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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 父亲节快到啦,别忘了对父亲说一声“谢谢”!. Happy Father’s Day. We all remember to thank mums for their hard work and love, but how often do we thank dads? Do you know when Father’s Day is?

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 父亲节快到啦,别忘了对父亲说一声“谢谢”!父亲节快到啦,别忘了对父亲说一声“谢谢”! Happy Father’s Day We all remember to thank mums for their hard work and love, but how often do we thank dads? Do you know when Father’s Day is? Father’s Day is on the third Sunday in June. We celebrate this day to honour our fathers all over the world.

  3. If you want to make your dear father happy, here is your chance. 3 Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day: ● Remember to say “thank you” and “I love you” to your dad. Let him know how important he is in your life. ● Give a gift to your dad. A kiss will make him feel pleased. ● Which sport does your dad love to play? Play with him!

  4. 父亲节的来历: 父亲节发源于美国,由一位叫布鲁斯·多德的夫人倡导设立。多德夫人的母亲在生育第六个孩子时,因难产而去世。她的父亲独自抚养、教育了六个孩子。等到孩子们都长大成人,父亲却因过度劳累,于1909年辞世。多德夫人为了表达对父亲的敬意,提议设立父亲节。于是,1910年6月19日,多德夫人所在的城市举行了全世界第一次父亲节庆祝活动。

  5. let the cat out of the bag Meaning: give away a secret, let the secret out 泄露秘密 Story:在古代的西方,乳猪都是放在袋子里交易的。由于乳猪在当时非常抢手,所以许多不法商贩会趁买家不注意,偷偷将流浪猫充当乳猪放进袋子出售。等买家回到家,“把猫从袋子里放出来”,才发现受骗上当了。于是,渐渐地let the cat out of the bag便成了“泄露秘密”的意思。 Example:I won’t let the cat out of the bag. 我不会泄露秘密的。

  6. Word Bank 超纲词汇 remember /rI'memb=/ v.记得 celebrate /'selIbreIt/ v.庆祝 honour /'^n=/ v.对……表示尊敬 chance /t51:ns/ n.机会 important /Im'p6:t=nt/adj.重要的 life /laIf/ n. 生命,生活 kiss /kIs/ n. 亲吻

  7. pleased /pli:zd/ adj. 高兴的,满意的 all over the world 世界各地

  8. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  9. Word Bank 核心词汇 fall /f6:l/ n.秋天,fall作动词还有“落下”的意思

  10. 传说有一棵心形的树,会随着四季变幻出奇异的美丽风景。传说有一棵心形的树,会随着四季变幻出奇异的美丽风景。 A Heart-shaped Tree In spring, the tree is green. You can see butterflies and ladybirds in it. They are lovely. In summer, the tree is colourful. You can smell the flowers and fruits. They are sweet.

  11. In autumn, the tree is yellow and orange. You can hear the leaves falling. It is quiet. In winter, the tree is blue and white. You can touch the snowflakes. They are cold.

  12. 让我们跟随季节来了解更多中国的传统节日吧。让我们跟随季节来了解更多中国的传统节日吧。 Festivals of the Four Seasons

  13. Qingming Festival 清明节 The Qingming Festival is a day for people to remember the dead and sweep the tombs. But do you know? It is also a time to have a picnic or fly a kite. Qixi Festival 七夕 The Qixi Festival originated from the love story of “the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl.” On this day, young girls usually do some needlework and wish to find a good husband.

  14. Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 On the Mid-autumn Festival, the moon is the brightest and roundest of the year. People go back home and have a dinner with their family. After the dinner, they enjoy the full moon and eat mooncakes. Lantern Festival 元宵节 People can see the first full moon at the night of the Lantern Festival. They solve riddles on the lanterns and eat sweet dumplings.

  15. 春去秋来,四季轮换,这是大自然的规律哦。 Nature’s Way Winter is cold with snowflakes falling. Spring becomes warm with rain. Summer is hot and you go swimming. Autumn is cool and leaves change colour. This is nature’s way. Things change from day to day. Seasons come and seasons go. Winter, spring, summer and fall. Seasons come and seasons go. Winter, spring, summer and fall. This is nature’s way. Things change from day to day.

