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Explore the cultural engagement initiatives and scholarship programs offered by UCA University in Andalusia. Discover seasonal courses in various locations, Atalaya project, and digital resources available, alongside personalized services and cultural products. Learn more at the provided links.
OEDC Horizon and Impact of Higher Education in the Development of the Region of Andalusia 26 de enero, 2010 Cultural Engagement Cultural engagement and the territory. Programmes with local, regional and national impact UCA University of the Bicentenary. Agreements and collaborations. Divulgation and personalised servicios offered to users. The Vicerrectorate has a Quality Management Manual, Services Chart and Process Map. Resulting from the internal and external evaluation process following the EFQM 242 model. 50 collaborating partners: official bodies, foundations, associations, groups and enterprises. MAP SHOWING UCA CULTURAL PRESENCE IN THE PROVINCE (BASED ON AGREEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES)
OEDC Horizon and Impact of Higher Education in the Development of the Region of Andalusia 26 de enero, 2010 Programmes & Activities (I) SEASONAL COURSES: 865 Scholarships offered Location of courses: CÁDIZ ALGECIRAS SAN ROQUE JEREZ CHICLANA Activities calendar: CULTURAL AGENDA 17 consecutive years Music, cinema, theatre, painting, photography, scientific and literary forums
OEDC Horizon and Impact of Higher Education in the Development of the Region of Andalusia 26 de enero, 2010 Programmes & Activities (II) ATALAYA Project: 10 Andalusian Universities. General Coordination: UCA- UNIA. Regional Government of Andalusia. Regional Ministry for Science, Innovation and Enterprise FLAMENCO ON LINE Andalusian iniciative with national uptake. 13 Universities participating. Open to Latin America. http://www.flamencoenred.tv/ Subproyect UCA-UNIA: CULTURAL OBSERVATORY 38 products on cultural management available. http://observatorioatalaya.es/ DIGITAL JOURNAL of the10 Andalusian universitieshttp://www.diezencultura.es/ agencia Andaluzapara el Desarrollodel flamenco. Junta de Andalucía
OEDC Horizon and Impact of Higher Education in the Development of the Region of Andalusia 26 de enero, 2010 University of the Bicentenary • Celebration of the BICENTENARY of the 1812 CONSTITUTION • AGREEMENTS, ACTIVITIES AND SCHOLARSHIPS 2009 • CRUE (Spanish Rectors Conference) Consortium for the Celebration of the Bicentenary Cadiz City Council • Provincial Council Commission for the Celebration of the Battle of Chiclana of 1811 Banco Santander • Cruzcampo Foundation Foundation Centre for Constitutional Studies ADHILAC • - MAIN ACTIVITIES: CADIZ1812 Conferences (annual)/ Course on Freedom of Expression • SAN FERNANDO History Conference When Spain was an Island • CHICLANA Course War and Revolution in the Province of Cadiz (1808 - 1814) • SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMMES & COURSES IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE BICENTENARY • Cadiz City Council: 2 full year scholarships for Latin Americans and Spaniards. Postgraduate studies. • 20 scholarships Constitutional Week. 2 Seminars Constitutional Week in UCA summer courses • Consortium for the Celebration of the Bicentenary: 3 scholarships for Latin Americans and Spaniards. Postgraduate studies. • 2 specific seminars in the UCA summer courses. • Bicentenary Office. Provincial Council: Specific seminar in UCA summer courses • Foundation Centre for Constitutional Studies: 2 specific scholarships for Constitutional Week
OEDC Horizon and Impact of Higher Education in the Development of the Region of Andalusia 26 de enero, 2010 Divulgation and Services Offered PROGRAMMES BASED ON DEMAND ANALYSIS STUDIES: http://www.usosculturalesuniversidadesandaluzas.es/ CULTURAL PROGRAMMES WITH PERMANENT AUDIOVISUAL SUPPORT. 66 VIDEOS AVAILABLE ON INTERNET: http://www.uca.es/web/actividades/memoriagrafica/indexvideos/ CULTURAL PRODUCTS WITH ARTISTIC QUALITY. 16 PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNALS LA KURSALA: http://www.uca.es/web/actividades/creacion/catalogos/index_html/ PERSONALIZED INFORMATION SERVICES: CLIENT SERVICES 2005-2008 2005 2006 2007 2008