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Secondary school IIS.” Isa Conti Eller Vainicher” LIPARI COMENIUS PROJECT - Title: Renewable energy : a challenge for the future– Prof. Maria Jose Calderone Prof. Maria Rosaria Lazzarini Prof. Maria Livoti Prof. Giacomo Montecristo
Secondary school IIS.” Isa Conti Eller Vainicher” LIPARI COMENIUS PROJECT - Title: Renewable energy: a challenge for the future– Prof. Maria Jose Calderone Prof. Maria Rosaria Lazzarini Prof. Maria Livoti Prof. Giacomo Montecristo DS. MRS Tommasa Basile Integration of renewableenergy and climatechangeinto the curriculum .
ASSELANGUAGES: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 1 Task - product Booklet Aimed at an audience on the Characteristics of Various internal communication through media, Both traditional (letter, article. Bilingual glossary (Inglese, Italian) Product presentations by the students Educational Goals Responsibly Use the multiple forms of communication in relation to Their Characteristics Be aware of the value of a Within Each workgroup. Targeted Skills Axis of languages:Mastering the tools of expression and discussion are essential to handle the verbal interaction in Various Contexts - Produce Various types of texts in relation to the different communicative Purposes - Use a communicative foreign language for practical purposes and major operational Axis Scientific - Technological Being aware of the potential and limitations of technology in the cultural and social context in Which They Are Applying Key Competences for citizenship Acquiring and interpreting information Communicate-Collaborate and Participate Title Technology and communication: to be aware of the Characteristics of the Most Popular Communication Systems of Our cultural and social context
AXIS LANGUAGES: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 1 Knowledge Linguistic area - Italian The basic elements of the functions of language. Context, purpose and recipient of the communication Codes of oral communication, written, verbal and nonverbal Specialized vocabulary Linguistic area - Inglese Basic vocabulary on topics of everyday life, on familiar topics or on the theme of communication Simple ways of writing: short messages, informal letter Technical Area Specific operations Some of the basis of common software applications Capacity / Skills Linguistic area - Italian Use vocabulary and linguistic register in relation to different environments and contexts - Understand the message contained in a text Search for, acquire, select and general information specific to the production and comprehension of written texts Various kinds of Write descriptive text effective Linguistic area - Inglese Interact in a simple and short communications on topics of personal interest or well-known themes - Write short texts of personal interest, and concepts related to everyday communication Technical Area Recognizing the role of technology in daily life - Use the basic functions Most of the technologies commonly used to produce text-Seeking information on the net Prerequisites Basic knowledge of computer Basic knowledge of Inglese Descriptive text Users Students of the first higher education (high school, ...) Implementation Stage October-November Times 20 hours
AXIS LANGUAGES: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 2 Title Ecology Day Task - Product "Ecology Day" Glossary in Italian and foreign languages with the terms of the technical-scientific Presentation: the act of the day and clarification of work Educational Goals (Educational Purposes) Educating students to the cooperation for the realization of an event taking on roles and Responsibilities Develop students in Greater Environmental Awareness and Respect for the environment To Promote awareness of ITS in contribution Conveying ideas and Promote of civilization Targeted Skills Acquiring and interpreting information Read, Understand and interpret written texts Various kinds of Use a foreign language for the main practical purposes of communication
AXIS LANGUAGES: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 2 Prerequisites Mastering the Internet Being Able to use different strategies for listening and reading in Italian and foreign languages Users Pupils in the second upper Human Resources and related tasks Experts cultural associations and local Institutions Implementation Stage February From March to May 60 hours Ability / capacity Apply different strategies of reading and listening in Italian language and foreign languages. Identify the nature, function and main practical purposes of communication and expression of a text in Italian and foreign languages Distinguish the level connotative denotative Than in Italian language and foreign languages. Interact in formal (to invite experts to present day, head over to the day, to coordinate a workshop) Knowledge Specific vocabulary in Italian and foreign languages. Environmental issues Organizations. Sequence into phases Step 1: Identification and organization of the path-definition-group breakdown of tasks, roles and specific Areas of inquiry Step 2:. Collect the materials through documents, internet, magazines and interviews - Understand the information-Select the information choices - Compare operating pilaris glossary Phase3.: Event Schedule: permits, equipment, Identifying places and times, contacts with experts, for the administration, workshops, buffet and other materials Step 4: . Realization of the day ecology. Individual work methods, Between group and groups. Meetings with experts Collaboration with faculty and technical staff of schools and liaison with local reference Hand Tools - Specific documents Newspaper articles / magazine - Audiovisual equipment - computer support - short essays Criteria and methods of assessment Products: one day event, video recording, Questionnaires, reports, glossary. Grids for observation and assessment of teachers Started "Various phases (organizational skills, logistics stand and workshops, communication effectiveness).
