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Section A A Busy Weekday Morning. Warming up. Stop bugging me, mom. Sandy, are you wearing eye-liner ?. generation gap. Generation Gap – Quotations. By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong. — Charles Wadsworth
Section A A Busy Weekday Morning
Warming up Stop bugging me, mom. Sandy, are you wearing eye-liner? generation gap
Generation Gap – Quotations • By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong. — Charles Wadsworth • The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy. — Sam Levenson
Generation Gap – Discussion • Possible reasons • Typical forms • Constructive solutions
checking up On a weekday morning, Sandy was woken by the music, and she began to sing _____ with the words. Her father __________ her room, complaining about the horrible _____ Sandy was listening to. He said it was the same thing _____________, and the ________ language was used. He advised his daughter to hurry up and ____________ school. Then Sandy went into the bathroom and took a shower. The cold water helped her ________. When she thought that her parents might come and bang on the door to _____ her, she along burst into stuff offensive over and over get ready for wake up rush
checking up grabbed ________ a towel and dried off. Then she _______ her favorite clothes and makeup and went to the kitchen for some foods. ________, Sandy took a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast while ________by the sink. At that time, her mother came in, gave her a lot of __________ on how to eat, what to put on and when to brush teeth and even asked her to _________ her makeup. Sandy argued that she was old enough to _____ makeup and explained that some girls at put on As usual standing instructions wash off wear 上一页 下一页
checking up grabbed ________ a towel and dried off. Then she _______ her favorite clothes and makeup and went to the kitchen for some foods. ________, Sandy took a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast while ________by the sink. At that time, her mother came in, gave her a lot of __________ on how to eat, what to put on and when to brush teeth and even asked her to _________ her makeup. Sandy argued that she was old enough to _____ makeup and explained that some girls at put on As usual standing instructions wash off wear 上一页 下一页
Questions about the text The text is entitled “A Busy Weekday Morning”. What are the family busy with? There are conflicts between the parents and the daughter. What are they?
Conflict on music What does the daughter think of rock music? It has a really powerful message. What does her father think of rock music? horrible stuff the same thing over and over not music weird full of offensive language hurting ears hurting the brain
Conflict on music What you think of rock music? What are they? jazz country music rock blues rap
Conflict during the breakfast What is the mother concerned with in this conflict? sit down and eat homework instrument lunch brush the teeth T-shirt eyeliner What does the daughter think the mother is doing? bugging
Being a psychiatrist What does this conflict tell you? The mother believes her daughter has some problem. The bathroom seems to be the only place Sandy is enjoying that morning. Why is she enjoying bathroom? A place she can escape from the conflicts between her parents and her.
Words and collocations 1. The radio clicked on.(Line 1 ) 1) Click here, get informed and involved. • A new user could log onto the Internet • with a click of mouse. 3) The burglar-proof door closed with a click.
Words and collocations 2. Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station. (Line 2) • Along with thousands of refugees, • she fled Iraq. 她与数千名难民一道逃离了伊拉克。 2) There was a recent photo of his parents along with the letter. 信中还附着一张他父母的近照。
Words and collocations 3. “ Sandy, ” shouted her father. “ Sandy, turn that music off!” (Line 4) [C] turn on: switch on; cause to operate turn up: increase (a flame, a sound, etc.) usually by moving a switch turn down: reduce (a flame, a sound, etc.) usually by moving a switch
Words and collocations Filling in the blanks with on, off, up or down. up • Please turn the television , for I can not hear the • news clearly. • Remember to turn the lights of your flat when you • leave for work. • 3) He took out the walkman and turned it to relax with • light music. • It’s too noisy. Please turn that radio • receiver ______ . off on down
Words and collocations 4. Steve Finch burst into her room. (Line 4) 1) 学生们冲进教室抢占座位。 The students burst into the classroom to hoard seats. 2) 他们突然大笑起来,她脸涨得通红。 When they burst into laughter, she blushed.
