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Origins and Growth of Christianity in the Roman Empire

Learn about the central features of Christianity, its spread in the Mediterranean, reasons for Roman mistreatment, and its eventual acceptance in the Empire. Discover how Christian doctrine evolved, leading to the formation of the New Testament and the distinctions between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

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Origins and Growth of Christianity in the Roman Empire

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 13.2 The Early Church

  2. SPI 6.68 • 6.68 Describe the origins and central features of Christianity. (C, G, H, P) · monotheism · the belief in Jesus as the Messiah and God’s Son · the concept of resurrection · the concept of salvation · belief in the Old and New Testaments · the lives, teachings and contributions of Jesus and Paul · the relationship of early Christians to officials of the Roman Empire

  3. Christianity and the Empire • Many people in the Mediterranean world became Christians

  4. Christianity Spreads • Factors that contributed to Christianity Spreading • 1. well-constructed roads • allowed people to travel from on region to another • 2. attractive message • Roman religion required people to honor emperor and the state • Christianity gave people hope that even if life was bad on Earth, there was a promise of a better lif • 3. provided its followers with security • Christian communities took responsibility for the needs of others

  5. Why Did Romans Mistreat Christians? • 1. Felt Christians were a threat to empire • 2. Romans worshipped emperor as a god • 3. Christians only worshipped God • 4. Christians did not support warfare as a way to solve problems • 5. Refused to serve in army

  6. Why Did Romans Mistreat Christians? • Romans blames Christians for causing natural disasters • Nero said Christians started the fire that burned Rome • Christianity was outlawed • Christians became martyrs- someone who would rather die than give up their beliefs

  7. Despite mistreatment, Christianity continued to grow

  8. The Empire Accepts Christianity • Diocletian carried out last great persecution of Christianity • Constantine becomes a supporter of Christianity

  9. Edict of Milan • Decree that allowed all religions to be practiced in the empire, including Christianity • Constantine and his mother, Helena built Christian Churches in Rome and Jerusalem

  10. Theodosius • Emperor Theodosius banned Greek and Roman religions and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire

  11. Organizing the Church • As the number of more Christians grew, the church had to become more organized

  12. Church Doctrine • Bishops met in councils to define the teachings of the Church • Wanted to make sure that Christians practiced the same beliefs • Decisions they reached at these councils were accepted as doctrine-official church teachings • Ideas the bishops rejected were heresies-teachings that did not support the Christian faith

  13. What Writings Shaped Christianity? • Church leaders preserved stories about Jesus and the writings of the apostles • Christians believe the four apostles of Jesus wrote Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

  14. Gospel • Each account of Jesus’ life was called a gospel- or “good news” • Christians combined the gospels with writings of other Christian leaders and Paul to create the New Testament

  15. New Testament • New Testament was added to the Greek version of the Jewish sacred writings to form the Christian Bible

  16. The Bishop of Rome • Bishop of Rome claimed power over other bishops • People began to call the Bishop of Rome the pope • Latin churches became Roman Catholic Church • Greek-speaking Christians became the Eastern Orthodox Church

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