AXIS LANGUAGES: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 3 Task - the product leaflet Leaflet island Educational Goals Work on a common product, taking on roles and Responsibilities Recognizing the communication needs of others Recognize and value elements of ITS Territory Targeted Skills Produce Various types of texts in relation to the different practical purposes of communication (fluent Italian) Communicate (key skills of citizenship) Use a foreign language for communicative Purposes and major operational Being aware of the potential of technology in relation to cultural and social context in Which They Are Applying Any expansions in relation to types of school: use the basic tools for a conscious use of the artistic heritage Understand the present, taking the change and the diversity of historical time in a diachronic / synchronic Productive orientation In Its Territory. Title My island
AXIS LANGUAGES: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 3 Prerequisites Mastering the Windows operating system Users Pupils in the second upper Implementation Stage May-June (20 hours) Human resources related tasks and Teachers: Italian, Inglese, computing (Hopefully professors: History, history art, economics). Experience: tour the area. Knowledge Methods and techniques of written production (the brochure) Stages of Writing: planning, drafting, revision Lexical variety in relation to different environments and contexts Inglese Basic vocabulary, appropriate to the content of the brochure General structure and operations common to the Various software packages Significant elements of the Territory (artistic, historical, economy) The main historical Developments involving the Territory. Skill-Ability Seek, Obtain and select information from the production of written texts Various kinds of Revise the information in a clear Produces texts appropriate to different communicative Situations Managing a communicative event Write short texts of social interest and professional Know and Respect the cultural and Environmental goods from ITS Territory Place the Most Important historical events covered under the space-time coordinates. Main Actors of the Local Economic. Methods Individual work and in small groups Tools Books, guides, magazines, internet and multimedia encyclopedias Sequence into phases Stage 1 Collecting information (group) Step 2. Graphic design (group) Step 3. Drawing text (individual) Step 4. Product Presentation (individual) Criteria and methods of assessment to the Conditions of work in a team (board observer) Individual evaluation of the product (relevance, accuracy, clarity, coherence and Cohesion, wealth of information) with an assessment in part to the presentation / layout and evaluation of the text in translation (accuracy, Cohesion and coherence)
AXIS LANGUAGES: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 4 Task - product Tesina analyzing one or more works of art museums in the WHERE are inserted Glossary (included in the project) Exposure to the work mates Analyzed in the museum Educational Goals sensitize students to a passionate enjoyment of art Induce curiosity Facilitating the search for bibliographic material Understanding the value of heritage Knowing how to Involve stakeholders Skills Aimed Use the tools essential for a conscious use of heritage Produce Various types of texts in relation to the different communicative Purposes Master the essential tools of expression and argumentation verbal communication to manage the interaction in Various Contexts Title A day at the museum Preparation time in the classroom and through work at home (April - 25 hours) Exposure During the educational visit (5 hours)
AXIS LANGUAGES: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 4 Prerequisites Knowing how to apply the technical analysis of artistic language Being Able to identify the distinctive work of art Being Able to appear and the related information Knowing how to guide in a museum Implementation Stage May-June (20 hours) Human Resources and related tasks professors of languages, history / social Experience: tour of the museum Bernabo - Brea - Lipari Knowledge Basics for reading / listening to a work of art. Major forms of artistic expression Structural elements of a Coherent and cohesive written text Use of dictionaries Methods and techniques of different forms of Writing: Reports Writing: planning, drafting and revision The argumentative text display Functions of language Jargons Elements of verbal and nonverbal communication. Skill-Ability Recognize and appreciate the works of art Know and Respect the cultural and Environmental assets from ITS Territory Research, select and acquire general and specific information from the production of written texts take notes and write summaries and reports Reprocess the information correct and consistent produces texts appropriate to different communicative Situations know how to change the registry and the expression interlocutor know how to use the appropriate vocabulary Expressed as a function of the role research, select and evaluate-opinions, data and lectures. Sequence into phases 1.Additional General information (location, historical) Stylistic and historical features of 2.Suddivisione 3. Searching for bibliographic records, internet, magazines 4. Processing dat visible and critical comment. Individual job search methods and processing - Team work and Between groups Oral presentation of Their Work. Assessment criteria and assessment of the product According To: • completeness, accuracy, comprehensibility, clarity and Originality of the thesis • The quality of exposure in public and ability to Involve stakeholders
