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Overview of JET results. J.Pamela et al. 20 th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 1-6 November 2004 Vilamoura, Portugal. International Collaborations. Acknowledging all contributors to the programme. EFDA Parties. 46 Laboratories Worldwide
Overview of JET results J.Pamela et al. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 1-6 November 2004 Vilamoura, Portugal
International Collaborations Acknowledging all contributors to the programme EFDA Parties 46 Laboratories Worldwide Special thanks to Task Force Leaders and Operator (UKAEA)
JET’s contribution in preparation of ITER I- Optimising Fusion Performance II- Preparing for Long Pulse Operation III- Optimising wall and divertor conditions (power deposition in steady and transient conditions ) IV- Controlling plasma in Real Time V- Preparing for Burning Plasma Experiments Trace Tritium Experimentoverview by D.Stork (OV/4-1 Tuesday)
r* & n* kept constant Projected plasma performance Q ~ btE B2 IPB98(y,2) D.McDonald EX 6-6 I- Optimising Fusion Performance b-scaling of confinement could be more favourable than IPB98(y,2) (joint JET/DIII-D experiment) Further experiments with more heating required to reduce uncertainty and study b limit
Peaking at low * independent of Prf/Ptot (and of li) Density Peaking H.Weisen A.Zabolotsky EX/P6-31 Collisionality Confirmation of AUG results I- Optimising Fusion Performance Density profiles are peaked in H-mode at low collisionality => could lead to higher fusion power in ITER • Confirmation of extrapolation to ITER requires further experiments : • dominant electron heating • extension to (high bN, low r*)
BT= 3.2T IP= 2 MA PLH = 1.9 MW PNBI = 8.6 MW PICRH = 6.6 MW ITB (r/a~0.4) A.Tuccillo, EX1-1 D. Frigione, C. Challis, M. de Baar, EPS 2003 I- Optimising Fusion Performance High density Internal Transport Barriers with Pellet fueling SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS TOWARDS ITER RELEVANT CONDITIONS • ne(0) ~ 0.7 x 1020 m-3(~ nGreenwald) • Te ~ Ti • Low toroidal rotation ( 4 times smaller than in standard ITB's)
D module ‘A’ - conventional matching module ‘B’ - conventional matching module ‘D’ - conventional matching I- Optimising Fusion Performance ICRH: Proof of Principle of ELM Resilience with (External) Conjugate T Antenna Scheme ELMy Plasma amplifier ‘C’ - conjugate-T matching Higher average power, lesser strain on generators I.Monakhov, SOFT 2004 J-M.Noterdaeme SOFT 2004
V loop close to 0 for 20 seconds ~1.6 MA mostly current driven by heating systems and bootstrap current Record injected energy for JET : 326 MJ (Full CD also obtained in other pulses, 1.8MA during 6-7 s periods) A.Tuccillo, EX1-1 V.Pericoli, EPS2003 II- Preparing for Long Pulse Operation Advanced scenarios with ITBs: progress towards ITER Steady State scenarios
Asdex-U “Improved H-mode” confirmed in JET identity experiments Explored on JET at lower (r* ,n*) Power limited yet (not b-limited) For q95 ~4 b 3 N 1.7 T DIII-D Scenario confirmed for the 1st time with dominant RF- heating 2 3.1T AUG .T (AUG & DIII-D from 3.4T ITPA database ) 1 AUG and DIII-D ITER JET 0 1 3 5 7 9 E. Joffrin, G. Sips EX/4-2 C. Gormezano EPS2004 -3 r * X 10 II- Preparing for Long Pulse Operation Confirmation of "hybrid" scenarios on JET
3MW LHCD coupled at 10-11cm distance between LCFS and launcher with D2 injection (81021el/s) near the coupler in ELMy plasma J.Mailloux EX/P4-28 A. Ekedahl, EPS 2004 II- Preparing for Long Pulse Operation LHCD: ITER-relevant large distance coupling Together with the successful test of the PAM coupler on FTU: important milestone achieved for LHCD towards ITER
