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讲座:怎样寻找合适的住房 Seminar: How to find a suitable accommodation

校外住宿简介会 2012/13 Off-Campus Accommodation Orientation 2012/13. 讲座:怎样寻找合适的住房 Seminar: How to find a suitable accommodation. Student Residence Office. Housing Alternatives 租 甚么?. Non-Government Organization - Hostels/Guest House 非牟利团体之宾馆或旅舍 Service Apartment 服务式住宅 Budget Hotel

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讲座:怎样寻找合适的住房 Seminar: How to find a suitable accommodation

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  1. 校外住宿简介会 2012/13 Off-Campus Accommodation Orientation 2012/13 讲座:怎样寻找合适的住房 Seminar: How to find a suitable accommodation Student Residence Office

  2. Housing Alternatives租甚么? Non-Government Organization -Hostels/Guest House 非牟利团体之宾馆或旅舍 Service Apartment 服务式住宅 Budget Hotel 酒店 Private Rental Properties 私人住宅

  3. Non-Government Organization –Hostels/Guest House 非牟利团体之宾馆或旅舍 Usually more expensive than rental flats but less expensive than hotels 价格:比租私人住宅贵、比租酒店便宜 Normally cover well-furnished rooms with private bathrooms, utilities charges, such as water, electricity and air-conditioning charges 通常包括私人浴室、租金已计算水、电开支 Laundry and drying services are also provided 包括洗衣、干衣设施 Charges of in-room telephone, internet access and service charges- Have to check 需自行查看租金是否包括上网及电话服务 Information on SRO website 網頁資料

  4. Service Apartment 服务式住宅 For rental on a monthly basis 以月租计算 Size of the apartments : from studio type to large apartments of 2 or 3-bedrooms 大小:由套房到有两、三个房间的住宅 Less expensive than hotels but more expensive than rental flats 价格:比租私人住宅贵、比租酒店便宜 Usually fully furnished, with bathrooms and pantry/kitchenette and laundry services 通常已装修,有独立私人浴室及茶水间/餐厅及洗衣服务 Information on SRO website 網頁資料

  5. Budget Hotel 酒店 Hotels are expensive in Hong Kong. 在香港,酒店租金颇昂贵 There are budget hotels in areas such as TsimShaTsui, Yau Mai Tei and Mongkok. Some hotels will offer a special rate for long-term stay. 在尖沙咀、油麻地及旺角,有酒店提供长期租住优 惠 Information on SRO website 網頁資料

  6. Private Rental Properties 私人住宅

  7. According to data by Rating & Valuation Department, the average rent of private domestic is as follow (Jan-May 2012):根据差饷物业估价署的资料,私人住宅的平均租金如下(2012年1-5月) • 香港的私人物业多以平方尺为租金计算单位。1平方米约等于10.69平方尺。 • The rent for private domestic are • mainly calculated in square feet. 1 • square meter approximately equal to • 10.69 square feet • 有关物业的准确面积计算,可参考土地注册处。 • The exact area of the property can be • found in The Land Registry • 上述资料只供参考。 • The above data is for reference only.

  8. Rental Procedures租住私人住宅程序 Contact property agent 联络地产代理 Temporary Contract/ Agreement 签定临时合约 Commission to the agent- 50% of monthly rent usually 佣金-通常是半个月租金 Tenancy Agreement 签定正式租约

  9. Dos and Don’ts in signing tenancy contract签约时注意事项 Dos: Take a friend with you to witness any discussion or negotiation you have with a potential landlord. 找房子时邀约朋友作伴 Make sure you are permitted to sublet if you want to share the accommodation with friends. 要确定业主是否容许合租 Has the agreement recorded in writing? (the landlord may have a standard agreement already typed out) 所有口头协议,要在合约作实 Insist on taking the landlord's lease agreement away so that you can read it thoroughly. 租约要有副本,确保自己能充分理解 If the accommodation is furnished, have a detailed inventory of all the furniture and fittings provided by the landlord and their state of repair. Make two copies and send one to the landlord. 如单位附有设备,要详细检查,列明清单及状况,一式两份。

  10. Dos and Don’ts in signing tenancy contract签约时注意事项 Make sure that you have read and understood your contract, and if you are unsure, seek advice before signing. 签约前确定你已明白所有条款 Pay particular attention to the following points in the agreement: the premises - are they accurately described? 是否准确描述即将租用之单位? the landlord and tenant - are they correctly named? 业主与租客之名称是否准确? the length of the lease - is this a stated period for which the agreement will run? 租用时间? the rent - is the amount recorded the amount you agreed to? 租金? Make sure there is nothing in the agreement saying that the lease is not governed by legislation, particularly the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance. This legislation gives tenants protection. 租约皆受《业主与租客(综合)条例》规管

  11. Dos and Don’ts in signing tenancy contract签约时注意事项 Don’ts Sign anything without reading and understanding. 不清楚条款就签字 Rely solely on the landlord's oral assurances: to safeguard your position everything must be in writing. 过份依赖业主口头协定 Forget to ask the landlord whether he owns the premises: he may himself rent the accommodation from somebody else; and, if he does this could affect the legal position. 忘记询问业主是否拥有该单位