LINE OF MATHEMATICS: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 1 Task - Notice of the product summary of Activities Presentation Power Point /Cabri-geometry Color prints made with Construction Cabri-geometry Seizing the relevance of Educational Objectives' image in the Various Forms of Thought Read, comment and build models of interpretation of reality Use Skills targeted techniques of algebra and Procedures Compare and analyze geometric figures Identify links and relationships (key skills) Title The irrational numbers, geometry, art and nature Second term time (20 hours) Users Grade 2 students of the biennium
LINE OF MATHEMATICS: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 1 Prerequisites The numerical sets N, Z, Q Shapes and geometric entities Familiarity with the environment Cabri-geometry Implementation Stage May-June (20 hours) Human Resources and related tasks Professor of mathematics, drawing / art history / science Laboratory Technician economy). . Knowledge The numerical sets Q and R Measurement of Quantities, incommensurable The golden section in mathematics, art and nature Capacity / skills Understanding the need to extend the set Q of rational numbers to describe reality Analyze the Characteristics of real numbers draw geometric figures using specific software Solve problems of geometric and retrace the Settlement Procedures Sequence into phases 1. Introductory lecture to multimedia 2. Constructions with Cabri to determine: π, 2 , 3, Φ 3. Construction and macro: the golden section, golden triangle, pentagon, Decagon, spiral Teodoro 4. Verification of property in architecture, art, nature 5. Processing final products Guided Discovery Methods Work in small groups Help Tools tab Cabri-geometry, power point, publisher Criteria and methods of assessment Scales of observation and assessment of the Following: Autonomy Knowledge of software used Product evaluation on the basis of predefined criteria (clarity, intelligibility) Assessment of the Knowledge and Skills Acquired
LINE OF MATHEMATICS: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 2 Assignment - Notice of Product Summary of Activities Color prints made with the construction Cabri-geometry Presentation Power Point /Cabri-geometry Illustrated brochure to be used in the day of "Open Schools" Improving Educational Goals and enjoy the pleasure of discovery Learning to generalize Learn how to submit your work and taking in the Most Significant Aspects Use Skills targeted techniques of algebra and Procedures Compare and analyze geometric figures Identify links and relationships (key skills) Title Tangram Pythagorean Times 8 hours in class + 15 in computer lab Users Students in the class period of 1 ^
LINE OF MATHEMATICS: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 2 Prerequisites Together N Pythagorean Theorem Implementation Stage May-June (20 hours) Human Resources and related tasks Professor of mathematics, drawing / art history. Laboratory Technician economy). Experiences Presentation della'attività students to average 3 ^ Knowledge Pythagorean theorem to generalized polygons Calculation literal Area of polygons Capacity / skills Understanding the need to extend the set Q of rational numbers to describe reality Analyze the Characteristics of real numbers draw geometric figures using specific software Solve problems of geometric and retrace the Settlement Procedures Sequence into phases 1. Determination of Pythagorean triples with different methods 2. Cabri Construction and macro (square, triangle, hexagon, ...) 3. Verification and Generalization of the Pythagorean Theorem 4. Processing final products Guided Discovery Methods Work in small groups Help Tools tab Cabri-geometry, Power Point, Publisher Criteria and methods of assessment Scales of observation and assessment of the Following: Autonomy Knowledge of software used Product evaluation on the basis of predefined criteria (clarity, intelligibility) Assessment of the Knowledge and Skills Acquired
LINE OF MATHEMATICS: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 3 Task - product processing and presentation of the solution of a linear programming problem. Educational Goals To Develop skills of analysis and synthesis Knowing how to Assess the Various Factors taken into account in relation to the scope of work and make informed choices Ability to work in groups Problem solving skills targeted (core competence of citizenship) Identify appropriate strategies to solve problems Title Tuning in Activities That require resource investment quantifiable and measurable Times March-April Users Grade 2 students of the secondary school level II
