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From Assessment to Practice: Research-based Approaches to Teaching Adults to Read Part 2: Fluency and Vocabulary. Presenters: Dr. John R. Kruidenier
From Assessment to Practice: Research-based Approaches to Teaching Adults to ReadPart 2: Fluency and Vocabulary January 11, 2008
Presenters: • Dr. John R. Kruidenier Kruidenier Education Consulting Consultant to the National Institute for Literacy, Coordinator for the NIFL/NCSALL Adult Literacy Research Working Group Horsham, PA • Dr. Rosalind Davidson Educational ConsultantConsultant for the Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles WebsiteCambridge, Massachusetts • Susan McShane Reading Initiative Specialist National Center for Family Literacy Louisville, Kentucky January 11, 2008
Purpose • Follow-up to previous webcast • Provide practical rationale for use of research-based principles • Use two additional components of reading to illustrate research-based practices and the direct link between research and practical approaches to teaching adults to read • Show how the four basic components of reading can provide a solid framework for assessment and instruction January 11, 2008
Review: What is Reading?The Basic Components of Reading • Alphabetics: The use of letters in an alphabet to represent spoken words • Phonemic Awareness: Knowledge of speech sounds • Word Analysis (Phonics plus): Letter-sound knowledge • Fluency: Ability to read with speed and ease • Vocabulary: Knowledge of word meanings • Comprehension: Understanding a text, or “constructing meaning” January 11, 2008
After Scarborouth, H. (2001). January 11, 2008 After Scarborough, H. (2001).
Review: Growth in Reading Beginning Readers • Comprehension or meaning-based skills are better than print-based skills • Work on print skills the most (though comprehension important) Advanced Readers • Work on comprehension skills the most (though efficient decoding important) January 11, 2008
Review: Adult Literacy Research Working Group (ALRWG) Purpose • Identify existing research related to adult literacy reading instruction • Evaluate research • Provide research-based products– principles and teaching practices • Disseminate products and information January 11, 2008
Review: Assessment Principle 1 • Adult education learners’ reading abilities vary a lot, so assessing just one component of reading may not give enough information for instruction • If all components of reading are assessed, the pattern of scores that results can be used to guide reading instruction January 11, 2008
Review: Sample Profile January 11, 2008
Fluency Assessment Research • Principle 8: Reading fluency is a problem for beginning adult readers, just as it is for all beginning readers. Fluency can also be a problem for intermediate adult readers, and even for many adults at advanced ABE levels. January 11, 2008
Fluency Instruction Research • Principle 9: Teaching reading fluency to adult beginning readers can lead to increases in reading achievement. • Principle 10: Fluency can be taught using approaches that include the repeated reading of text. • Supported by research at the K-12 level. January 11, 2008
Fluency Assessment Three components of fluent reading: Accuracy, Rate, Prosody 1. Reading Accuracy • Are words read correctly? • Does the reader pay attention to the punctuation? January 11, 2008
Scoring Oral Reading Accuracy Real Errors • Mispronunciations – count only first time the error is made • Substitutions • Insertions • Omissions • Supplied words January 11, 2008
Scoring Oral Reading Accuracy (continued) Not Real Errors • Self-corrections • Repetitions • Errors in word endings: -ing, -ed, -s • Pronunciation errors in proper nouns January 11, 2008
Fluency Assessment(continued) 2. Reading Rate • Why do we need to measure oral reading rate?It is a measure of word recognition automaticity. It is the first step in an informal assessment of fluency. • How do we measure reading rate? words per minute = (number of words in passage ÷ reading time (in seconds)) x 60 January 11, 2008
FrankensteinDiagnostic Assessments of Reading, (1992). Riverside: Itasca Oral Reading passage, Level 8 “It was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils. With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might now infuse a spark of beinginto the lifeless thing that lay at my feet…” 100 wpm; 200 wpm; 250 wpm;300 wpm January 11, 2008
Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) o a s d p a o s p d s d a p d o a p s o a o s a s d p o d a d s p o d s a s o p s a d p a p o a p s =/<18.9 seconds not a processing problem; 21.3 borderline disabled; 26.3 disabled Felton, R.H., Naylor, Cecile E., & Wood, F. B. 1990. Neuropsychological profile of adult dyslexics. Brain and Language, 39, 485-497. January 11, 2008
