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Hoy es el siete de octubre , Hoy es lunes. La pregunta : Traduzcan : Miguel celebrates. Does Miguel celebrate? La tarea : Libro de ejercicio p. 88 Continue studying vocabulary for activities at parties and discussing celebrations Chapter Test -Approximately October 17.
Hoy es el siete de octubre, Hoy eslunes La pregunta: Traduzcan: Miguel celebrates. Does Miguel celebrate? La tarea: Libro de ejercicio p. 88 Continue studying vocabulary for activities at parties and discussing celebrations Chapter Test -Approximately October 17
Las metas de hoy: Students will compare how to form questions and statements.Students will discuss their families using the target language.Studenst will write about other people’s familiesStudents will conjugate regular and irregular verbs using various subjects. El plan de hoy: • Actividad de Hablar • Resumen de la actividad de hablar y lasfamilias de suscompañeros • Leer, Escribir, Hablar • Practicamos los verbos con dados • La tarea
Hablen con suscompañerosCosaspararecordar: Las formas del verbotener: Los adjetivosposesivos: mihermano /mishermanos tuhermano / tushermanos suhermano / sushermanos El verbogustar: To say that another person likes to do something, you use le gusta + infinitive. When you include the name of the person or the pronoun, be sure to add the “personal a”: A Pedro le gustasacarfotos. In Spanish, when the direct object is a person, it is preceded by the preposition "a." This word has no English translation
Novice Low Describe it using only words. Try to think of the ten most important words to describe it. Be very generic. There can be spelling errors and wrong words like a Kindergartener would make. SCORING You will be graded on the following proficiency standards Novice Mid Describe it using simple phrases and lists. You do not need to have verbs. There can be spelling errors and wrong words. “Me like” Intermediate Low Describe it using detailed sentences with words like “with” “in” “at” “also”. Novice High Describe it using simple sentences with few details. Use “I like”, “It has” and “It is”. Limit the sentences to 4 words or less. Intermediate Mid Describe it using detailed sentences. Combine some of your sentences with transition words like “furthermore” “however”.
Write notes about what your classmates say on your interview paper. You will need to write a summary once you collect the information. ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!!! ¡ENCUESTA! Sí, tengotreshermanos; Mihermana Nicole y mishermanos Steven y Eric. Sí. Tengoveinte y tresprimos Miesposo Mike es mi miembro de familiafavorito. ¡Quierooir ESPAÑOL! Yo me llamoSra. Lentz A Nicole le gustasacarfotoscon suteléfonocelular. Miperro se llama Oso.
Un ejemplo de un resumen • Sra. Lentz tienetreshermanos. Su hermana se llama Nicole y sushermanos se llaman Steven y Eric. A Nicole le gustasacarfotos con suteléfonocelular. Sra. Lentz tieneveinte y tresprimos y un perroque se llama Osoperosumiembro de familiafavoritoessuesposo, Mike.
**Leer ** Escribir **Hablar**Abran los libros de texto en la página 226 7/10/13 p. 226 (5) En la fiesta de cumpleaños 1.) 7.) 2.) 8.) 3.) 9.) 4.) 10.) 5.) 11.) 6.) 12.) When you are done, read the passage in Spanish out loud with your partner. Be sure to include the appropriate word from the parenthesis. You should both take turns reading and should discuss the English meaning of the passage once you have read it in Spanish.
Practicamos con los verbos del capítulo… • Work with a partner • Roll the first dice to determine your subject and roll the second dice to determine your verb • Be the first to WRITE the proper translation • Keep score if you prefer, or have a more relaxed practice 1 – yo 2 – su padre 3 – nuestrashermanas 4 – tusprimos y yo 5 – misabuelos 6 – tú 1 – tener* 2 – sacarfotos 3 -- romper 4 -- decorar 5 – hacer un video* 6 – abrir
La tarea Libro de ejercicio p. 88 Complete summary of speaking assignment Start studying vocabulary for activities at parties and discussing celebrations Chapter Test - approximately October 17