Radiation in Divertor (bolometry) Before ELM After 1 MJoule type-I ELM Divertor target ablation must be avoided III- Optimising Wall and Divertor Conditions
III- Optimising Wall and Divertor Conditions The quest for mild ELM regimes • Mixed Type-I-Type-II at ne~nGd>0.4 up to 3MA • encouraging, but Type-I ELMs still there... (Stober, EX/P1-4 and Sartori EX/6.3) • N2 seeded high radiation type-III ELMy H-mode 2.5MA(see later) • At lower current (further from ITER r* and n*):(Stober, EX/P1-4) • - No controlled EDA modes found on JET (Alcator C-mod shape, 0.65MA) • - Type II ELM phases “à la AUG” found at ~0.9 MA • - grassy ELMy H-mode obtained under restrictive conditions (see later) • => unfavourable n* (or r*) dependence for EDA and type II ? • => strong edge shear needed ? • ELM MITIGATION REMAINS TOP PRIORITY • Impurity seeding / Edge ergodisation, see DIII-D / Pellet ELM-pacing, see AUG • + MORE MODELLING EFFORTS and ELMs PHYSICS
bp increases J. Stober EX/P1-4 G. Saibene EPS2004 III- Optimising Wall and Divertor Conditions The quest for mild ELM regimes (ctd) Grassy ELMs (similar to JT60-U) low Ip~1.2MA, q95~6-7, QDN, bp1.6 so far quite restrictive conditions / further exploration needed
J.Rapp et al. NF44 (2004)312 III- Optimising Wall and Divertor Conditions The quest for mild ELM regimes (ctd) Type III ELMy H-mode with N2 seeding confinement degradation could be a price to pay to achieve very mild edge conditions (radiation up to 95%) => this scenario could extrapolate to ITER (Q=10 at 17MA) => scaling needs to be determined
Plasma Thermal Energy Energy in Divertor (IR) A.Loarte IT/P3-34 V.Riccardo, submitted to PPCF and NF III- Optimising Wall and Divertor Conditions Energy balance in a wide range of disruption types • Only a fraction of Wthermal measured into the divertor (similar results with large ELMs power deposition) • => ITER divertor specifications wrt transients might be relaxed • => Consequences for ITER first wall to be assessed
JET #61995 F.Sartori, Albanese, De Tommasi/UKAEA, Ambrosini/ENEA, SOFT 2004 IV- Controlling the Plasma in Real Time Real Time Control of the Plasma Shape with the Extreme Shape Controller (XSC) Plasma shape kept constant even in the presence of large variations of bp and li => safe operation of highly shaped ITER-like configurations
q profile control r*Te control <- 7 seconds -> D.Moreau EX/P2-5, T.Tala TH/P2-9 A.Tuccillo EX/1-1 • 3T/1.7MA H89xbN ~ 3.4 IV- Controlling the Plasma in Real Time First simultaneous control of q-profile and ITB strength
fast D ions fast alphas Tomography constrained by plasma equilibrium Constrained by magnetic equilibrium A.Murari OV/P4-9, S.Sharapov EX/5-2a; V.Kiptili et al., PRL submitted V- Preparing for Burning Plasma Experiments Progress towards ITER Burning Plasma diagnostics Fast particle g-Tomography Application on ITER requires efficient neutron shielding (on-going work with Russian Federation)
Typical edge magnetics spectrogram showing Alfvén cascades together ICRF beatwaves and TAE antenna sweeping: Reflectometer in interferometric mode reveals unprecedented cascade evolution details showing modes up to n=16: TAE antenna Alfvén cascades ICRF beatwave Many more harmonics observed Sharapov et al PRL93 (2004) 165001 see also R.Nazikian EX / 5-1 Key tool for fast particle studies, in particular in advanced modes V- Preparing for Burning Plasma Experiments Alfvén Cascades Shot
#58934 core +90º phasing ICRH to make fast particles and large sawteeth (period up to 0.4s) q=1 -90º phasing ICRH for current drive sawtooth destabilisation R.Buttery, EX/7-1 LG.Eriksson et al PRL92 (2004)235004 V- Preparing for Burning Plasma Experiments ‘Monster’ sawtooth control Essential technique for ITER to control fast alphas stabilised sawteeth
