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Habitat for Humanity's Tsunami Disaster Response: Lessons Learned and Future Improvements

Explore Habitat for Humanity's disaster response experience, highlighting successes, challenges, and areas for improvement in providing transitional and permanent housing post-tsunami. Learn about their community-focused strategies, partnerships, and the importance of local leadership for effective disaster recovery efforts.

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Habitat for Humanity's Tsunami Disaster Response: Lessons Learned and Future Improvements

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tsunami Disaster Response Encouraging effective material giving and citizen action The Habitat for Humanity experience…

  2. Presentation Outline What is Habitat for Humanity? What is Habitat’s disaster response? What worked? What did not work? What needs improvement?

  3. What is Habitat?

  4. Habitat for Humanity… International, Christian NGO Seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness Works with people of all backgrounds, races and religions Transformational & sustainable community development

  5. What is Habitat’s tsunami disaster response?

  6. Disaster Response Objectives Provide transitional & permanent housing to at least 35,000 families Priority is to help families move out from temporary shelters Transition into regular Habitat program for long-term engagement

  7. Core Strategies Close partnership with the community Maximize strategic partnerships Establish Disaster Response Technical Center as base for assistance Rebuild houses, rebuild local economy Joint management with local partners

  8. What worked?

  9. Community partnership … Family identification & prioritization Land ownership and boundaries Community inputs in house design Supply of materials and labor Construction work and supervision

  10. Strategic partnership & collaboration… Recognizing the role of community leaders & local authorities Working with like-minded NGOs and agencies Sharing of expertise, resources Collaboration in program components

  11. Disaster Response Technical Centers… Community-based production systems Provide technical expertise on house construction and building materials Local employment & skills training Supporting community-based enterprises Volunteer mobilization & management

  12. Local leadership at the forefront… Better understanding of local context Quick adjustment to local conditions Preparing for transition to long-term development phase

  13. …CASH donations worked! Much more flexible than material or product donations Helps the local economy

  14. What did not work?

  15. Problems arose when… Donors dictate project location and quality standards Lack of cultural sensitivity Material donations sent to places far from disaster area (increased cost) Inconsistent policy implementation Unhealthy NGO competition

  16. What needs improvement?

  17. Need to improve on… Coordination on the type of assistance (who will help whom with what?) Consistency in policy implementation Having reasonable and consistent quality standards Involvement of beneficiaries

  18. Thank you!

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