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Employment & Training Strategies

Employment & Training Strategies. Different Approach. 8,783 Households 50% Employed. Time to change…. Me. Resident. Something new…. The idea. Challenges. Center for Employment Services (CES). CES Focus Areas. www.Benevolent.net.

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Employment & Training Strategies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Employment & Training Strategies

  2. Different Approach 8,783 Households 50% Employed

  3. Time to change… Me Resident

  4. Something new…

  5. The idea

  6. Challenges

  7. Center for Employment Services (CES)

  8. CES Focus Areas

  9. www.Benevolent.net Benevolent is an organization that matches donors with people who need a little help to turn their lives around.

  10. Is It Working? • 6,105 Customer Visits • 4,854 Return visits • NAHRO Merit Award $52K for $300K!

  11. Our biggest challenges?

  12. Job Placements ONLY

  13. Intensive Job Placement (IJP)

  14. What are we selling to employers? M ONEY E nergy T IME By: Mike Fazio, CareerTEAM Solutions

  15. New Sector Strategy Prove It! gives you the power to identify and select the most talented candidates. Convergys is a leader in customer management for over 30 years.

  16. The Motivation for Change!

  17. Old Outputs vs. New Outcomes • 75% customizedtraining graduates employed • 85% job seekers passed employer tests • 50% of program graduates were employed • 6,105 Customer Visits • 4,854 Return visits • NAHRO Merit Award VS.

  18. Sustainability

  19. Chris Campbell Employment Services Coordinator Charlotte Housing Authority 704-336-8555 Chriscampbell@cha-nc.org

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