Type III ELMs, N2 seeding (new development) Type I ELMs r* n* simultaneously achievable on JET (50MW at 5MA) ITER (Q=10, Ip= 15 MA, inductive): d=0.49 q95= 3 fGW= 0.85 H=1 bN=1.8 ITER (Q=10, Ip=17 MA, inductive) : d=0.49 q95=2.6 fGW= 1H=0.75bN=1.5DWELM/WTOT= 1% Prad/PTOT=75% Summary of ELMy H-Mode Development
Hybrid Mode or improved H-mode (new on JET) Plasmas with ITBs r* n* simultaneously achievable on JET (50MW at 5MA) In red, same normalisation as ITB mode ITER (PPA Q=5.4, Tburn=1000s): d= 0.48 q95=3.5 fGW=0.85 H=1bN=1.9 fBS=17% ITER (Q=5 Steady State): d=0.49 q95=5.5 fGW=0.8 H=1.5 bN=3 fBS=50% Nota Bene: much milder requirements used in the normalisation for Hybrid Mode Summary of advanced modes development
Conclusion: progress towards ITER • ITB Plasmas extended towards high performance, high density, long pulses • Hybrid modes confirmed on JET and extended towards ITER conditions Long Pulse modes and their control progressing well / scaling to be determined • High confidence in ELMy H-mode performance for ITER (Q=10 reference) • More favourable bN scaling and density peaking at low collisionality Likely to increase margins for high fusion performance on ITER • steady mild ELM regimes achieved with loss of confinement (N2 seeded Type III) or in restrictive conditions (grassy ELMs) Encouraging results on mild ELMs / Mitigation of ELMs remains top priority • Lower power fraction than foreseen in Divertor during transients (disruptions, ELMs) ITER Divertor and First Wall specificationsmay need revision • Erosion, SOL flows and deposition studies (results not shown, see PSI 2004) Favourable for T-retention / Be wall lifetime to be assessed • ITER-relevant ICRH (conjugate T) and LHCD coupling (large distance) • Real Time Control Demonstrations (highly shape plasmas; j(r) and T(r) profiles in ITB plasmas) • Advances in Burning Plasma Diagnostics (fast particles g-tomography, Alfvèn cascades, neutrons) Support to defining ITER auxiliaries progressing well
ORAL PRESENTATIONS reporting JET related results Tuesday 2 November OV4/1 Derek STORK Overview of Transport, Fast Particle and Heating and Current Drive Physics using Tritium in JET plasmas EX1/1Angelo TUCCILLODevelopment on JET of Advanced Tokamak operations for ITER EX1/4Wolfgang SUTTROPStudies of the "Quiescent H-mode" regime in ASDEX Upgrade and JET EX2/4-RaWojczek FUNDAMENSKIPower Exhaust on JET: an Overview of Dedicated Experiments FT1/3 Richard GOULDINGResults and Implications of the JET ITER-Like ICRF Antenna High Power Prototype Tests Wednesday 3 November TH2/1 Yueqiang LiuFeedback and Rotational Stabilization of Resistive Wall Modes in ITER EX4/2 Emmanuel JOFFRIN The "hybrid" scenario in JET: towards its validation for ITER IT1/2 Gabriella SAIBENEDimensionless identity experiments in JT-60U and JET Thursday 4 November EX5/1Raffi NAZIKIANEnergetic Particle Driven Modes in Advanced Tokamak Regimes on JET, DIII-D, Alcator C-MOD and TFTR EX5/2-Ra Sergei SHARAPOVExperimental studies of instabilities and confinement of energetic particles on JET and on MAST EX6/3 Roberta SARTORI Scaling Study of ELMy H-Mode Global and Pedestal Confinement at high triangularity in JET EX6/6 Darren McDONALDParticle and Energy Transport in Dedicated r*, b and n* Scans in JET ELMy H-modes TH5/3F NABAISCross-machine NTM physics studies and implications for ITER EX5/1 Richard BUTTERYCross-machine NTM physics studies and implications for ITER Saturday 6 November EX10/1 Volker PHILIPPS Overview of recent work on material erosion, migration and long-term fuel retention in the EU-fusion programme and conclusions for ITER
