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Essential Questions What changes led to the dawn of modern science?

The Scientific Revolution. Main Idea New ways of thinking led to remarkable discoveries during the Scientific Revolution. Essential Questions What changes led to the dawn of modern science? What discoveries occurred in astronomy, physics, and math during the Scientific Revolution?

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Essential Questions What changes led to the dawn of modern science?

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  1. The Scientific Revolution Main Idea New ways of thinking led to remarkable discoveries during the Scientific Revolution. • Essential Questions • What changes led to the dawn of modern science? • What discoveries occurred in astronomy, physics, and math during the Scientific Revolution? • How did early scientists advance knowledge in biology and chemistry? • How did scientific ideas move beyond the realm of science and affect society?

  2. The Old View New Viewpoints • Scholars relied on traditional authorities for beliefs about structure of universe • Geocentric theory, Aristotle • Earth center of universe • Sun, moon, planets revolved around sun • Ideas upheld by church, accepted authority for European intellectuals • Scientific Revolution, new way of thinking • Why open to new ideas? • Exploration • New lands, new people, new animals Dawn of Modern Science In the mid-1500s, scholars began to think in new ways, other than looking to the church for every answer.

  3. Scientific Method Scholars Scientific Method • Francis Bacon, experimentation to gain scientific knowledge • Rene Descartes -believed everything should be doubted until proved by reason • Relied on math, logic • Identify problem • Form hypothesis • Perform experiments to test hypothesis • Record results • Analyze results, form conclusion The Scientific Method

  4. Find the Main Idea What was the Scientific Revolution? Answer(s): a new way of thinking about the natural world that challenged traditional views and instead relied upon experimentation

  5. Copernicus • Nicolaus Copernicus, found geocentric theory of movement of sun, moon, planets not accurate • Concluded sun, not earth, near center of solar system • Heliocentric theory, earth revolves around sun • developed detailed mathematical explanation and model of process • On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres • famous book not published until last year of his life • contradicted teachings of church, knew church would oppose • Weakness of theory • Mathematical formulas did not predict positions of planets well

  6. Kepler solved main problem of Copernican theory Wanted to prove Copernicus wrong, instead proved heliocentric theory correct Copernicus assumed planets orbited in circle Kepler found assumption untrue Proved planets orbited in oval pattern, ellipse Johannes Kepler

  7. Discoveries in Astronomy, Physics, and Math • Galileo • Italian scientist Galileo Galilei • Built first telescope used for astronomy • Galileo described discoveries • Changes in science world • Isaac Newton, English scientist • Wondered about gravity • Principia • Book explained law of universal gravitation • Keeps planets in orbit • Newton’s Findings • developed calculus, new kind of math • Used calculus to predict effects of gravity

  8. Biology William Harvey Robert Hooke • Dr. Andreas Vesalius known for work in anatomy • Used bodies of executed criminals for dissection • Hired artists to produce accurate drawings • English physician • Observed, explained workings of human heart • Described blood, circulatory system functions • English physician • Credited with creating the term cell Discoveries in Biology and Chemistry Other scientists used the scientific method to acquire new knowledge and make great discoveries in the field of biology and chemistry.

  9. Father of modern chemistry • First to define element • Wrote The Sceptical Chemist, 1661, described matter as cluster of tiny particles (now called atoms) • Boyle’s law - temperature, volume, pressure affect gases Robert Boyle

  10. Summarize What were the major contributions made in biology and chemistry? Answer(s): importance of anatomy and dissection; function of blood and circulatory system; invention of microscope; discovery of certain laws of matter

  11. Science and the Church Conflicts • Most powerful institution in Europe • Primary resource for knowledge, learning • Schools trained people to run the church • Most scientists did not want to challenge role of Christianity • Church explained world through inspiration, revealed truth • Science explained world through logical reasoning Science and Society The question of the role of the Roman Catholic Church in a became important. While the church opposed the views of many scientists, it benefited from new discoveries that made Renaissance art and architecture possible. The church feared reason as an enemy of faith, but eventually began to embrace some of the achievements of the Scientific Revolution.

  12. Science and the Church • Galileo’s Theories • Brought him into direct conflict with the church • Church leaders pressured him not to support ideas of Copernicus • Trial • Pope ordered Galileo to stand trial before Inquisition • Church wanted to stamp out heresy, or dissenting views • House Arrest • Galileo stated would not use Copernican theory in work • Pope ordered Galileo under house arrest, where he spent rest of life

  13. Scientific Revolution established new way of thinking about physical world Great advances made in the sciences Advances influenced developments in arts, architecture Science & religion combined to produce some great artistic achievements of the Reniassance Impact of Scientific Revolution soon would cause philosophers, scholars to wonder if reason could solve poverty, war, ignorance Science and Community

  14. Draw Conclusions How did the Scientific Revolution have an impact beyond the realm of science? Answer(s): led people to question the Church; inspired great artistic achievements; led to new ideas about government, religion, education, and economics.

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