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Equity and Excellence:

Equity and Excellence:. Liberating the NHS. White Paper outline. An NHS that puts patients and the public first …. …which focuses on improving healthcare outcomes…. …with more autonomy for professionals, and more accountability to patients ….

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Equity and Excellence:

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  1. Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS

  2. White Paper outline An NHS that puts patients and the public first… …which focuses on improving healthcare outcomes… …with more autonomyfor professionals, and more accountabilityto patients … …with reduced bureaucracy and improved efficiency… …leading to an NHS that achieves healthcare outcomes that are among the best in the world

  3. White Paper outline An NHS that puts patients and the public first… …which focuses on improving healthcare outcomes… …with more autonomyfor professionals, and more accountabilityto patients and the public… • Shared decision-making • An “information revolution” • Greater patient choice • Public/consumer voice through HealthWatch …with reduced bureaucracy and improved efficiency… …leading to an NHS that achieves healthcare outcomes that are among the best in the world

  4. White Paper outline An NHS that puts patients and the public first… …which focuses on improving healthcare outcomes… …with more autonomyfor professionals, and more accountabilityto patients and the public… • NHS Outcomes Framework • Backed by clinically-evidenced NICEquality standards • Money to follow the patient, with incentives for quality …with reduced bureaucracy and improved efficiency… …leading to an NHS that achieves healthcare outcomes that are among the best in the world

  5. White Paper outline An NHS that puts patients and the public first… …which focuses on improving healthcare outcomes… …with more autonomyfor professionals, and more accountabilityto patients and the public… • GP-led commissioning, supported by newNHS Commissioning Board • More autonomy for providers; all providers regulated on a consistent basis • Stronger role for local authorities, to boost local democratic legitimacy …with reduced bureaucracy and improved efficiency… …leading to an NHS that achieves healthcare outcomes that are among the best in the world

  6. White Paper outline An NHS that puts patients and the public first… …which focuses on improving healthcare outcomes… …with more autonomyfor professionals, and more accountabilityto patients and the public… …with reduced bureaucracy and improved efficiency… • Major cut in management costs, to reinvest in front-line services • Abolition of Strategic Health Authorities, Primary Care Trusts and some arm’s-length bodies …leading to an NHS that achieves healthcare outcomes that are among the best in the world

  7. Before After Department of Health Policy: Public health NHS Social care NHS Implementation: Public health Social care

  8. The new system Department of Health Public health service NHS Social care Monitor (economic regulator) Care Quality Commission NHS Commissioning Board GP commissioning consortia Providers Local authorities

  9. Policy Context Equity and Excellence White Paper - towards GP- led commissioning and outcomes The Outcomes Framework The Public Health White Paper Quality Innovation Productivity & Prevention (QIPP) agenda Mental Health Strategy – 2010 IAPT and talking therapies

  10. GP Commissioning What we know: • Its going to happen • No (very little) central guidance • Variable size of groups • Every practice will be involved in a consortium • 80% of NHS expenditure will be devolved for commissioning • Consortia can use private commissioners to commission on their own behalf • Consortia will commission mental health services

  11. GP Commissioning What we don’t know: • Will there be a similar governance structure for all consortia? • What levers will there be to influence the commissioning plans? • What role will the public and users of services have in commissioning plans? • What role will the Local Authority have in commissioning plans? • What role will third sector organisations have? • …..

  12. GP Commissioning… …is not PCT commissioning writ small Doctor to Doctor contact

  13. Mental Health • Adult services • IAPT • CMHTs • In-patient services • Specialist Teams • Older people services • Children’s services • Forensic Services • Links to Social Services

  14. What should MH Trusts be doing now? Identify local GP leaders Support the development of local networks Encourage the clinician to clinician contact Embark on a charm offensive

  15. Mental Health • Emphasis on Outcomes • Traditionally difficult to measure outcomes in mental health • How to annoy a chief executive of a mental health trust “How many patients did you make better in the last quarter?”

  16. Why outcomes? • From a commissioner perspective: • It is outcomes that matter • Don’t need to get involved with process or clinical detail • From a provider perspective: • Less intrusion from commissioners in day to day running of services • Greater focus on outcome, less on process • Greater opportunity for innovation

  17. Outcomes should… be simple to administer, the data underpinning the currency should be easily obtainable not provide perverse incentives reflect the needs of the individual (the individual receives a high quality service) reflect the needs of the population (the currency does not discriminate against hard to reach populations) acknowledge the range of complexity of particular disorders, from the very mild disorder, to those with much more complex and severe disorder. include outcomes which reflect best clinical practice include outcomes which reflect the views and experiences of the person receiving the care ensure outcomes are not be limited to just clinical/medical outcomes but where appropriate, social, employment or vocational outcomes 17

  18. Four Domains • Access • Population based block payment • Recovery/improvement • Individually based payment • Employment/vocation • Individually based payment • Choice and satisfaction • Individually based payment • Balance to be determined locally 18

  19. Access • Population access – proportion of at risk population attending IAPT services • Disorder specific – allows payment to reflect that all common mental health disorders are treated • Vulnerable groups – age, sex, ethnicity, gender specific etc • To be determined locally 19

  20. Improvement/recovery • Designing a tariff that is just based on recovery has problems: A large number of patients that showed improvement (but not recovery) would not merit an outcome based payment The quantity of care and level of training of staff to deliver improvement/recovery for somebody with a longer term more severe disorder is much greater than for somebody with a mild short lived disorder A solely recovery based tariff would encourage the provider to concentrate on those with mild and short lived disorder, at the expense of those with more complex, and longer lasting disorders. This is a perverse incentive that any tariff should seek to avoid 20

  21. A Tiered Approach We propose a tiered approach to outcomes, • Built on the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 • Both questionnaires are completed by all patients • Includes the ADSMs score

  22. Improvement/Recovery Current definitions of recovery Proposed tiers for currency use ONLY

  23. Improvement/Recovery Tariff Allocation Tariff Points

  24. Improvement/Recovery

  25. Employment/Vocation • Based on change of employment or vocation status, between beginning and end of contact with services • Includes subjective (patient reported) opinion on change in intention in relation to work/vocation • Developed into a unit calculation

  26. Patient Choice and Satisfaction * NICE recommends only CBT for some anxiety disorders; this question applies to people with other mental health problems

  27. Outcomes • Based on the balance between 4 domains • Data for the 4 domains already being collected • Balance between the 4 domains decided by local stakeholders • This is how people who use the services and the general public get involved in commissioning

  28. Summary • There is lots that we don’t know • (and others don’t know as well) • Which provides the opportunity to design in, what we think is important • How can we influence GP commissioners? • What impact will outcome led commissioning have?

  29. Thank you

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