  12. 承租香港住宅物业用的地产代理协议(俗称「睇楼纸」)Estate Agency Agreement for Leasing of Residential Properties in Hong Kong

  13. 承租香港住宅物业用的地产代理协议(俗称「睇楼纸」)Estate Agency Agreement for Leasing of Residential Properties in Hong Kong

  14. Traps/ Important Points小心注意法律问题 租上租的问题 Can I rent a flat from a tenant ?

  15. Traps/ Important Points小心注意法律问题 根据香港法例: —凡在香港开展旅馆业务,而出租期少于连续28天,必须先领取根据《旅馆业条例》发出的牌照。 —Under the “Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation Ordinance”, occupier, proprietor or tenant who wish to provide sleeping accommodation at a fee with a tenancy term of less than 28 continuous days, he/she must apply for licence. —以学生身份在香港逗留的人士,只能在就读学校或其它教育机构,修读香港入境处处长批准的修读的课程,不得在没有处长批准的情况下,接受有薪或无薪的雇佣工作,以及开办或参与任何业务。 —A person permitted to stay in Hong Kong as a student shall only study at a specified school and undertake such course of study as may be approved by the Director of Immigration. Such students are not allowed to take up employment, whether paid or unpaid, or establish or join in any business in Hong Kong, without Director’s permission.

  16. Traps/ Important Points小心注意法律问题 留意违法“劏房”问题 Attention to Illegal Partitioned Flats Q1: 什么是“劏房”? A1: 劏房(即「分间楼宇单位」,又名房中房)是香港出租房的一种,常见于唐楼等建筑物。即是业主或二房东将一个普通住宅单位分间成不少于两个较细小的独立单位,作出售或出租之用;通常每个小单位均设有厕所。 每个小单位的面积从数十至200平方呎不等,每月租金介乎数百至数千多元,租客通常为草根阶层、新来港人士或单身人士。该类人士通常无法承担昂贵的租金,或者无资格轮候公营房屋,对该类房间需求殷切。非法改建楼宇经营利润甚丰,以致市场上有不少供应。 Q1: What is partitioned flats? A1: Tang House (the "partitioned flats", also known as room house) is a kind of rental housing in Hong Kong, common in tenement buildings and old buildings. That is, the owner or principal tenant of a residential unit partitioned into flats of smaller independent units for sale or lease. Typically, each small unit are equipped with toilets. The size of each partitioned flats varies from 30 to 200 square feet. The monthly rent is normally between several hundred to several thousand dollars. Tenants are usually grassroots, new arrivals or single person. They cannot afford high rent, or not yet qualified to apply for public housing, making the demand for that type of building is high. The profit for illegal alternation flat is high, leading to abundant supply on the market.

  17. Traps/ Important Points小心注意法律问题 Q2: “劏房”面对什么问题? A2: 由于”劏房”多数是未有向当局申请改建,干犯者甚至将主力墙拆去,或将地台升高,以铺设排水系统,令楼宇的结构出现问题。由于单位内有多个房间,同屋住户人数多于原图则预设,日常人流较多,通道显得较窄,易出现消防问题。由2008年1月1日至2011年4月30日,香港政府共逾4000宗劏房投诉,并向违规的劏房个案发出逾70份清拆令,涉及渗水、楼宇结构荷载、违反走火通道安全规定等问题。 Q2: Partitioned flats is facing what type of problem? A2: Due to most of the partitioned flats have not applied for legal permit on alternations, violations even involved removal of structural wall, raised floor for laying sewage system leading to structural problem for a building. The unit is partitioned into different rooms, the number of tenants living inside a flat exceeded original design criteria, increased number of people flow, the access is narrowed down leading to problems insufficient means of escape. From 1 January 2008 to 30 April 2011, 4000 complaints has been received by the government. A total of 70 demolition orders have been issued, which involved water seepage, structural loads violation of safety regulations and means of escape.

  18. Traps/ Important Points小心注意法律问题 Q3: 怎样识别 “劏房”? Q3: How to identify Illegal Partitioned Flat?1. 单位内有数个电表让不同租客摊分电费 A flat with several electric meters to divide electricity charge amongst tenants 2. 房间内只有一张床或简单家具 A bedplace or bery simple furniture can be found 3.一间劏房出入口共有一扇主閘及多扇木门 A partitioned flat usually come with one main gate and several wooden doors • 4. 为了方便联络住客, • 一间劏房设置 多个电子门铃To contact individual tenant, • several electronic door bell • Canbe found outside the main • door

  19. 联络Contact 香港城市大学 学生宿舍处 City University of Hong Kong Student Residence Office 地址:香港九龙塘歌和老街22号 Address: 22 Cornwall Street, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong 电话 Phone No.(852)3442 1300 传真 Fax No.:(852)2794 7716 电邮 Email:sro.offcampus@cityu.edu.hk

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