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Datblygu Cymru Digidol Developing Digital Wales Linda Tomos Cadeiryddes : Chair LISC Cymru :Wales. 1973 Changing times. Librarians ‘control’ access to information People needed to be pro-active to improve their knowledge
Datblygu Cymru Digidol Developing Digital Wales Linda Tomos Cadeiryddes: Chair LISC Cymru:Wales
1973 Changing times.. • Librarians ‘control’ access to information • People needed to be pro-active to improve their knowledge • Learning perceived to be mainly restricted to institutional regimes • Computers technology largely a scientific number crunching concern
2003 New challenges.. • People empowered by the Web (although not always to the desired effect) • Lifelong learning becoming embedded into every day life • Access to technology increasingly important to fully engage in daily life
National Strategies • Cymru Ar Lein: national ICT strategy • Communities First: promoting social inclusion • Cymru’n Creu: forum for culturalorganisations • E-Learning Strategy: plan to implement effective access to E-learning for all
Process • CyMAL: Museums, Archives and Libraries Wales • Welsh Assembly Government unit of 25 staff, mainly expert advisors, based in Aberystwyth • Expected to provide advice for ministers and to develop effective plans for each domain and collaborative activities e.g. monitor public library development plans • Initial budget of c.£2m
Preparation • CyMAL to begin on April 1st 2004 • Incorporating LISC Wales, the functions of Council for Museums Wales and new services for archives • Existing bodies – CILIP Cymru, CWLIS, Archives Council Wales (ACW), Council for Museums Wales likely to continue as advocacy will still be needed • New Advisory Council chaired by the Minister for Culture, Sport and the Welsh Language
Context • Lifelong Learning Broadband Network - £180m (free Internet access for all educational establishments, libraries, Community ICT centres) • Rhwydwaith y Bobl: People’s Network -£6.5m for infrastructure, £800k. ICT Training Programme for librarians • Archives Network Wales: HLF-fundedproject to provide access to metadata for archive collections
Context • Cymru Ar y We: Wales on the Web: part of the Cymru Ar Lein portal providing bilingual validated access to websites on Wales • SWISH: Royal Commissions on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales and Scotland (RCAHMW and RCAHMS), portal for archaeology • Mapping Wales: metadata on Welsh research collections
Culturenet Cymru • Not for profit company to encourage innovative use of ICT by the cultural sector • Based on Kulturnet Danmark • Commission new content • Develop existing content (Gathering the Jewels www.gtj.org.uk ) • Provide training and support
Social Inclusion • NOF-funded CALL Programme e.g. ROUTES Project evaluating the use of public libraries for outreach activities • E.U. Structural Funds projects e.g. partnerships with public libraries and FE for lifelong learning, extending library opening hours • Linc y Gogledd – providing loan facilities of HE materials via local public libraries in N.W. Wales • Collaborative local networks e.g. NEWLIS • Free access to ORO to all public library members
E-Learning Strategy • Led by ELWa “to demonstrate excellence in connectivity, content, confidence and competence in the application of technology to learning” • Create a national integrated e-learning network based on ‘one to many’ – all people can access all learning opportunities. This goes beyond technical collaboration and interoperability of systems • Implement a national programme of public understanding of the benefits of e-learning
BBC Cymru Wales • Digital storytelling • Encouraging a sense of place and community • Helping to learn about technology without the baggage (learn by stealth) • Developing Learning Journeys
References • Cymru Ar Lein: www.cymruarlein.wales.gov.uk • E-learning Strategy: www/cymruarlein.wales.gov.uk/skillict/consultation.htm • NGfL Cymru: www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk • Wales on the Web: www.walesontheweb.org • Capture Wales: www.bbc.co.uk/wales/capturewales • RCAHMW: www.rcahmw.org.uk