. 202)

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