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TE-EPC. LINAC4 BCC Transfer Line Powering. 1. Overview Transfer Line Power Converters TL Quadrupoles TL Steerers TL Bendings Integration (Bat 400, Bat 363) Planning. Workpackage (from 3MeV). Workpackage (Transfer Line). Bat 400. Bat 363. Bat 361. Bat 363/361.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TE-EPC LINAC4 BCC Transfer Line Powering D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering 1

  2. Overview Transfer Line Power Converters TL Quadrupoles TL Steerers TL Bendings Integration (Bat 400, Bat 363) Planning D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  3. Workpackage (from 3MeV) D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  4. Workpackage (Transfer Line) Bat 400 Bat 363 Bat 361 Bat 363/361 D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  5. Quadrupole Power Converters D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  6. Quadrupole Power Updates D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  7. Quadrupole Power Updates D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  8. Quadrupole Powering All Quadrupole Pulsed Power Converters (maxidiscap) will be extended Using latest, more compact, capacitor technology Negligible cost increase Compatible with all proposed magnet designs Standard system for LINAC and TL Power module production Invitation to tender will be launched in September 2011 Series production of power modules will start ~May 2012 FGC Electronic development ongoing Series production from ~March 2012 Rack cabling, distribution and filter chassis Begins November 2011 D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  9. Steerer Power Converters D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  10. Steerer Power Converters D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  11. Steerer Powering All Steerer Pulsed Power Converters (mididiscap) identical Standard system for LINAC and TL Power module production Series production of power modules will start ~July 2012 FGC Electronic development ongoing Series production from ~March 2012 Rack cabling, distribution chassis Begins November 2011 D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  12. Bending Power Converters The assumption is that the total magnet inductance/resistance remains the same for 3x magnets What will be the characteristics for the LBS magnet? D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  13. Bending Power Converters Type 1: [±450V, ±450A], 200Arms Type 2: [±450V, ±900A], 400Arms D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  14. Bending Powering All Bending Power Converters based on same template Type 2 for all systems except BHZ40 (Type 1) Power converter production Production at CERN Purchasing will begin later this year Assembly and test late 2012 and 2013 FGC Electronic development ongoing D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  15. Planning - overview Mar 2013 Jun 2012 Jan 2013 May 2013 Jan 2013 July 2013 Jan 2014 PSB Modifications Transfer Line to PSB 3 MeV Front End (re-used from 3 MeV Test Stand) Linac4 machine -BI Septa (x3) -Foil Chicane (x4) -Q-strip Trim (x8) -BI BVT (x1) • -H- source; (x4) • Klystron Modulator (x1) • Quadrupole magnets (x11) • Steering magnets (DC) (x8) • Solenoid magnets (x2) • Testbench magnets (x5) -Bending magnets (x5) -Quad DC magnets (x2) -Quad magnets (x18) -Steering magnets (x26) -LBS (x1) • Klystron Modulators (x13) • Quadrupole magnets (x20) • Steering magnets (x24) 52 newpower converters D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering 15 15

  16. Conclusion Quadrupole powering design has been updated Fruitful discussions with magnet team Common design Steerers remain unchanged compared to LINAC4 machine Bendings expected to be compatible with new magnet design LBS magnet parameters to be confirmed Some magnets in the LBE line to be confirmed Quadrupoles and steerers pulsed? BI.BVT magnet parameters to be confirmed D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

  17. END D. Nisbet – LINAC4 TL Powering

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