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Fantasy. Walk through the forest. You are walking through a forest. Describe it. What do you see? What type of trees? What can you smell? What sounds do you hear? What season is it?. You come across a key. Describe it. What does it look like? What do you do with it?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fantasy

  2. Walk through the forest • You are walking through a forest. Describe it. • What do you see? What type of trees? • What can you smell? • What sounds do you hear? • What season is it?

  3. You come across a key Describe it. What does it look like? What do you do with it?

  4. You come across a bear • What does the bear look and sound like? • What do you do?

  5. You come to a lake • What does it look like? • What do you do?

  6. You come to a wall • Describe it. • What do you do?

  7. What is on the other side of the wall?

  8. Allegory • An allegory is a literay work that has a hidden meaning beneath the literal meaning of the story. • Allegory uses symbolism to teach a lesson about life • The objects and animals represent abstract ideas or concepts. What do you think a walk through the forest represents?

  9. Life • Key=love • Bear=trouble • Lake/water= • spirituality; unconscious emotional life • Knowledge of self • Sex life • Wall= death • Otherside=afterlife

  10. Archetype • An archetype is a pattern from which copies can be made. • It is the original model from which others of the same kind are made. • Comes from Greek word: Arche:” beginning or origin” first

  11. What other arch words can you think of? • Architect • Archbishop: first bishop • Archeology: first study • Archenemy: first enemy • Darth Vader • Archangel: chief angel

  12. List of Archetypes in literature • In small groups generate a list of known archetypes and give examples: • damsel in distress: Repunzel

  13. Archetypes continued • Wise old Man • Represented by a kind and wise, older father-type figure who uses personal knowledge of people and the world to hellp tell stories and offer guidance. • Gandalf • Merlin • Yoda • Obi-Wan Kenobi • Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid • Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

  14. Female Archetypes • Maiden “damsel” in distress • Femme Fatale (seductress) • Old hag, witch • Young Virgin • Earthmother • Unfaithful wife • Love object

  15. Villain Archetypes • Tyant: bullying despot (ruler) Ruthlessly conquers all her survives • The Devil: charming fiend. Gives people what he thinks they deserve • Traitor: double agent; betrays those who trust him the most. • Evil Genius: Lex Luthor ( wants to rule world- destroy Superman)

  16. Heroes • Possesses powers above normal capability • Performs extraordinary deeds • Able to reach deep down inside to overcome doubt and fear • Achilles • King Arthur • Harry Poter • Luke Skywalker

  17. Anti-Hero • An unlikely hero • Someone who has personality flaws, but chooses to act heroically. • Hans Solo from Star Wars. He overcomes his selfish motives to fight for the right cause

  18. Women Villains • The evil step-mother • The seductress (enchantress or femme fatale) • Mysterious and manipulative. • Seduces male into doing what she wants him to do • Cleopatra • Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct

  19. More women villains • Schemer • The Lunatic • The backstabber

  20. Sidekicks • Friend of hero • Donkey in Shrek • Sam to Frodo in Lord of The Rings

  21. What do you know about the elements of Fantasy • Animals talking, supernatural powers, happy endings, quest, hero almost dies, sometimes heroes don’t know that they have power, or they don’t know destiny. , different worlds different rules , problems and solutions, magical creatures, magical and mhthical animals, villians,

  22. Characteristics of Fantasy • Good vs. Evil • Hero or heroine must be willing to risk life • Forces of evil are dangerous and unrelentin • Affirmation of the power of love • Destruction of evil (WOZ)

  23. Hero Quest • Embark on quest to destroy evil forces • Discovery of one’s self through descent into death and rebirth • Metamorphosis (transformation and change) • Also characters and animals are sometimes magically transformed into alternative forms.

  24. Secondary Worlds • Has its own internal logic and conventions • Tolkien argued that writers create a world that readers believe to be true

  25. Magic and Supernatural Elements • Again, in order to be believable, the writer must provide history and purpose for the magic

  26. Towers • What do you think they symbolize in fantasy

  27. Towers as metaphor • What do they represent? • Something unattainable ( out of reach) -Treasure • Alienation • Protection • Imprisonment

  28. Vocabulary • Helm • helmet

  29. parapet

  30. Amaranth

  31. caparisoned

  32. steed

  33. hoard

  34. Lady of the skulls • Journal #2: What is the most precious thing?

  35. Follow up journal • Is wonder worth the risk? Why or why not? Give examples, personal or well known.

  36. Respond to this quote: • P. 275: “ Because I have seen this tower before and I have seen in it the woman we all expected, the only woman some men ever know…And every time we come expecting her, the woman who lures us with what’s most precious to us and kills us with it, we build the tower around her again and again and again…” • What is Ran talking about? How does it relate to Lady of the Skulls and the tower?

  37. Vocab: match words with Definitions • Magery A to put an end to something • Vexed B. Magic • Fealty C. angry or annoyed • Contingent D. determined in purpose • Resolved E. loyalty or allegiance • Suppress F. dependent or true under certain conditions

  38. Right Answers Match words with definitions • B Magery A to put an end to something • C Vexed B. Magic • E Fealty C. angry or annoyed • F Contingent D. determined in purpose • D Resolved E. loyalty or allegiance • A Suppress F. dependent or true under certain conditions

  39. Wednesday • Finish reading story • Take quiz • Complete your study guide: Due at the end of the hour.

  40. Journal 4 Journal #4: “Gifts untrained are not only wasted but may be dangerous. Comment on how this may be true or not. Does it apply to you? To anyone you know

  41. Monday, Nov. 30 • Pass back study guides and quizzes • Today is the last day to turn in study guides for Lady of the Skulls • Friday is last day to make up quiz 1 on Fantasy Today: go over Friday’s quiz New Vocabulary Journal #4: “Gifts untrained are not only wasted but may be dangerous. Comment on how this may be true or not. Does it apply to you? To anyone you know? Begin new story: Darkrose and Diamond

  42. Wed. Dec. 2 • Finish Darkrose and Diamond • In small groups answer studyguide questions • Due at the end of the hour • Vocab. review • Vocabulary test on Friday, December 5

  43. Journal 5 • Which power is more important or powerful? • Magic, birth, money or love? • ____________ • After reading: What is the lesson of the story?

  44. Choose a word and give it gesture and sound Vexed Arcane Fealty celibate Contingent Incredulous Resolved Suppress Contempt Impotence equilibrium

  45. An allegory is a literay work that has a hidden meaning beneath the literal meaning of the story. • Allegory uses symbolism to teach a lesson about life

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