5. It’s the same thing over and over. (Line 5) The teacher in charge of the class has told the class over and over, so they know the school rules and regulations. 班主任反复跟全班学生说了多次,所以他们 知道学校的规章制度。
6. It is definitely horrible stuff. (Line 7) e.g. 圣诞节会取代春节吗?答案当然是“不会”。 Will Christmas replace Spring Festival? The answer is definitely “no”.
7. No, no, don’t do that. I can’t stand it.(Line 11) [C] stand:vt. bear endure:vt. face, experience tolerate:vt. put up with 1)学校不容许考试作弊。 The school cannot tolerate cheating on tests. 2)她勇敢地忍受着生活中 的种种不幸。 She endures all her troubles in life bravely. 3)我受不了他的自吹自擂。 I cannot stand his boasting.
Words and collocations 8. The music I listened to had a message, too, but the words were clear and the musicians didn’t use such offensive language. (Line 11) 1) The smell from his sneakers was really offensive. 他运动鞋的气味实在难闻。 2) The room has an offensive smell. Why not open the window and air it? 房间味道难闻死了,为什么不打开窗户透透气?
Words and collocations • Sandy, why are you wearing that old T-shirt? It’s disgusting. • (Line 44) 1) That fish has gone bad, and it smells disgusting. 那条鱼变质了,气味令人恶心。 2) People from one culture often think certain foods from some other cultures are disgusting. 来自一种文化的人常常认为另外一些文化中的某些食物令人厌恶。
Words and collocations • Sandy pretended not to notice that her mother was a • little annoyed. (Line 51) [C]bother: cause trouble to, worry disturb: break the quietness, calmness, peace, or order of (注意annoy, bother, disturb有时态和语态变化) 1) 她为自己竟忘记他的手机号码而感到气恼。 2) 那人总来闹着让我借钱给他。 3) 午睡时间,请勿打扰。
Words and collocations to blast forth 我们正聚精会神听有关公共道德的报告,隔壁突然响起了摇滚乐。 We were focusing our minds on a talk about public morality when rock music blasted forth from the next door.
The event is to start at seven PM sharp. Every seat is filled well before then. Large speakers above the stage blast forth stirring music. Words and collocations
to reach for sth. (L.10) 生活中你会遇到各种机 会,但你必须设法抓住 它们。 Various opportunities will come your way in life, but you must reach out for them. Words and collocations
Words and collocations • to burst into burst into tears burst into laughter
Words and collocations • Don’t use offensive language. • Offensive words will be edited out or the post will be deleted. If you aren‘t sure if someone might consider a word crude, rude, profane(亵渎的), or obscene(淫秽的), use another one you know they won't.
the radio click on rock music blast forth to sing along with to turn that music off to burst into her room (not) to have to listen to such horrible stuff it’s weird use offensive language 收音机啪的一声打开了 摇滚乐突然想起来 和……一起唱 把那音乐关掉 冲进他的房间 一定要听这么可怕的东西 太怪异了 使用脏话 Expressions & Patterns
the same thing over and over to listen to music like this to reach for sth. to turn it up louder (not) to stand it to turn that radio down turn on the shower to help her wake up bang on the door 同样的东西不断地重复 听这样的音乐 伸手够…..某物 把(收音机、电视等)开得大声些 忍受不了…… 把收音机开低一点声音 打开淋浴器 帮她清醒 用力敲门 Expressions & Patterns
wrap her sweater around shoulder to put on her makeup it is disgusting stop bugging me to pretend (not) to notice it to be too young to wear much makeup 把毛线衫绕在脖子上 化妆 太恶心了 不要唠叨我了 假装没有看到 太小了不应化妆 Words and collocations
to be a little annoyed to be old enough to wear makeup have tattoos and pierced ears bolt out of the house to do sth. more than before to do sth. a lot more than usual 有点生气 足够大可以化妆了 文身穿耳洞 跑出房门 比以前更多做某事 比平时更多做某事 Words and collocations
Text B: Paragraph 1 in peace and quiet:calmly;in a peaceful and silent state平静地 妻子就要出国,丈夫平静地看着她。 The man looked at his wife in peace and quiet when she was to leave for another country.