LINE OF MATHEMATICS: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 3 Prerequisites Elements of analytic geometry (plane Cartesian equation of a line) Linear systems with two unknowns and geometric interpretation Inequalities and systems of linear inequalities in two variables Human Resources and related tasks Professor of Mathematics, Technological Experiences Using means-available to explore Problematic Situations for proposals (using excel, Graphing calculators, ...) Knowledge Decisive phases of a linear programming problem Graphical Representations Corresponding to equations and inequalities of 1st grade Inequalities and systems of linear inequalities in two variables Techniques to solving a problem using equations and inequalities of 1st grade Ability / capacity Formalizing the path to solving a problem through algebraic and graphical models Translating from natural language to algebraic language and vice versa Individual work methods Teamwork Tools worksheets Computer lab Criteria and methods of assessment Assessment in terms of: Correctness of the model built Validity of the resulting solution Clarity, correctness and completeness of the presentation Sequence into phases Presentation of the problem of linear programming and construction of the tabulation of data Expression of the Objective function Algebraic translation of the technical constraints and sign and graphic representation of the constraints Identification under the constraints of the region Chosen Field Determination of the maximum or minimum by the contour lines or the study of vertices of the Chosen field.
LINE OF MATHEMATICS: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 4 Task - Product Development of a survey descriptive statistics Product: Summary Report of the Survey and Its Results, Either on paper or computer, for the purpose of a public presentation. Educational Goals Educating the use of scientific tools to read, interpret and analyze social issues using scientific instruments, Avoiding Findings based on 'stereotypes'. Encourage cooperative learning students through group Activities, used to appear with Those of Their ideas other Develop the ability to summarize the information in order to put forward plausible Analyzed Hypotheses Concerning the evolution of an Observed Phenomenon. Targeted Skills Analyze and interpret data, Developing Conclusions and reasoning on Them, even with the help of graphical representations, knowingly using computational tools and the opportunities afforded by specific applications of computer science "Project" Develop and Implement projects for the development of ITS Activities to study and work, using the knowledge learned to Set Realistic and Meaningful Goals and Priorities, Considering the constraints and opportunities, Defining strategies for action. Title Tourism in Sicily and the Aeolian Islands Times Second Quarter Users Grade 2 students of the secondary school level II
LINE OF MATHEMATICS: UNIT 'LEARNING N. 4 Knowledge Meaning of organization and analysis of numerical data Absolute frequency, for Percentages; Main graphical representations for the frequency distributions, the arithmetic mean, the fashion and the median, the variance and standard deviation. The quadratic function. Capacity / skills Collect, organize, and Represent a set of data. Represent classes of data using bar graphs and pie charts. Read and interpret tables and graphs in terms of correspondence Between elements of two sets. Recognize a Relationship Between variables is through a Formalized Mathematical function representation on the Cartesian graph of a function. - Calculate the coefficients of linear regression to a statistical distribution. Prerequisites The Cartesian plane and the concept of function, solving systems of equations of 1 st and 2 nd grade; linear function. Human Resources and related tasks Lecturer sxienzeLetters, laboratory technician, Group work methods, laboratory instruments Laboratory informatics, graphing calculators, video projector. Sequence into phases 1Advanced and data classification; 2. Elementary statistical analysis; 3. Experimental research on the line 4. Detection by manual calculation of the equation of the straight line interpolation; 5. Identification of the examination line by the computer application; 6. Searching for other interpolating curves only through the tool; 7. Assessment of 'nearest curve fitting using the coefficient of determination; 8. Activities to the development of the Observed Phenomenon. Criteria and methods of assessment: Autonomy in arranging and organizing data; effectiveness in the graphical representation through the use of the tool; correct identification of the curve approximates the best That Observed data; consistency of the assumptions made Estimates Expressed through reasoned arguments.
