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8 Signs Your Furnace Needs Maintenance

Homeowners skip the annual furnace maintenance inspection and then regret it when something goes wrong. Below are some signs to look for to indicate your furnace may need maintenance.

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8 Signs Your Furnace Needs Maintenance

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  1. 8 Signs Your Furnace Needs Maintenance www.lovelandhvacrepair.com

  2. Homeowners skip the annual furnace maintenance inspection and then regret it when something goes wrong. Below are some signs to look for to indicate your furnace may need maintenance. Loveland HVAC Repair 

  3. No heat the most obvious sign that something is going wrong. Call an HVAC professional for a thorough inspection to diagnose and repair the furnace.

  4. Unexpected rise in your energy bill—your heating system is probably not working at peak efficiency. Furnace maintenance can help your system become more efficient.

  5. Our furnace has a strange odor—you should expect a faint odor of burnt fuel, but if it is overwhelming, smells like unburnt gas or rotten eggs, or is stronger in the rooms closer to the unit, you need maintenance.

  6. Loud noises—you should expect some noises from your furnace, but loud banging noises generally indicate that the blower motor is in need of repair.

  7. Carbon monoxide detector sounds the alarm—the furnace is probably not burning fuel completely. If this happens, turn off the furnace and all gas appliances, open the windows, and summon the fire department. Once your home is cleared to enter, have your furnace repaired by an HVAC professional..

  8. The pilot light is orange or yellow—the pilot light’s flame should burn blue, if you notice that it is orange or yellow, your furnace needs maintenance.

  9. Our furnace is aging—furnace maintenance is more important the older your furnace gets. A furnace that is 10-15 years old, should have regular (yearly) maintenance.

  10. The furnace turns off and on a lot—this could indicate faulty wiring, a fan motor that needs to be fixed, or a malfunctioning thermostat.

  11. 452 N Washington AveLoveland, CO 80537 • Phone: (970) 541-9244 • E-mail:Service@redlineheating.com Contact Us

  12. For more information visit here http://www.lovelandhvacrepair.com/services/furnace-repair-loveland-colorado/

  13. https://www.facebook.com/lovelandhvacrepair/ • https://twitter.com/lovelandhvac Follow Us

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