Fluency Assessment(continued) • Reading Prosody • Does the reader chunk words into phrases bringing a rhythm to the text and some evidence of comprehension? January 11, 2008
ProsodyScaleAdapted from the NAEP Oral Reading Study, 2002 3 Smooth reading, with pauses occurring at appropriate points and few (if any) repetitions 2Fairly steady reading, but with pauses occurring sometimes within phrases and/or some repetitions 1 Uneven/choppy reading, with frequent repetitions and/or lapses in phrasing and/or sounding out of words 0 Labored, word-by-word reading, with continual repetitions, frequent stopping, and/or sounding out of words January 11, 2008
What if assessment reveals fluency problems? What can you do? First, consider the nature of the problem. -- Which aspect(s) of fluency will you need to address? January 11, 2008
What is Fluency? Aspects of Fluent Reading • Speed • Accuracy in word identification • Phrasing and expression (prosody) January 11, 2008
Fluency • Why is it important? Fluency is required for comprehension. Accurate and efficient word identification allows the reader to pay attention to meaning. Fluent reading is comprehensible because it sounds like speech. • Who needs it? Most adult beginning readers& many others January 11, 2008
What is Fluency? Research-Based Recommendation: Use guided repeated oral reading techniques to build reading fluency. January 11, 2008
Guided Repeated Oral Reading A sampling of approaches: • Reading to the teacher or tutor • Echo reading • Dyad or choral reading • Performance reading • Cross-generational reading January 11, 2008
Another Approach: If word identification is part of the fluency problem, phonics instruction and sight-word practice may make a difference. January 11, 2008
Other Issues in Fluency Development • Appropriate difficulty level of materials − For speed & phrasing (relatively easy text) − For accuracy—decoding in context (more difficult text) January 11, 2008
Other Issues in Fluency Development • Managing guided repeated oral reading in the classroom − Tapes or CDs for independent practice (if recordings of appropriate level texts can be acquired or created) January 11, 2008
Free Fluency Resource • “Reading for Today’s Adults” – on the website of the Marshall, MN adult education program http://www.marshalladulteducation.org January 11, 2008
Free Fluency Resource Reading Skills for Today’s Adults • Passages from 1-8 G.E. • Learner listens to them being read • Reads and times self • Listens again and re-reads (Also includes--Vocabulary, questions, writing prompts) January 11, 2008
Vocabulary Assessment Research • Adult literacy students’ vocabulary growth may be dependent on their reading ability. • Their life experience may give them an advantage at lower reading levels but this advantage disappears at higher reading levels. January 11, 2008
Vocabulary Instruction Research No emerging principles • Important trends for ABE: • Vocabulary can be improved in general functional literacy settings, although teaching vocabulary in a specific setting, such as a family literacy or workplace setting, may be more effective • Compatible with limited K-12 research: Engaging contexts may be more effective January 11, 2008
Vocabulary Instruction Research • Teach vocabulary in multiple, engaging contexts that foster repeated exposure to new concepts (such as family or workplace settings) • Other ideas from K-12 research • Teach students how to find definitions and other information about words • Encourage extensive reading and exposure to new words January 11, 2008
Edgar Dale’s Degrees of Knowing Word Meanings1 1. I never saw or heard the word before. 2. I know there is such a word but I don’t know what it means. 3. I’ve heard it and seen it. I know what it has to do with but I can’t tell you what it means specifically. 4. I know what it means, I’ll recognize it whenever I see it or hear it, I can use it. 1Dale, E. (1976.) The living word vocabulary. Elgin, IL: Dome Press. January 11, 2008
Two Primary “Word Banks” Receptive (listening) vocabulary words we know well enough to understand when seen or heard in context Dale’s Stages 2 - 4 Productive vocabulary words we know well enough to use in writing or speaking Dale’s stage 4 January 11, 2008
Two Primary “Word Banks” rrrf Receptive Vocabulary Listening, Reading Productive Vocabulary Speaking, Writing January 11, 2008
Types of Vocabulary Assessments • Elicited word meanings oral (productive vocabulary) • Diagnostic Assessments of Reading (DAR) • Davidson & Bruce Word Meaning Test ** • Multiple choice (oral/written) (limited receptive vocabulary) • Adult Basic Learning Examination, Levels 2, 3 (ABLE) • Test of Adult Basic Education, Form 5/6 (TABE) **Free to download on the ARCS website January 11, 2008
