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The Common Core State Standards. San Carlos School District White Oaks School - Principal’s Coffee September 20, 2013. Purposes for Today. Provide an overview of the history of the CCSS* Highlight implications for teaching and learning, including shifts in assessment
The Common Core State Standards San Carlos School District White Oaks School - Principal’s Coffee September 20, 2013
Purposes for Today • Provide an overview of the history of the CCSS* • Highlight implications for teaching and learning, including shifts in assessment • Connect the CCSS with our District Strategic Plan * Common Core State Standards
Brief History • December 2008 – National Governors Association, the Council of Chief State School Officers and Achieve, Inc. release a report urging U.S. leaders to adopt a common core of internationally benchmarked standards • Global competition is the focus • March 2009- NGA adopts a policy endorsing common standards joining the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the American Federation of Teachers
Brief History • Obama administration declares common standards a national priority designating $5 Billion in Race to the Top Funds. • September 2009 – 51 states and territories sign on (NOT Texas, Alaska, Virginia, Minnesota, Nebraska) • August 2010 – CA State Board of Education officially adopts the Common Core Standards with additions
http://www.edweek.org/media/benchmakring%20for%20success%20dec%202008%20final.pdfhttp://www.edweek.org/media/benchmakring%20for%20success%20dec%202008%20final.pdf “The race is on to build knowledge-filled innovation economies”
Overview of the CCSS • Clearer, Higher, Fewer • To Prepare Each Child for College/Career Readiness • English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics • Next Generation Science Standards coming next • Required end of year assessments (Starting in Gr. 3) • A combination of performance based tasks, constructed response tasks and multiple choice adaptive assessments • Digital library of formative assessment tools
Sample Tasks Grade 4 STAR Grade 4 Smarter Balanced (See handouts.)
Sample Task Sample Performance Task: Grade 7 Video Cameras in Classrooms – Prompt Some schools have installed video cameras in classrooms to ensure student safety. Your district is considering installing them in your school. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Write an essay for your School Board persuading them to support your position (claim) by providing arguments, clear reasons and relevant evidence to support your position (claim), citing information and sources using the articles.
The Heart of the Work “It will be a missed opportunity if the call to align curriculum to the Common Core...leads a school to add this or that to the curriculum…The real work on Common Core reform needs instead to revolve around creating systems of continuous improvement that result in teachers teaching towards clearer and higher expectations and doing this in more transparent, collegial and accountable ways…” Lucy Calkins, Mary Ehrenworth and Christopher Lehman, Pathways to the Common Core: Accelerating Achievement. Heinemann 2012
Meaningful Learning The CCSS specify WHAT students will learn. Project Based Learning (PBL) is one way we address HOW students will learn. Content AND process are important.
Next Steps at White Oaks Writing PLC: Opinion writing K-4 and Pathways to the Common Core Common Core: Collaborative planning and learning in ELA and Math Technology for Teaching and Learning: iPads K-2 and Google Chromebooks 3-4 Parents as partners: Everyday Math Night, Digital Citizenship Social/Emotional Learning: Expanded recess choices and supervision PBL: In depth training and support for first group of teachers and principal
Resources San Carlos School District’s Strategic Plan: http://www.sancarlos.k12.ca.us/strategic-plan/ Project Based Learning: http://www.bie.org/ Common Core State Standards: http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/ http://www.capta.org/sections/programs/e-standards.cfm Smarter Balanced Assessment: http://www.smarterbalanced.org/ Next Generation Science Standards: http://www.nextgenscience.org/