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The code Breakers Detailed Design Presentation

The code Breakers Detailed Design Presentation. The Bicycle Powered Irrigation Device Team Members: Ali Ashraf Ahmed Samir Mushfiq. Outline. Introduction Product modification Subsystem Conclusion. Introduction. Revised client statement

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The code Breakers Detailed Design Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The code Breakers Detailed Design Presentation The Bicycle Powered Irrigation Device Team Members: Ali Ashraf Ahmed Samir Mushfiq

  2. Outline • Introduction • Product modification • Subsystem • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Revised client statement • The client required a bicycle powered irrigation device which is easy to use, durable, cheap, safe as well as easy to maintain. It should also be able to lift the water 2 meter high at a rate of minimum 2 gallons per minute and the bike should also easily return to its normal use. • A preliminary report was submitted with 3 design evaluated and the best one chosen. • This design was studied in more detail and is explained in this presentation

  4. Product modification

  5. Product Modification

  6. Subsystems • Water lifting • Transition • Water collection • Bike support • Motor support

  7. Bike support 0.33m Table 1: Bill of materials for the transition subsystem:

  8. Transition system

  9. Transition subsystem Steel rod Secondary Wheel 0.18m 40° 0.138m 0.30m 0.23m Table 2: Bill of materials for the transition subsystem:

  10. Water lifting subsystem Shaft connecting impeller to power source Discharge pipe 0.5m Water inlet Table 3: Bill of materials for the lifting subsystem: Axial of the impeller

  11. Transition system

  12. Water collection subsystem Table 4: Bill of materials for the collection subsystem:

  13. Water collection subsystem Container Square rod Base sheet

  14. Motor support subsystem Shaft 0.138m 0.40m 0.25m Table 5: Bill of materials for the motor support subsystem:

  15. Conclusion Any Questions

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