Types of VocabularyAssessments (cont’d) • Multiple choice (oral – pictures) two tests of Receptive Vocabulary • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III) (PPVT-III) • Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement III • Embedded in comprehension passages (limited receptive vocabulary) • Test of adult Basic education , Form 7/8 (TABE) • Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) January 11, 2008
Davidson & Bruce Word Meaning Test ASRP website Level 6 surrender____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ occupation____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ decline___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ consume________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ dismal____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number Correct ______4 or 5 correct? Go to next level. 3 or fewer correct? Stop or go back to previous level http://www.nifl.gov/readingprofiles/PF_WMT_Test.htm January 11, 2008
Davidson & Bruce Word Meaning TestASRP website Level 6: surrenderMain concept: to give upSample sentence: "The man surrendered after holding everyone hostage."occupationMain concepts: job; something you do for a living January 11, 2008
Davidson & Bruce Word Meaning TestASRP website Level 6 (continued): declineMain concepts: become less; go lower; refuse; reject; to turn something down; say no to somethingconsumeMain concepts: eat or drink up; digest; use it updismalMain concepts: gloomy; dark; grayish January 11, 2008
Vocabulary • Why is it important? For beginners, oral vocabulary (knowledge of word meanings) is the basis for meaningful reading. Readers can’t understand a writer’s message unless they understand most of the words, so they must learn new word meanings to become better readers. • Who needs it most? Non-native speakers (ESOL students) Many intermediate & higher-level readers January 11, 2008
Vocabulary Development Research-Based Tips • Pre-teach unfamiliar words in instructional text. • Ensure multiple exposures to words by teaching useful words learners will encounter in subject-matter texts they are studying or other adult materials. January 11, 2008
Vocabulary Development • Engage learners in using and working with the words in several ways. • Teach word-learning strategies like structural analysis, using context clues, and using a dictionary. • Encourage wide reading of level-appropriate materials in varied subject-matter areas. January 11, 2008
Identifying Words to Teach Vocabulary tests are not like diagnostic assessments of phonics skills. They don’t tell you exactly what to teach. So, if there’s a need, what do you do? January 11, 2008
Identifying Words to Teach One way to think about it: Consider how useful they are—how frequently a reader will encounter them. Three “tiers” of words have been identified by Isabel Beck (2002). Beck, I., McKeown, M. G., & Kucan, L. (2002). Bringing words to life: Robust vocabulary instruction. New York: Guilford Press. January 11, 2008
Three tiers of words Tier One: The most basic words that rarely require instruction (car, sad, man) Tier Two: High-frequency words for mature language users (coincidence, insistent, reluctant) Tier Three: Low-frequency words, often limited to specific domains (isotope, entomologist, lathe) January 11, 2008
Identifying Words to Teach • Signal words/phrases – therefore, finally, however, in contrast, in conclusion • Subject-matter words/phrases Science – atmosphere, bacteria, environment, heredity, hypothesis, resource Social studies – amendment, budget, chronological order, consent, boycott, civil rights movement, pioneer January 11, 2008
Identifying Words to Teach • Words that should be pre-taught: – Important for understanding of text – Not definable using context clues January 11, 2008
Word-Learning Strategies to Teach • Structural analysis (morphemic analysis): – Prefixes (anti, dis, semi, pre, post) – Suffixes (ful, less, ment, ly, tion) – Roots (aero, bio, graph, therm, psych) • Dictionary use • Context clues January 11, 2008
Types of Context Clues • Restatement: The team could be described as robust, very strong and sturdy. • Synonyms: The little girl missed her nap, so she was really cantankerous. She was grumpy and difficult all afternoon. • Antonyms & Contrasts: I’m usually gregarious, but after I lost my job, I kept to myself for several weeks. • Definition: An advocate is a person who not only believes strongly about a cause, but also speaks up in support of it. January 11, 2008