Text B: Paragraph 3 upset:adj. worried; anxious; physically ill 不安的,担心的;不舒服的 vt. make sb. worried or ill 使心烦意乱;使不安 1. 不要为小事烦恼。2. 听到战争将要爆发的消息,许多人感到不安。 1. Don’t be upset by trifles. 2. Many people felt upset when hearing of the news of the coming war.
Text B: Paragraph 3 full of knots:full of puzzles 充满困惑, e.g. We are still in the dark about the cause of the disease, with our minds full of knots. a hard knot 难题 the marriage knot 夫妻婚姻 a true-lover’s knot 同心结 knots in the mind 思想上的疙瘩 to cut the knot 快刀斩乱麻
Text B: Paragraph 3 tuneless < tune: n. 调子 v. 调音,调谐,调试 She wrote the words of the song and he wrote the tune. Your idea and mine are completely out of tune. Please tune the TV to Channel 4. He’s not very well tuned in to his surroundings.
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points appeal: vi.1) please; attract; interest 吸引,有吸引力,有感染力 2) make a strong request for help, support呼吁,恳求 >>>more to appeal to sb 吸引(某人) to appeal to law 诉诸法律to appeal against/from a judgment 不服判决而上诉 to appeal for charity 请求施舍 to appeal to sb for sth 请求/呼吁某人做某事
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 1. 最新款式的手机很吸引年轻人。 1. Mobile phones of the latest fashion appeal powerfully to the young. 2. 世界卫生组织向所有国家发出呼吁请求他们给予经济支持防止该疾病的传播。 2. The WHO appeals to all countries for financial support against the spread of the disease.
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points distract:vt. take one’s attention away 分散注意力 ,使分心 to distract one’s mind/to distract sb/to distract one’s attention 分散某人的注意力 >>>more The considerable sum of money made by his former colleagues failed to distract his mind from his hard research work. 他以前的同事赚了相当多的钱,但并没有分散他从事艰难的研究工作的注意力。
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points [构词法]:dis (prefix:分离,分开)+ tract(stem: 拉,抽,引) Family members tractor n. 拖拉机 attract v. 吸引,诱惑 (adj. attractive n. attraction) contract n. 合同,契约v. 收缩,缩小 abstract adj. 抽象的n. 摘要,概要 extract v. 抽出,拔出 subtract v. 减去,去掉
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points section: n. 1) one of the parts 部分 2) a part of an organization 科室;部门 all sections of people 各界人民 a business section 商业区 the industrial section of the city 城市的工业区 a finance section 财务科 a health section 卫生科 the sports section of a newspaper 报纸的体育 版(栏)
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points identity: n. who or what a person or thing is身份;本体 betray one’s identity暴露身份 conceal/sink one’s identity隐瞒/隐匿身份 determine sb’s identity确定某人的身份 establish identity证实身份 identity card身份证 Family members identical adj.完全相同的 identification n.鉴定;身份的证明
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Why does a young person need to express his or her identity? He or she wants to be an independent person who is equal to the people around him or her. Ways to express identity by young people dress appearance favorites behaviors opinions
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points permanent:adj. 1) lasting forever 永久性的 2) not likely to change 固定的
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 1. 为了保持永久的友谊,我们需要一直互相帮助,互相支持,互相理解。 1. To maintain a permanent friendship, we need to constantly help, support and understand each other. 2. 在大城市中,越来越少的人终生只从事同一种工作。 2. In big cities, fewer and fewer people tend to hold a permanent job.
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points radical:adj. 1) very different 彻底/完全不同的 2) extreme 极端的, 激进的 n. 激进分子 历史已经证明激进的改革往往会造成人们不想 要的结果。 It has been proved by history that radical reforms often bring about undesired results.
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points concern:n. 1) worry; over-anxiety 关心;担心 2) a matter of interest or importance to sb. 关切的事,有关的事 vt. be troubled or uneasy; cause to worry (使)不安; (使) 担心 >>>more to concern oneself about/with sth 某人关心某事 to be concerned about/with/for/over sb/sth 对某 人或某事表示关心或担忧 as/so far as … is concerned 就…来说
Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 1. 目前,中国关注的两件大事是经济发展与提高人民生活水平。 1. Today, two major concerns of China are the economic development and the improvement of the people’s living standards.