LINE OF SCIENCE - TECHNOLOGY: U. A. N. 1 Task - Product Announcement of results of Investigation Individual Report Construction glossary of terms in Inglese Educational Objectives (Educational Purposes) Educating students to collaboration for the creation of a joint responsibility and taking on roles Increasing Awareness of Environmental Issues through an analysis of local context Skills Aimed Powers of Science and Technology Observe, describe and analyze phenomena, Belonging to the natural and artificial In Its Various Forms and Recognize the concepts and system complexity Powers of the languages Mastering the tools of expression and discussion are essential to handle the verbal interaction in Various Contexts Responsibility of Citizenship Acquiring and interpreting information: acquire and critically interpret the information in the Received Various Various fields and through communication tools, Evaluating the reliability and Usefulness, distinguishing fact and opinion Title The health of the environment Second term time (30 hours) Users Grade 2 students of the secondary school level II
LINE OF SCIENCE - TECHNOLOGY: U. A. N. 1 Knowledge Axis of Science and Technology Concept and Its Approximation of measure, and system complexity - Charts, graphs and tables - Use of the main software programs - the concept of ecosystem - Environmental impact tolerances - Concept of Sustainable Development. Axis of languages Vocabulary critical to the management of simple oral communication in formal and informal Ability - Axis of Science and Technology Collect data through direct observation or consultation of books and manuals or media. Organize and Represent .- Identify the possible date Collected Interpretations of the data based on simple models. - Present the results of the analysis - Use classification systems and / or logic to Recognize Recognize and define the reference model Aspects of an ecosystem - Be aware of the role That Technological processes play in changing the system environment - an environment in order to analyze to Assess the Risks Axis of languages Set Out in clear, logical, and structured Coherent Experiences or texts - Recognize different communicative registers of a spoken text. Prerequisites lConcetto habitat and ecosystem. Cycles biogeochemical Human Resources and related tasks Lecturer sxienzeLetters, laboratory technician, Group work methods, laboratory Laboratory Equipment and Computer Science Sequence into phases 1. Collection of bibliographic data paametri chemical environment. 2. Data processing and Formulation of tables and graphs 4. Construction of exposure (preparation for action) Assessment criteria and assessment of the cards Following through: - Autonomy in arranging and organizing data; - Effectiveness of the graphic representation through the use of the tool; - Consistency of the assumptions made Estimates Expressed through reasoned arguments.
LINE OF SCIENCE - TECHNOLOGY: U. A. N. 2 Task - Product Announcement of results of Investigation Individual Report Construction glossary of terms in Inglese Educational Objectives (Educational Purposes) Strengthen the capacity guidance, communication and promotion of relational styles Between all stakeholders in the school community. Axis Powers targeted science and technology Develop an awareness of the Citizens aware of Environmental Protection as a World Heritage Site; Mathematical Axis Analyzing Data and Developing Conclusions and interpret the reasoning examination, even with the help of graphic Interpretations, knowingly using computational tools and the potential of applications of computer science Axis of languages Produce Various types of texts in relation to the different communicative Purposes Responsibility of Citizenship Acquire conscious behavior, to integration, Cooperation and recognition of others' ideas, while Respecting Their cultural identity, Title Tourism and Environmental Sustainability Second term time (40 hours) Users Grade 2 students of the secondary school level II
LINE OF SCIENCE - TECHNOLOGY: U. A. N. 2 Knowledge Axis of Science and Technology Basic conceptual structure of knowledge in relation to different local tourism sector Technological Stages of a process (sequence of operations: from the 'idea' to the 'product') The method of design. - Getting the basic specifications of the burdens of common software applications Axis of languages Stages of Writing: planning, drafting and revision Ability - Axis of Science and Technology Gain a real understanding of the concept of Sustainable Development; Identify, Adopt and spread the practice of behaviors / actions to reduce the Environmental Impact of Human Activities; Taking Environmental Protection as the value of citizenship to Be Transmitted to future generations. Axis of languages Set Out in clear, logical, and structured Coherent Experiences or texts Prerequisites Concept of Sustainable Development Human Resources and related tasks Internal team teachers: teachers of mathematics and computer science and laboratory technician (data processing: tables and graphs) Professor of Letters Methods Lectures Individual work Planning of research-action Laboratory Equipment and computer classroom. Sequence into phases A recovery of the prerequisites - Presentation UDA 2. Organization of work: preparation and collection of information materials on tourism flows 3. Designing a package tourism biosostenible “ 4. Assessment criteria and assessment of the cards Following through: - Autonomy in arranging and organizing data; - Effectiveness of the graphic representation through the use of the tool; - Consistency of the assumptions made Estimates Expressed through reasoned arguments.
