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Valves. Objectives. Compare a K valve to a DIN Valve. Describe a J valve. Describe a manifold. Describe the proper use of a valve. Describe the safety features of a valve. Main Points. K Valves DIN Valves J Valves Redundant Valve Systems Valve components Burst Disc

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Valves

  2. Objectives • Compare a K valve to a DIN Valve. • Describe a J valve. • Describe a manifold. • Describe the proper use of a valve. • Describe the safety features of a valve.

  3. Main Points • K Valves • DIN Valves • J Valves • Redundant Valve Systems • Valve components • Burst Disc • Proper Use of Valves

  4. K Valve • K valve • Simple on/off valve • Most common in use today

  5. DIN • Female threaded receiver for a male threaded regulator first Stage • More secure as the “O” Ring is captured • Typically used in high pressure systems (3500 psi)

  6. J Valve • On-off valve with low air warning • Identified by lever on side of valve opposite on-off knob • When used with a SPG the lever should always be down • Lever should be down when filling

  7. Redundant Systems H Valve “Y” Valve/Slingshot Manifold

  8. Valve Components • O Ring • Hand Wheel • Dip Tube

  9. Safety Feature • Burst disc • Designed to burst at slightly below hydro pressure • Prevents tank rupture in the event of • Overfilling • Overheating

  10. Valve Use Prior to mounting regulator • Inspect “O” Ring for cracks, etc. • Keep hands away from on/off knob • Gently open valve to allow some air to escape • Blows out moisture and contaminants

  11. Valve Use cont. With regulator mounted • Depress purge as you gently open valve 1/4 to ½ turn • Release purge and listen for leaks • No leaks • open valve completely and close ¼ turn • Leak present • Close valve and determine source of leak

  12. Valve Use cont. • Closing valve • Close gently • Closing with excessive force will wear out valve stem or seat • Always carry the cylinder with the valve opening facing away from you.

  13. Main Points • K Valves • DIN Valves • J Valves • Redundant Valve Systems • Valve components • Burst Disc • Proper Use of Valves

  14. Objectives • Compare a K valve to a DIN Valve. • Describe a J valve. • Describe a manifold. • Describe the proper use of a valve. • Describe the safety features of a valve.

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