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Maťa Drapova GJAR TMF-team 2013

Maťa Drapova GJAR TMF-team 2013. Fire hose. Consider a hose with a water jet coming from its nozzle. Release the hose and observe its subsequent motion. Determine the parameters that affect this motion . Teoretically. Water jet flowing in the hose , what is happening :

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Maťa Drapova GJAR TMF-team 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Maťa Drapova GJAR TMF-team 2013

  2. Firehose Consider a hose with a water jet coming from its nozzle. Release the hose and observe its subsequent motion. Determine the parameters that affect this motion.

  3. Teoretically Waterjetflowing in thehose, whatishappening: • waterfillthehosecompletely • thehoseisunderpressure • tries to get straight

  4. Practically Whatwe’vegot: Whatwedid: wecomposedthehoose to folds (1-7) wemadevariousspiralswithdifferentsdiameters or coils (6-22) we let thehosebehaveunderdifferentspressures

  5. Thenwe just leftitbehave:

  6. Practically • fluid mechanicstheory • redpointers = arrows • forceisthereasonforthechangeofthedirectionofthemove(notchangeofmove) • equal and oppositeforces

  7. type „C“

  8. type „B“

  9. Conclusion Timeoffilling[s] - graph of the dependence of time of filling the hose and number of foldwedid - weseethattheincreased diameter (and volume) affectedthetimeoffilling

  10. Sources: • http://www.ehow.com/facts_6940037_fire-recoil-water-turned-on_.html • http://physedu.science.upjs.sk/kvapaliny/rovkonti.htm • http://www.off-ladhyx.polytechnique.fr/publications/documents/doare2002rp-2pp.pdf • http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/phy99/phy99x11.htm

  11. SPECIAL THANKS TO: Prešovský hasičský a záchranársky zbor ul. Požiarnická Prešov

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