POSTER Contributions with JET related results OV/P4-9 A.Murari ·New developments in JET Neutron, Alpha Particle and Fuel Mixture Diagnostics with potential relevance to ITER EX/P1-2 P.Monier-Garbet Impurity-seeded ELMy H-modes in JET, with high density and sustainable heat load EX/P1-3 E.Solano ELMs, strike point jumps and SOL currents EX/P1-4 J.Stober Small ELM regimes with good confinement on JET and comparison to those on ASDEX Upgrade, Alcator C-mod, and JT-60U EX/P2-1 F.Crisanti JET RF dominated scenarios and Ion ITB experiments with no external momentum input EX/P2-5 D.Moreau Development of Integrated Real-Time Control of Internal Transport Barriers in Advanced Operation Scenarios on JET. EX/P2-22 T.Hender Resistive Wall Mode Studies in JET EX/P2-27 V.Plyusnin Study of runaway electron generation process during major disruptions in JET EX/P3-11 F.Rimini Development of Internal Transport Barrier scenarios at ITER-relevant high triangularity in JET EX/P4-5 B.Gonçalves On the momentum re-distribution via turbulence in fusion plasmas: experiments in JET and TJ-II EX/P4-26 P.Lamalle Expanding the operating space of ICRF on JET with a view to ITER EX/P4-28 J.Mailloux ITER Relevant Coupling of Lower Hybrid Waves in JET EX/P4-45 D.Testa Experimental Studies of Alfven Mode Stability in the JET Tokamak EX/P5-22 T.Loarer Overview of gas balance in plasma fusion devices EX/P6-18 P.Mantica Progress in understanding heat transport at JET EX/P6-31 H.Weisen Anomalous particle and impurity transport in JET TH/P2-9 T.Tala Progress in Transport Modelling of Internal Transport Barrier and Hybrid Scenario Plasmas in JET TH/P4-49 V.Yavorskij Confinement of Charged Fusion Products in Reversed Shear Tokamak Plasma TH/5-2Rb K.Gorelenkov Fast ion effects on fishbones and n=1 kinks in JET simulated by a nonperturbative NOVA-KN code TH/P5-18 D.Coster Integrated modelling of material migration and target plate power handling at JET IT/P3-32 G.Cordey The scaling of confinement in ITER with b and collisionality IT/P3-34 A.Loarte Expected energy fluxes onto ITER Plasma Facing Components during disruption thermal quenches from multi-machine data comparisons
165 days of experimentation on JET since October 2002 of which: - 10 days with reversed plasma Ip and Bt (BxB upwards) - 20 days in H and He plasmas - 20 days Trace Tritium Experiment / 3rd operation in Tritiumon JET / overview by D.Stork (OV/4-1 Tuesday morning) MkII-SRP divertor since 2002 (septum removed): - comparison septum/no septum - access to high ITER-like d From 2005: MkII-HD (high d) - 40 MW capability - ITER-like d at 3.5 - 4 MA
Trace Tritium Experiment (Oct. 2003)14 MeV D-Tneutrontomographyprovides time and spatialevolution of T distribution => Particle Transport studies, see D.Stork TuesdayOV/4-1 A.Murari OV/P4-9 L.Bertalot/S.Popovichev EPS 2004 V- Preparing for Burning Plasma Experiments
ITER shape High d Plasma Load Bearing Septum Replacement tiles : Increase power handling High Field Side Gap Closure tiles : protect divertor diagnostic cables Power Handling with ITER-like plasma shapes: modified divertor (MkII-HD) under installation • Handle up to MW power for s with strike point sweeping • More flexibility for ITER matched triangularity plasmas (dU~., dL~.) • Refurbishment of divertor diagnostics • Operation in
Reliable Power into H/L ICRF System /. A / dB couplers B JET-EP /. Internal conjugate T C / External conjugate T D
Tomography constrained by plasma equilibrium g-spectroscopy tomography of fast a- distribution a particle density measured by g emission in agreement with simulation adaptable for DT experiments using Li filters (collaboration with Russian Federation) Kiptily, UKAEA
