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Welcome to Year 2. Introductions. Principle – Mr payne Deputy principle – Mrs Jones Stingray’s Teachers – Mrs Wood and Mrs Lambon Shark’s Teacher – Mrs Shaw Teaching Assistant s–Mrs Stopler, Mrs Sparrow and Mrs Coleman Inclusion Leader – Mrs Allen SEN TA – Mrs Dimambro.
Introductions • Principle – Mr payne • Deputy principle – Mrs Jones • Stingray’s Teachers – Mrs Wood and Mrs Lambon • Shark’s Teacher – Mrs Shaw • Teaching Assistant s–Mrs Stopler, Mrs Sparrow and Mrs Coleman • Inclusion Leader – Mrs Allen • SEN TA – Mrs Dimambro
Independence and Organisation In Year 2 the children will be expected to show a degree of independence at school, following the Golden Rules in school and in the playground. Children may bring in a healthy snack for morning break in addition to the fruit snack already provided. They are now expected to be more independent with their belongings as follows:- • Reading Record and reading book in school on a daily basis • Homework set on a Friday and handed in on the following Thursday • Named water bottle taken home daily.
Homework Homework will be given out on Thursday. • Every week your child will have either a Maths or English task, with project work set occasionally. • Mental Maths – times tables or number bonds will be given each week. • Reading – daily, with a comment in the Home School Diary each time they read. • Spellings – Given on a Tuesday and children will be tested on their spellings the following Tuesday. • Your child should return their homework by Thursday.
Rewards • House points- children will be awarded house points for following the Golden Rules. Who will win the House Cup? • Class cup – individual award for going ‘above and beyond’ the Golden Rules & producing a ‘Wow’ moment. • SMART awards – outstanding neatness • Golden Time • Marble jar– Whole class reward • Marvellous Me – because they are!
Sanctions Rainbow Sun Cloud Rain cloud Lightning cloud Loss of Golden Time !
Holidays • Our school year is very busy. 5 days of holiday or illness every year of primary school adds up to over half a term of missed learning! • We therefore ask that you avoid taking your child out of school for holidays during term time. We are unable to provide work for holiday absence. • Please be aware that government rules are tightening regarding holidays in term time and if absence is becoming an issue / affecting progress you may be liable for a fine.
Learning Outside the Classroom • Walk to the library to research project work • Exploration of the local area and our St James’ garden • Trip to The Sealife Centre, Weymouth linked to our project • Walks to King’s Park • Variety of outside visitors
PSHE • Weekly Jigsaw sessions • Bubble Time • Hear to help • Peer mediation • Academy council
How you can help at home • Encourage independence • Daily Reading • Homework • Project Research • Practical Mathematical activities • Writing activities
Parents’ Evening Autumn Term - Parents’ Evening • Tuesday 8th November • Wednesday 9th November
Assessment The new National Curriculum 2014 is based on year group objectives rather than levels. Within each year group, children are either • Emerging • Developing • Secure
Communication • We pride ourselves on being approachable staff in a caring school. • Write us a note (or put a note in the yellow reading record) • If you have any concerns and worries about your child and their progress, or anything positive or important that would be helpful for us to know,please come and see us!
Any questions? • We will keep you updated of all the developments at St James over the coming year. Thank you for coming!