LINE OF SCIENCE - TECHNOLOGY: U. A. N. 3 Title The house in the past, present and future. Second term time Users Students in the class of 1 ^ II secondary school degree (all fields) Task - product information material on Glossary of specific terms in Inglese. Presentation Individual Report Educational Objectives (Educational Purposes) Educating students to collaboration for the creation of a joint responsibility and taking on roles Increasing awareness of the problems Inherent in the use of non-renewable energy sources and energy saving The Importance of Axis Powers targeted science and technology Qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the phenomena of energy transformation from the experience Mathematical Axis Analyzing Data and Developing Conclusions and interpret the reasoning examination, even with the help of graphic Interpretations, knowingly using computational tools and the potential of applications of computer science Axis of languages Produce Various types of texts in relation to the different communicative Purposes Responsibility of Citizenship Collaborate and Participate
LINE OF SCIENCE - TECHNOLOGY: U. A. N. 3 Prerequisites Concept of Sustainable Development Human Resources and related tasks Internal team teachers: teachers of mathematics and computer science and technical drawing, Professor of Letters Experiences Guided tours Ability - Axis of Science and Technology Being Able to grasp the interactions Between living needs and Technological processes - take simple Practical projects to solve problems - Use the basic features of common software to produce text and multimedia communications, calculate and display data, draw, find information and communicate network Mathematical Axis Read and interpret tables and graphs in terms of correspondence Between elements of two sets-Evaluate the size of a result Axis of languages Revise the information in a clear and consistent produce correct texts Knowledge Axis of Science and Technology Concept of heat and temperature Limits of sustainability of an ecosystem variables Mathematical Axis Meaning of organization and analysis of numerical data That simple applications allow you to create, edit a spreadsheet with graphic forms Corresponding Axis of languages Stages of Writing: planning, drafting and revision Methods Lectures Individual work Planning of research-action Laboratory Equipment and computer graphics. Criteria and methods of assessment Product evaluation and individual reports by the team of teachers on the basis of predefined criteria (clarity, accuracy, understandability, relevance, reliability, ability to Overcome Difficulties, transferability) Self-assessment (questionnaire) Sequence into phases A recovery of the prerequisites 2. Brain storming 3. Drafting of the product 4 Presentation of the work
AXIS HISTORICAL - United Socialist 'LEARNING No.1 Task - Product Dossier on Customs and Traditions in different times and places Individual reports on the work Educational Goals To educate students and the collaboration and shared responsibility in a joint Educate students to Recognize and value diversity Skills Aimed Understanding change and diversity of historical time in a diachronic dimension by Comparing eras and in a synchronic dimension by Comparing Geographical and Cultural Areas Identify links and relationships Title Forms of cultural Time December March Users Students of Class 1 and 2 ^ ^ II secondary school degree (all fields) Prerequisites Knowing how to orient in time and space Knowing how to use strategies and tools for the understanding of texts, iconographic material. Knowing how to use digital tools
AXIS HISTORICAL - United Socialist 'LEARNING No.1 Skill / Ability Recognize the dimensions of time and space through the observation of historical events and Geographical Areas Place the Most Important historical events covered under the space-time coordinates Identify the Most Significant elements appear to different periods and Areas Understanding the change in the uses, customs, daily living in comparison with Their Own experience Knowledge The Fundamental Periodization of World History The main historical phenomena and space-time coordinates That Determine Them The main social phenomena, Economic characterize the contemporary world, Including in relation to different cultures Know the main events That Help You Understand the reality of national and European The main historical Developments involving ITS own Territory Human Resources and related tasks Internal team teachers: Teachers axis socio-historical Professors of languages Teaching staff of the Technological Experiences Educational tours Methods Laboratory Activities Brainstorming Lessons Shared Multimedia tools with Tutorials Teamwork Collaboration with local Institutions . Sequence into phases 1. Recovery prerequisites: a review of the space and time scales, skill development related to the use of digital 2. Defining the research topic, organization of the search path, divide the class into groups and Assigning roles and tasks 3. Development of research: individual work (interviews, internet research ...); Criteria and methods of assessment Evaluation of the final product of the individual groups, based on predefined criteria (Completeness of the final, order and clarity of content, consistent with the Objectives, Originality in the final presentation Satisfaction questionnaire to students Final monitoring
