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Bio-Diesel: Current Status and Future Development Overview

Discover the benefits and production of biodiesel as an eco-friendly alternative fuel derived from plant oils. Learn about its reduced emissions and efficient production process through transesterification. Explore potential sources like algae for sustainable energy solutions. Delve into its economic advantages and potential for a greener future.

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Bio-Diesel: Current Status and Future Development Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bio-diesel Present Situation and Development Prospect Tao Ding

  2. What is biodiesel • Alternative Fuel derived from plant oil • Contains no petroleum but be blended with petroleum diesel • Produced domestically from renewable resources • No engine modification are necessary • Biodegradable, Nontoxic Fuel

  3. Biodeisel Emissions • Compared to petroleum diesel, reduced emission of: --Unburned hydrocarbons --Carbon monoxide --Particulate matter --Sulfur oxides • Overall ~50% less than that for diesel fuel

  4. Biodiesel Production • Transesterification --Chemical process which converts vegetable oil into biodiesel and glycerol

  5. Process Step • Clean and heat biolipid (WVO ) • Titration the WVO sample. (Optimal PH7) • Mix the bioalcohol and catalyst in exact amount • Combine methanol/caustic with biolipid at 50 C, mix and heat for several hours • Separate biodiesel and glycerol and remove alcohol • Purification

  6. 100 lbs. of Soybean oil +10 lbs Methanol=100 lbs. Soy biodiesel+10 lbs of Glycerol

  7. Efficiency and Economic Arguments • According study of U.S Department of Energy, the biodiesel yields 3.2 units of fuel product energy for every unit fossil fuel energy consumed. --Petroleum Diesel 0.843 --Petroleum Gasoline 0.805

  8. Some Research for Biodiesel Source • Traditional plants can not satisfy the energy requirement of the world • A species of algae with oil content of 50% Utilize 0.3% land = All transportation Energy • Desert is the best place because the high solar radiation

  9. Questions ?

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