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Mesopotamia: The Birthplace of Civilization

Explore the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia, where nomads transformed into farmers and developed advanced agriculture along the fertile river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates. Discover how Sumerians excelled in farming, writing, and governance in this informative journey back in time.

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Mesopotamia: The Birthplace of Civilization

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  1. Crescent Shape Fertile= Good for growing crops Rivers= water for People, animals, crops, trade, transportation

  2. Mesopotamia : Nomads to Farmers Movie Questions • 1.What was the first thing the Sumerians got really good at? • Farming and agriculture • 2. Why was Sumer such a good location for farming? • It was located in a river valley • 3. What does Mesopotamia mean? • Land between two rivers • 4. What do the rivers leave behind that make the land good for growing crops? • Rich soil • 5. What types of food did the Sumerians grow and eat? • Barley, wheat, beans, vegetables, melons, dates, apples, figs, grapes, milk,Cheese, meat, fish

  3. 6. What did the Sumerians build to control the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers? • Levees • 7. What tool did the Sumerians develop that helped them plant? • Plow pulled by oxen • 8. How many months and days did the Sumerian calendar have? • Calendar based on moon and stars with 12 months and 30 days • 9. What was their system of writing called? • Cuneiform • 10.Sumerians were the first people to write down their.... • Laws

  4. 11. What was their best invention? • The wheel • 12. The villages in Sumer eventually got bigger and were called.... • City-states • 13. What were Sumerian temples called? • Ziggurats • 14. Who lived in the larger two-story houses near the temple? • Wealthy people like priests and merchants • 15. Who lived farther away from the temple in one-story houses? • Craftsmen and shopkeepers

  5. 16. What did they make their bricks out of? • Mud baked in the sun • 17. What types of jobs were there in Sumer? • Scribes, fishermen, grain grinders, potters, traders, musicians, slaves • 18. Who owned the land and everything on it? • The gods • 19. How did the people get their food? • They gave the gods everything they grew and then the priests would distribute it to all the people • 20. Who ruled each city-state and how was he chosen? • A king chosen by the gods

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