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Pelham Public Schools

Pelham Public Schools. Pelham Middle School/ Pelham Memorial High School Vocabulary “Root of the Week”. Pelham’s “Root of the Week”. Root: audi - Meaning: HEAR Words: audi ble audi ence audi torium audi o audi t. Pelham’s “Root of the Week”. Root: -auto- Meaning: SELF

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Pelham Public Schools

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  1. Pelham Public Schools Pelham Middle School/ Pelham Memorial High School Vocabulary “Root of the Week”

  2. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: audi- Meaning: HEAR Words: audible audience auditorium audio audit

  3. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -auto- Meaning: SELF Words: autograph automatic automobile autonomic autocrat autobiography autonomy

  4. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -bell- Meaning: WAR Words: bellicose antebellum belligerent rebellion rebel

  5. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: bene-, beni- Meaning: GOOD Words: benefactor beneficial benediction benefit beneficent

  6. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -bio- Meaning: LIFE Words: biography biology biome biosphere

  7. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -cap- Meaning: HEAD Words: capital capillary captain decapitation capitalism

  8. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -cede-, -ceed-, -ceas-, -cess- Meaning: HAPPEN Words: precede proceed antecedent decease cessation cease

  9. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -chron- Meaning: TIME Words: chronological chronic chronograph synchronize chronicle

  10. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -cide- Meaning: KILL Words: genocide germicide pesticide suicide homicide

  11. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -cosm- Meaning: UNIVERSE Words: cosmos cosmic microcosm cosmopolitan cosmonaut

  12. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -crat-, -cracy- Meaning: RULE Words: democrat aristocrat theocracy bureaucracy

  13. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -cred- Meaning: BELIEVE Words: credible incredible credential incredulous credence

  14. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -cryp- Meaning: SECRET Words: cryptic apocryphal crypt cryptographer encrypt

  15. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -dem- Meaning: PEOPLE Words: democracy democratic epidemic demographic

  16. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -dia- Meaning: ACROSS Words: diameter dialogue diametrically diagonal diagnosis

  17. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -dic- Meaning: SPEAK Words: diction indicate dictum dictator benediction contradiction dictionary edict jurisdiction

  18. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -dog-, -dox- Meaning: A TEACHING Words: dogma dogmatic orthodox heterodox

  19. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -duc-, -duit- Meaning: TO LEAD Words: conduct educate conduit deduction inductive abduction aqueduct

  20. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -fac-, -fect-, -fic-, -fy- Meaning: TO MAKE Words: factory manufacture artifact clarify beneficial factor quantify justify

  21. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -graph-, -gram- Meaning: WRITE Words: graphite autobiography telegram cladogram demography photograph geography topographical

  22. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: hydr- Meaning: WATER Words: hydrant hydrate hydraulic hydrostatic hydra

  23. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -ject- Meaning: THROW Words: eject object reject injection projectile trajectory subject

  24. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -metr-, -meter- Meaning: MEASURE Words: meter metric kilometer parametric symmetry parameter perimeter

  25. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -migr- Meaning: WANDER Words: migrate immigrant emigrate migratory migrant

  26. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -mis-, -mit- Meaning: SEND Words: promise missile transmit intermittent emission transmission remission

  27. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -morph- Meaning: SHAPE Words: amorphous metamorphic morphology metamorphosis

  28. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -phon- Meaning: SOUND Words: phonics phoneme telephone phonograph saxophone symphony

  29. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -pol- Meaning: THE STATE Words: police metropolis political policy politics

  30. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -port- Meaning: CARRY Words: transport portable deport export portfolio reporter import

  31. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -rupt- Meaning: BREAK Words: bankrupt erupt corrupt rupture disrupt

  32. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -scrib-, -script- Meaning: WRITE Words: scribble describe inscription scripture scribe transcribe

  33. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -spec-, -spic- Meaning: SEE Words: spectacle inspector perspective specimen speculator conspicuous

  34. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -tele- Meaning: DISTANT Words: television telephone teleport telegram telephoto

  35. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -trans-, -tra-, -tran- Meaning: ACROSS Words: transport transfer tradition transition translate transformation transubstantiation transcendentalism

  36. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -voc-, -vok- Meaning: CALL Words: vocal invoke revoke vocabulary vocation

  37. Bonus Words Pelham Middle School/ Pelham Memorial High School

  38. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -astr-, -aster- Meaning: STAR Words: astral asteroid astronaut astronomy astrology

  39. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -form- Meaning: SHAPE Words: conform deform formal formula platform reform transformation inform formation

  40. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -log- Meaning: SPEECH THOUGHT Words: dialogue monologue logic logarithm analogy

  41. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -micro- Meaning: SMALL Words: microchip microgram microphone microprocessor microbe microeconomics

  42. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -not- Meaning: TO NOTE Words: denote notion notation notice notable notary annotation

  43. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -scop- Meaning: TO LOOK Words: microscopic telescope horoscope periscope

  44. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -tac-, -tag-, -tang-, -teg- Meaning: TOUCH Words: contact contagious tangible integral tactile tangent integer tactile

  45. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -vers-, -vert- Meaning: TO TURN Words: reverse invert convert advertisement vertex transversal

  46. Pelham’s “Root of the Week” Root: -vis-, -vid- Meaning: TO SEE Words: envision invisible video audiovisual visual visible

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