  16. 课外点拨 中国传统节日的英文译法 中国的传统节日在英语中应该怎么翻译呢?这里面其实大有学问哦。归纳下来,主要有“直译”和“意译”两种翻译方法。下面就让我们来了解一下吧。 直译,顾名思义,就是按照字面意思直接翻译,如:“清明节”可以按照中文拼音直译为Qingming Festival。而意译,则是取该节日的传统习俗或象征物品进行翻译,如:清明节有扫墓的习俗,所以也可以意译为Tomb-sweeping Day,即“扫墓日”。   类似的例子在中国传统节日中还有很多。   “中秋节”可以直译为Mid-autumn Festival。此外,由于中秋节有吃月饼的习俗,所以也可以翻译成Mooncake Festival,即“月饼节”。

  17. “七夕”既可以直译为Qixi Festival,也可以意译为Chinese Valentine’s Day,因为七夕也被称为“中国的情人节”。 还有大家熟知的“春节”,一般我们直译为Spring Festival,但对老外来说,意译的Chinese New Year可能更便于理解。 需要注意的是:有些节日我们通常只采用一种固定说法,如:“端午节”意译为Dragon Boat Festival,“重阳节”意译为Double Ninth Festival,而不常采用它们的音译形式。

  18. 周周练 请用两种不同的英文译法表示这些中国传统节日。 Mid-autumn Festival Mooncake Festival Chinese Valentine’s Day Qixi Festival Spring Festival Chinese New Year

  19. Word Bank 超纲词汇 remember /rI‘memb=/ v.记得 colourful /'k2l=f=l/ adj. 五彩缤纷的 snowflake /'sn=UfleIk/ n. 雪花 remember /rI'memb=/ v. 纪念 dead /ded/ n.死者 tomb /tu:m/ n.坟墓 also /'6:ls=U/ adv.也,还 husband /‘h2zb=nd/ n.丈夫

  20. mooncake /'mu:nkeIk/ n.月饼 lantern /'l7nt=n/ n.灯笼 nature /'neIt5=/ n.大自然 change /t5eInd3/ v.变化,改变 heart-shaped心形的 originate from 起源于 love story 爱情故事

  21. the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl 牛郎和织女cowherd=牧牛人,weaving=编织,动词原形为weave do needlework 做针线活 full moon 满月 solve riddles 猜谜语 sweet dumpling 汤团,元宵 from day to day 日复一日,一天天地

  22. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  23. 要出门?记得先把房间整理干净哦! Clean My Room Up Jane: Frank, can you help me clean things up before we go? Frank: Sure. Where should I put this cup? Jane: Which cup? Frank: The red one. Jane: Put it on the table. Frank: And those pencils? What should I do with them?

  24. Jane: Put them in the bedroom. Frank: How about this pen? Jane: Give it to me. I need to use it. Frank: What do you want me to do with that paper over there? Jane: You can throw that away. I don’t need it anymore. Frank: Look! The trash is full. Jane: All right, then please put it in a bag and take it outside. Frank: OK. Now what? Jane: I think we’re finished. Can you please turn off the lights and shut the door? Frank: Sure.

  25. The Rabbit Rabbit, rabbit, Long, long ears, Red, red eyes, And white, white skin. Hopping all the day to my home, Waiting for the carrots as favourite food.

  26. I have to go to the john. 如果听到有人这么说,千万不要以为他/她是去拜访一位叫做John的朋友。其实,john在美国俚语中有“卫生间”的意思,所以这句话的真实含义是“我想去一下洗手间”。 Sam: I have to go to the john. Mary: OK. I will wait for you in the car.

  27. Word Bank 超纲词汇 should /5Ud/ v. aux. 应该, shall的过去式 anymore /;enI'm6:/ adv. 不再(常用于疑问句或否定句中) trash /tr75/ n.垃圾 finished /'fInI5t/adj. 完成了的,结束了的 skin /skIn/ n. 皮肤

  28. as /7z/ prep.作为 clean ... up 把……整理干净 do with 处理 throw away 扔掉 Now what? 现在(做什么)呢? turn off 关掉 all the day 一整天 wait for 等待

  29. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  30. 国王很生气,后果很严重! A Flower a Day (I)

  31. Once upon a time, there were two boys. They lived in a palace and worked for the king. One of the boys liked a girl. One day, this boy saw a big vase of lovely flowers. He liked the flowers very much, and he took one to give to the girl. The girl liked the flower. So the boy did the same thing the next day, and the next, and the next ... One day, the king noticed that his flowers were missing. He was very angry, and he called everyone to him.

  32. Word Bank 超纲词汇 palace /'p7lIs/ n.宫殿 king /kI9/n.国王 vase /veIs/ n.花瓶 notice /'n=UtIs/ v. 注意到, 察觉到 missing /'mIsI9/ adj. 遗失的, 找不到的 angry /‘79GrI/ adj. 生气的, 愤怒的

  33. everyone /'evrIw2n/ pron.所有人 once upon a time 从前 the next day 第二天

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