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A Brief History of History

A Brief History of History. Herodotus (484-425 BCE) – “Father of History”. Statue of Herodotus. Persian Empire. Persia had the largest empire in the world at the time (late 500s/early 400s BCE) Persia ruled land in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia

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A Brief History of History

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Brief History of History • Herodotus (484-425 BCE) – “Father of History” Statue of Herodotus

  2. Persian Empire • Persia had the largest empire in the world at the time (late 500s/early 400s BCE) • Persia ruled land in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia • Through many battles, Persia grew into an empire by conquering its neighbors • By 480 BCE, Persian Empire had 50 million people (44% of world population at the time)

  3. Source

  4. Ionian Revolt - 546 BCE • Persians conquered wealthy Greek colonies in Ionia (Asia Minor-modern Turkey) • Persians took Ionians’ farmland and harbors • Forced Ionians to pay tributes (regular payments of goods, like taxes) • Forced Ionians (who were Greek) to serve in Persian army • 493 BCE - Ionians attempted a rebellion but were defeated by Persians

  5. Ionian Revolt – 546 BCE Source

  6. Persia Attempts to Conquer Greece • After Ionian Revolt, Persian King Darius decided to conquer Greek city-states • He expected the Greeks to hand over tribute and accept Persian rule • The Greeks rejected Darius’ command • 490 BCE - Darius sent a large army of foot soldiers and cavalry (soldiers who ride horses) across the Aegean Sea by boat to Greece

  7. Persia Attempts to Conquer Greece Greek hoplite (soldier) and Persian warrior depicted fighting King Darius I of Persia

  8. With students at your table, figure out what needs to go into your cue column and summary box.

  9. Visualizing the Persian Wars • Glue in the graphic organizer on the next page. • In a pair/triad, read through each of the events of the Persian Wars, determine importance, and visualize the information on your graphic organizer. https://sites.google.com/site/thepersianwars/ • `

  10. Persian Wars: Summarizing & Synthesizing • Title the next page in your notebook Persian Wars: Summarizing & Synthesizing. • When Herodotus summarized and synthesized the history of the Persian Wars, it took him 9 large books to write it. • But what if Herodotus had tweeted it? • In your notebook, draft a tweet that answers the guiding question below (remember that tweets are no longer than 140 characters, including letters, spaces, and punctuation): What caused the Persian Wars and how did they end? • Then, log in to Edmodo and post your tweet to the Herodotus post (make sure you spell-check before posting).

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