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Time Management

Time Management. Paula Ponder MSN, RN, CEN Chapter 9 Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Time Management

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  1. Time Management Paula Ponder MSN, RN, CEN Chapter 9 Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing

  2. “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” Henry Ford

  3. Time Management • Is making optimal use of available time • Time is a a finite and valuable resource • Using it wisely requires both leadership skills and management functions • There is a close relationship between time management and stress

  4. Three Basic Steps in Time Management • Allow time for planning and establish priorities • Complete the highest-priority task whenever possible, and finish one task before beginning another. • Reprioritize the remaining tasks and new information that may have been received. • These are cyclic and need to be completed sequentially

  5. Time for Planning • Two mistakes common to novice managers • Setting aside time at the beginning of each day to plan the day allows the manager to spend time on high-priority tasks.

  6. Management by Crisis • Without adequate planning the manager finds getting started difficult and begins to manage by crisis

  7. Crisis Management • Time management should be proactive, not crisis driven • No amount of planning can prevent an occasional crisis

  8. Setting Priorities • Priority setting is perhaps the most critical skill in good time management

  9. Priority-Setting Traps • “Whatever hits first” • The “path of least resistance” • The “squeaky wheel” • “Default” • Feeling obligated to take on whatever task no one wants to do • “Inspiration” • Waiting for this Vacarro, 2001

  10. Prioritizing • “Don’t do” • “Do later” • “Do now” • Commonly reflects the daily organizational needs

  11. Procrastination • Putting off something until a future time, postponing, or delaying needlessly • Not a character flaw, but a set of behaviors • The dread of doing a task uses more time and energy than doing the task itself

  12. Making Lists • Lists are planning tools and must be flexible • Re-examine items that remain on the list day after day • Only put as many items on the daily list as can reasonably be accomplished in a day.

  13. Manageable Tasks • Some projects are not accomplished because they are not broken into manageable tasks

  14. Managing Time at Work • Gather all the supplies and equipment • Group activities • Use time estimates • Document your interventions ASAP • Strive to end the workday on time

  15. Importance of Taking Breaks • Taking regularly scheduled breaks from work is important because breaks allow the worker to refresh, both physically and mentally.

  16. Interruptions • Lower-level managers experience more interruptions than higher-level managers • Frequent work interruptions result in situational stress and lowered job satisfaction

  17. Time Wasters • Researchers suggest what differentiates procrastination today from a century ago is the variety of distractions and diversions available, including internet and online card games • External time wasters • Telephone interruptions, meetings (manager has the least amt of control over these) • Internal time wasters • Procrastination, poor planning, inability to say no, management by crisis

  18. Managing Time • Short-term goals • Intermediate goals • Long-term goals

  19. Time Management Styles • Monochronic style - begins and ends projects on time, has a clean and organized desk, and is highly structured • Specific detailed plans, schedules where they are hightly committed, address tasks in an analytical and prioritized way • Hard in a chaotic setting • Polychronic style – tends to change plans, emphasizes relationships rather than tasks, and often works in a cluttered or disorganized environment • Very multitasking, work on several parts of the project at the same time, do many activities.

  20. Personal Time Management • “the knowing of self” • What types of work you avoid • What is the best time of the day for you to work • How long you can work before becoming nonproductive

  21. Time Inventory • Determine how much time spent on a particular task • What time of day most productive • Maintain for several days or weeks • Repeat annually or more often as tasks change

  22. The Time Bank • Each morning you have $86,400 – a dollar for each second of the day • You may not carry a balance over to the next day • You cannot borrow from tomorrow’s deposit • 1 hour = $3600 • How did you ‘spend’ yesterday?

  23. The Truth About Time • It is Irreversible and Irreplaceable • We can’t save it and use it later • We can’t elect not to spend it • We can’t borrow it • We can’t leave it or retrieve it

  24. Symptoms of Poor Time Management • Constant rushing • Caught in crisis mode • Fatigue or listlessness “overwhelmed” feeling • Insufficient time for rest or personal relationships • Sense of being overwhelmed by demands and details • Having to do what you don’t want to do most of the time

  25. Personal Characteristics of time Wasting • Don’t understand time planning • Cant distinguish what’s important from what is not • Make too many rules or procedures or approvals. • Doesn’t look at the standard of work

  26. Myths About Time Management • The most active get the most done • The higher the level, the better the decision • Delay increases the quality of decisions • Delegation always saves time, worry, and responsibility • The most efficient worker is also the most effective • The harder you work, the more you get done

  27. Client Care

  28. Summary • Learning to use time wisely is essential for effective management. • An efficient filing system is invaluable to handle paper overload • Being punctual implies that you value other people’s time and creates an imperative for them to value your time as well

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