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INFINITY REWARDS PLAN. SPREAD THE WORD. INVITE FRIENDS. MAKE MONEY. ShopFreeMart is the first of its kind Member Shopping Club that is free to join and which pays generous profit shares back to its members. Infinity Rewards Plan Applies to Nutritional Products.

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  2. SPREAD THE WORD INVITE FRIENDS MAKE MONEY ShopFreeMart is the first of its kind Member Shopping Club that is free to join and which pays generous profit shares back to its members.

  3. Infinity Rewards Plan Applies to Nutritional Products Make your FIRST SALE and you will earn 10% of the Bonus Value assigned to the products purchased by that MEMBER FOREVER.

  4. You will not earn commissions on the success team of your first purchasing member until both you and he or she or someone in their success team become Ambassadors. You will then earn Ambassador Generational Bonuses through five generations of Ambassadors from that point on. In other words, by helping your first person become Ambassador, you will start earning commissions from your first leg and that will likely be to the very bottom level of your organization until your organization becomes very large.

  5. Your first sale advances you to Diamond Member and gives you a 10% pay raise. Make your second sale and you will earn 20% of the Bonus Value assigned to the products purchased by that member forever.

  6. When your second purchasing member makes a sale, you will earn 10% override on that person’s purchases forever. You will also earn 10% override on that person’s first sale and that person’s first sale to infinity depth forever. (Your second sale advances you to Double Diamond Member and gives you another 10% pay raise.)

  7. When your third purchasing member makes his or her first sale, you will earn 20% override on that person’s purchases forever. You will also earn 20% override on that person’s first sale and that person’s first sale to infinity depth forever. For every person from whom you receive a 20% override, you will also earn 10% override on their first sales to infinity forever. (Your third sale advances you to Triple Diamond Member and gives you another 10% pay raise.) On your next six sales (sales 4-9) you will earn 40% of the Bonus Value assigned to the products purchased by those members forever.

  8. When purchasing members 4-9 each make their first sale, you will earn 30% override on those person’s purchases forever. You will also earn 30% override on all of their first sales and all of their first sales to infinity depth forever. For every person from whom you receive a 30% override, you will also earn 20% override on their first sales to infinity and for every person from whom you receive a 20% override, you will also earn 10% override on their first sales to infinity forever. (Your ninth sale advances you to Ambassador Diamond Member and gives you another 25% pay raise.) On all future sales (sales 10 – infinity) you will earn 65% of the Bonus Value assigned to the products purchased by those members forever.

  9. You will also earn 55% overrides on each of their first sales to infinity, plus 45% on each of their second sales to infinity, plus 35% on each of their third sales to infinity, plus 25% on each of their fourth through ninth sales to infinity depth forever. For every person from whom you receive 55% overrides, you will receive 45% overrides on their first sales, 35% overrides from their second sales and 25% overrides from their third sales to infinity depth forever. For every person from who you receive 45% overrides, you will receive 35% overrides on their first sales and 25% on their second sales to infinity and for every person from who you receive 35% overrides, you will receive 25% overrides on their first sales to infinity depth forever.

  10. Once you achieve the ranking of Ambassador Member and create Ambassadors in any of your legs, you will start receiving Ambassador Generational Bonuses. As an Ambassador, you will earn 3% of the Ambassador pay through 5 generations of Ambassadors, which in some instances will be to infinity depth in any given leg of your member organization.

  11. To start receiving these bonuses all you need is one or more Ambassadors in any level of your success team. For example, let’s say that somebody on your third level reaches Ambassador and there is no Ambassador between you and them. That person would be your first generation Ambassador. And let’s say that someone on their third level reaches Ambassador with no one between them. That person would be your second generation Ambassador. Ambassador generational bonuses are paid through 5 generations of Ambassadors, so the thing you want to do, is to get to Ambassador as quickly as you can and help as many other people on your team get to Ambassador as quickly as they can.

  12. Global Bonus Pools Earn money on every single sale company-wide by achieving the ranking of Global or Crown Ambassador. ShopFreeMart puts 1% of total company BV into our Global Ambassador Pool, plus 1% into our Crown Ambassador Pool that is divided each month among qualifying members.Founding Member Pool ShopFreeMart pays 1% in equal shares to each of our Founding Members. With such a high percentage of payout to our members, a very small margin is left for the company to operate on, so we hope that in treating members the way we want to be treated, they will in turn be honest and have integrity in how they build their businesses and order their products.