AXIS HISTORICAL - United Socialist 'LEARNING No.2 Task / Product Brochure: "Your rights in Italy" Information leaflets / guidance on the rights of minors in Italian, Addressed to foreign students Translation of a brochure in the main European languages During the presentation and delivery of school activity open to all high schools and Local Authorities Glossary Educational Goals Recognize Their personal identity and value through the discovery of Their Rights Promote awareness on Various opportunities of minors Promote the acquisition of a sense of social responsibility Targeted Skills Place personal experience in a system of rules based on mutual recognition of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, to protect the person, the community and the environment Act Responsibly and Independently Title Children's rights Times March - April - May Users Students of Class 1 and 2 ^ ^ II secondary school degree (all fields)
AXIS HISTORICAL - United Socialist 'LEARNING No.2 Skill / Ability Understand The Fundamental Principles and Characteristics of the rules of the Italian Constitution Identify the different models of institutional and social organization and relationships Between the main person-family-society-state Identify the major role of European Institutions and International Cooperation agencies to Recognize and acknowledge to be the bearer of Rights and Duties Within the limits of a proper relationship with peers and with adults in the daily relations opportunities Offered to the person Knowledge Italian Constitution Main issues Concerning the integration and protection of human rights and the promotion of equal opportunities Essential knowledge for social services Role of International Organizations Prerequisites Essential features of the rule of law Sources of law Using the basic structures of language Human Resources and related tasks Interdisciplinary team: foreign language teachers professors of law and economics, Italian, Computer Teacher Experiences Meetings with experts from Organizations onlus dealing with the protection of human rights Methods -Individual Research Lectures - Group work Computer lab Tools Texts-Legal Essays - Supports computer language-Dictionaries-Internet ' Sequence into phases 1. Drafting of the brochure 2. Editing 3. Product Presentation Criteria and methods of assessment scales of observation and evaluation product evaluation on the basis of predefined criteria (clarity, comprehensibility, Originality, appropriate terminology, completeness of information) through a questionnaire administered to sample groups (students, teachers, Collaborators of the project) the best product in the major European languages will be translated and presented in open meetings and at local schools and other schools
AXIS HISTORICAL - United Socialist 'LEARNING No.3 Task / Product Organization of local traditional products stand with bilingual advertising media. Educational Goals To educate students to collaboration and Implementation of a joint responsibility and taking on roles. Recognize and value Their cultural identity through the analysis of economic Actors in the local area. Skills Aimed your way into the fabric of Productive ITS Territory Design Title Orientation and development of the Territory Times From January to May Users Grade 2 students of the secondary school level II ( ist. Technical sector of the economy - all the addresses) • Prerequisites Knowledge of different models of the economy; • Being Able to appear and related information; • General knowledge of the Economic and Productive sectors to local and national. • Knowledge of specific terms in English
AXIS HISTORICAL - United Socialist 'LEARNING No.3 Human Resources and related tasks Interdisciplinary team: foreign language teachers professors of law and economics, Italian, Computer Teacher Experiences Preparation of stands for the realization of an outbreak of food and wine tasting rooms Skill / Ability Recognise the main Characteristics of the labor market and job opportunities Offered by the area Recognize the key areas are Organized WHERE Economic Activities Within the ITS Territory Knowledge That rules govern the economy and the basic concepts of labor market Essential tools for reading the manufacturing of ITS Territory Major players in the local economy. Methods -Individual Research Lectures - Group work-Computer Lab Tools Texts-Legal Essays - Supports computer language-Dictionaries-Internet ' Sequence into phases Prevailing Economic 1.modelli, sectors and factors of production. 2. identification and organization of the course. 3.preparazione the display mode of the product under the laboratory; 4. Preparation of a video with images of the scanning operation of labor and construction phases; 5.Organizzazione the exhibition / stand and production of bilingual information boards for the presentation of products. Criteria and methods of assessment Scales of observation and evaluation in the classroom and in the laboratory According To the criteria of interest, personal commitment and collaboration to the project. Product evaluation on the basis of predefined criteria: clarity, Originality, effectiveness of communications and marketing criteria.