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KS2 Mathematics Parent Workshop January 2015

This workshop aims to provide parents with an understanding of the changes in the math curriculum, including the four operations, mental mathematics, end-of-year expectations, problem solving, and how to help at home.

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KS2 Mathematics Parent Workshop January 2015

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KS2 Mathematics Parent Workshop January 2015

  2. Contents • The New Curriculum – what’s new in Key Stage 2 • The 4 operations – including calculation methods and progression • Mental Mathematics • End of Year Expectations • Your turn to have a go/Using and Applying • Sample questions for the new tests in 2016 • Problem Solving • How you can help at home

  3. Aims • Enable you to understand the changes occurring in mathematics due to the new curriculum • Provide you with a greater understanding of how mathematics is taught in school and progression of the 4 operation methods through Key Stage 2. • See the importance of mental mathematical skills and the strategies children are taught. • Enable you to see the types of different questions children will be asked to do by the end of Year 6. • Help you understand how you can help your child at home.

  4. The New Curriculum • The aim of the new curriculum is that children develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and the ability to solve problems • Year 3-5 covers four topics - Number, geometry, measure and statistics/ Year 6 covers two additional areas – ratio and proportion and algebra • Problem Solving is taught discretely and embedded within each area of mathematics • Curriculum is divided into Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 • The 2016 assessment tests will be based on the new curriculum content • Calculators introduced at the end of KS2

  5. The New Curriculum • How we are implementing the new curriculum: • Years 3-5 are following the new curriculum • Year 6 are following the objectives from the old curriculum • In each year group the expectations are higher

  6. The New Curriculum • New Expectations • By the end of year 4 pupils should: • Recall multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 • Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25, 1000 • Extend and develop work with increasingly complex fractions • Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using formal written methods of column addition and subtraction. • Multiply two and three digits numbers by a one digit number using a formal written layout.

  7. The New Curriculum New Expectations By the end of year 6 pupils should: Be fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long multiplication and division, and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages. Solve multi-step problems Solve problems involving ratio and proportion Use simple formulae and express mathematical problems algebraically Reason mathematically

  8. The 4 Operations Calculation Methods and Progression (Calculation policy)

  9. Mental Mathematics • It is essential children have secure knowledge and recall of mental facts including: • Place Value including decimals • Number bonds • Times tables from 0 to 12! • Corresponding division facts • Rounding to enable estimation of answers

  10. Mental Mathematics • Mental Mathematic Strategies: • Use number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 transferable to 1,000 and decimals • Multiplication and division by 10, 100, 1,000, 0.1 • Use doubles and near doubles • Partition into thousands, hundreds, tens and units • Adding near multiples of 10. Adding the multiple then add or subtract 1 • Subtracting near multiples of 10. Subtracting the multiple then subtracting or adding 1. • These are transferable to multiples of 100, 1,000 etc.

  11. Sample questions for the end of Year 6

  12. Sample questions for the end of Year 6

  13. Sample questions for the end of Year 6

  14. Sample questions for the end of Year 6

  15. Sample questions for the end of Year 6

  16. How you can help at home • Lots of practice • Playing games – cards, snakes and ladders, dominoes • Cooking • Telling the time • homework • Websites e.g. mathszone.co.uk

  17. Any questions? Thank you

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