  13. Honesty and Integrity What is the reason that most people share a referral-based opportunity or product with someone? Some do it simply for the fact that they want to be of service, but even those who do it out of service, are often struggling financially and need to earn money to purchase their own products and perhaps even put food on their tables. So ask yourself, do you like to be paid for the work that you do? When you refer somebody to ShopFreeMart, do you want that person to stack members in their organization and purchase their products in a way that you will not receive your just reward for introducing them to ShopFreeMart? The answer obviously is no and by the same token, you should not be cheating your sponsor and senior success team out of their just reward by doing such things. You should always treat others the way you want to be treated. Romans 13:9 says, “You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and all commandments are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

  14. Honesty and Integrity If an employer did not pay you for work that you did, you would quickly recognize that you had been cheated. By the same token, when you stack people in your organization and purchase personal products under some account other than your own, you are stealing from your sponsor. Ephesians 4:28 says, “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor in that thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.” John 10:1 says, “Truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but enters by another way, that man is a thief and a robber. ShopFreeMart has created a system whereby all can enjoy better health and more wealth, but our system will not work if members lack integrity in building their business and in ordering products.

  15. Honesty and Integrity 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 says, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one should give willingly and not reluctantly, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to cause all grace to abound to you, so that in everything at all times, you have enough of everything. He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will provide and multiply your seed, and will cause the harvest of your righteousness to grow, being made rich in every way.” When you purchase products in your own account and your sponsor receives his or her just reward, be glad that the money you are giving is blessing the person who blessed you with the opportunity to find and use these wonderful products. Be a cheerful giver and God will cause all grace to abound to you, so that at all times you will have enough of everything.

  16. Honesty and Integrity Compensation plans don’t get any easier or more lucrative than the ShopFreeMart Profit Sharing Plan and you don’t need to understand it in order to make money. In fact, the best way to understand it is to start sharing the ShopFreeMart opportunity, products and testimonials with your friends, because each time a sale is made in your member organization, you will have a detailed explanation in your back office of how each sale is broken down into profit shares. I have interviewed a number of million-dollar earners in the industry and almost without exception, none of them understood the compensation plan when they first got started, other than if they went to work they would make money. Almost without exception, none of them had a goal to earn more than a few hundred dollars a month. They had immediate needs they needed to take care of. When they reached their goal (usually in not less than 6-12 months) they raised the bar and each time they reached their new goal they raised the bar again.

  17. Honesty and Integrity I have learned that the most effective way to get people to try a new product is by getting testimonials in front of them so that they can see and hear the results that other people are having. If you do this often enough and long enough, even the most resistant of persons will eventually buy at least one product and when they get good results (which they almost always do) then they will try other products until eventually they are using them all. So, the more you share, the better you will understand the compensation plan and the more you understand, the more exited you will get, which translates to more money that you will earn. Success is fueled by excitement and excitement is fueled by activity channeled in the right direction. So follow our simple plan of inviting people to our live conference calls, getting people to your landing pages and sending out written testimonials or links to our many recorded testimonials. Everybody needs what we have. There is not a single person on planet earth that couldn’t benefit from the products that we have, so don’t be shy. Keep putting information in front people until they have to say yes out of pure desire to try our products.

  18. Honesty and Integrity Be a leader by reaching out to the members you enroll and help them successfully invite their friends. The best and fastest way for you to be successful is by helping those people you refer to do 3-ways to assist them in inviting their contacts to join ShopFreeMart. And, if you want to catapult your success to record heights in record time, then you need some coaching. Fortunately, Dr. Stan Harris, also known as Dr. Breakthrough has graciously accepted the invitation to be the official trainer for ShopFreeMart. I can tell you that the people who are taking Dr. Stan’s 21-day Breakthrough Training and getting their teams to do the same are exploding their businesses faster than ever before. The cost is only $49.95 and you will even make money when you get your team members to follow you into this course. So don’t miss the opportunity to take Dr. Stan’s 21-day Breakthrough training if you want to build a profitable business in record time! JOIN US NOW!

  19. EARNINGS DISCLAIMER 1.Although we make every effort to accurately represent the services and/or products presented on this website, we make no assurance, representation or promise regarding future earnings or income, or that you will make any specific amount of money, or any money at all, or that you will not lose money. 2.Earnings or income statements, or examples of earnings or income, represent estimates of what you may earn; however, there is no promise or guarantee that you may experience the same level of earnings or income. 3.There is no assurance that any prior success or past results regarding earnings or income may be an indication of your future success or results. 4.Statements or examples of actual earnings on this website that are attributed to a specified individual or business are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email compliance.officer-at-https://www.shopfreedompackage.com); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of earnings or income. Earnings and income potential are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control, including but not limited to your financial condition, talent, skills, level of effort, motivation, past experience and education, your competition, and changes within the market. 5.Operating a business on the Internet involves unknown risks. You should make decisions based on information provided through services and/or products presented on this website with the understanding that an Internet business may not be suitable for you, and that you could experience significant losses or fail to generate any earnings or income at all. 6.You should undertake your own due diligence regarding your evaluation of any services and/or products presented on this website, and this includes relying on qualified professional advisors to assist you with your evaluation. 7.For the foregoing reasons, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented on this website or any of the services and/or products presented on this website.

  20. Join us now at ShopFreeMart.com Contact us: 1-877-556-0739

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