a slowing down directly measured g’s from Be-a reactions (Ea > . MeV) V- Preparing for Burning Plasma Experiments First direct measurements of a-particle slowing down with g spectroscopy (Feb. ) Simulation of fusion a’s by ICRH acceleration of injected He particles • Behaviour well understood: successfully reproduced by Transport codes Kiptily/UKAEA
Reflectometer used in interferometer mode (Sept.) reveals unprecedented cascade evolution in much higher detail than ever before TAE antenna Alfvén cascades ICRF beatwave Many more harmonics observed Unprecedented details of evolution of Alfvèn cascades using relectometer Typical edge magnetics spectrogram showing Alfvén cascades together ICRF beatwaves and TAE antenna sweeping: Shot • Modes visible up to n= • world record resolution! Pinches/IPP-Garching, Buttery/UKAEA, PPPL
low r* with high (): scaling of E . / . MA in C ITER value confirmed at highest Ip = . MA and q= High gas-fuelling with PINIs not possible, maybe PINIs at . MA. More ICRH will be helpful in . No time for increase of q at . MA Symbols: . MA data at different q . MA in C/C R. Sartori, P. Lomas: IAEA
Topic : SOL and divertor physics C - reversed B allowed study of SOL flow E.. Mach No. Scans in: • q -. • Pin • ne • He vs D & CD puffs Symmetric component • Classical drifts Offset in flow • Ionisation driven • Ballooning transport • Turbulence driven • ……..? Inner divertor Erents, Pitts
T A S K F O R C E M MARS prediction: .li • Kinetic damping model bN NBI /MW Response rises as no-wall limit is crossed • No free parameters! Applied field/a.u. with-wall b limit Plasma response/a.u. Time (s) I- Optimising Fusion Performance RWM studies confirm damping model • Well described by modelling: Explore ‘error field amplification’ effects, which brake plasma rotation allowing wall mode growth... • Clear response seen: • Validates kinetic damping model • to allow prediction of rotational stabilisation thresholds for ITER
Transport Barrier T+ fuel ion transport in Advanced Modes Diffusion coefficient approached neoclassical value at Internal Transport Barrier TURBULENCE SUPPRESSED at Internal Transport Barriers K-D.Zastrow,D.Stork/UKAEA
. - . MA, q=. G. Cordey: EPS , D. McDonald: H-mode TCM , IAEA I- Optimising Fusion Performance Gyro-Bohm scaling confirmed up to r*/r*ITER~ Scaling law:wctE r*-.,but overall trend of JET data (grey dots) falls at lowr* => New scans at fixedbconducted / consistent withwctE r*-. overall trend in JET Data Base could be due tobcorrelation
Tomography constrained by plasma equilibrium V- Preparing for Burning Plasma Experiments MeV Neutron tomography Studies of tritium transport Excellent capability to predict T+ transport confirmed by MeV D-T neutronstomography (Oct. ) Bertalot, Angelone/ENEA, this conferencePopovichev/UKAEA
PRadMW Before ELM After ELM PNBI(MW) Wstored MJ MJ III- Optimising Wall and Divertor Conditions Studies of transient power load to the wall: Improved diagnosis of MJ Edge Localised Modes • Stored energy: W R • Radiation increases non-linearly with ELM size Wdia = MJ ELMs achievable on JET allow study of extreme transient power load conditions High radiation likely due to target ablation
-MA Shots without Current Hole -MA Shots with ITB and Cburrent Hole V- Preparing for Burning Plasma Experiments First direct measurements of a slowing down Comparison of the .-MeV-g decay time and calculated slowing-down time Plasmas with Current Hole show degraded a confinement / agrees with simulation V.Kiptili PRL and EPS
IR anomaly disappears over ~ pulses C restart C Rev B Matthews, Likonen Spectroscopy and Surface analysis confirm deposition in inner divertor during normal BxB operation L.Pickworth, P.Andrew III- Optimising Wall and Divertor Conditions Erosion and co-deposition normal and reversed BxB operation provide a consistent picture