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Student Expectations and Physical Education Program. “Safe, Respectful, and Responsible Behavior”. Physical Education Goal. To guide all students in learning: fitness skills sports games sportsmanship teamwork. GOAL:.
Student Expectations and Physical Education Program “Safe, Respectful, and Responsible Behavior”
Physical Education Goal To guide all students in learning: • fitness skills • sports • games • sportsmanship • teamwork
GOAL: • That all South Lake students will make positive choices regarding their personal fitness and health that will last a lifetime!
Other Opportunities to represent South Lake • Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament • Hoops Classic Basketball Tournament • Irvine Junior Games
FITNESS STANDARDS: • HFZ = HEALTHY FITNESS ZONE • Fitness Testing in March…we prepare all year. • Mile Run, Curl-Ups, Push-Ups, Shoulder Stretch, Trunk Lift
GRADING POLICY: Students grades are based on: • Participation • Effort (Based on daily teacher observation) • Work Habits • Citizenship
PARTICIPATION • Your grade is based on participation in all class activities each day. You will be successful if you are motivated and have a positive attitude when asked to give your personal best effort. • Points will be deducted if you do not dress out and/or participate (students with an injury/illness will be given an alternative assignment).
LOANER UNIFORMS • You may borrow a loaner uniform for up to 2x per week without losing grade points. • Procedures taught on locker room tour.
Work Habit Expectations • We expect all students to participate in class each day using a separate set of appropriate PE clothes that is different from their school clothes. • If you choose not to use a loaner uniform , you will not participate in activity and lose 6 points. You will do a non-suit essay. • Must be wearing athletic (must have laces or velcro) shoes and socks
Uniform Options • 2 options: 1.Purchase the South Lake uniform • you may also wear a siblings uniform from past years, your miler club t-shirt. 2. You can bring a separate set of PE clothes (not your school clothes) • T-Shirt: plain white or gray and write your name on the front using 2” letters with a permanent marker. • Black or navy blue athletic shorts/sweats to be kept in your locker.
COLD DAYS • You may wear a sweatshirt and/or sweatpants on cold days. Your PE uniform must be worn underneath. Uniform Check • PE teachers will check for appropriate PE uniform daily. LOOKING FORWARD…to a great year!
Students are Expected to… • Participate safely and to the best of their ability in all activities, regardless of skill level, interest, or physical limitations. • PE teachers will explain daily activity to entire class at one time • Attitude is everything! This means we do not whine or complain in PE class!!!!! • FOLLOW SAFETY RULES AT ALL TIMES
Respect… • the property and rights of others • and accept the abilities of others • the teaching and learning process • and take pride in your physical education facility, equipment, and uniform
Students are Expected to… • Report to the physical education area on time, place backpack by locker gates, change quickly in the locker room and sit on assigned number for attendance. No pushing, shoving, or chase games allowed. • Tardies will be reported to the front office.
Students are expected to… • Enter the locker room from the blacktop side of the building only (wait behind the red line). Always wait for permission from the teacher to enter the locker room. • Upon entering the locker room, all students are expected to check the message board for any necessary information.
Students are Expected to… • conduct themselves in an orderly fashion while in the locker room. For example: no running, no throwing items of any kind, no horseplay, no excessive noises and NO use of AEROSOL SPRAYS / PUMP SPRAYS.
Students are Expected to… • Use their assigned outside and inside lockers for their own use. Do not share lockersor combinations with anyone. • Lock all valuables in your locker during class. Do not leave any personal items out. DO NOT TAKE LOCKS HOME!
Students are expected to…. • Keep only P.E. uniform, athletic shoes, socks and hygiene items in their locker. • Not wear your friends PE clothes • (optional, but very helpful…use a small gym bag to get P.E. items in and out of the locker room) • This is your daily HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT…be prepared daily!
Students are expected to… • Change into P.E. clothes quickly, leave locker room and SIT on number ready for attendance. Students not seated on number will be marked tardy. Keep hands and feet out of aisles for roll. • Stay at the lunch table area until passing period begins. Never walk through the special education classrooms during class time.
Students are expected to… • NOT chew gum. • DO NOT bring candy, food, or drinks to class or store such items in your locker. • NEVER leave wallets, cell phones, iPods, or other valuables unsecured/outside locker.
Students are Expected to… • provide the proper uniform daily (T-shirt, shorts, athletic shoes, and socks). • Students may wear sweatshirts and sweatpants on cold days if desired, as long as their PE uniform is worn underneath.
Students are expected to… • refrain from wearing any bulky or loose fitting jewelry for safety reasons (i.e.watches, bracelets, earrings).
Students are Expected to… • remain outside the P.E. locker rooms and equipment room at all times, unless otherwise authorized by a South Lake staff member.
Students are Expected to… • Leave all P.E. equipment alone until a teacher gives permission for its use. • STOP shooting/playing/throwing/kicking when whistle blows/class ends to prevent post-activity injuries or collisions. BE RESPECTFUL AND CONSIDERATE WHILE HELPING TO CLEAN UP THE AREA!
Huddle up for Instruction • Your wonderful PE teachers will face the sun. • Students will SLANT during instruction (but may kneel if on the grass in the back row). S = Sit up L = Lean Forward A = Act Interested N = Nod & Smile T = Track the Teacher • Always hustle to activity and follow teacher cues!!!!
Students are expected to… • Dress in a manner that meets both school and physical education dress code. • Wear shorts appropriately. • Do NOT write on or CUT uniform in any way. • If the uniform becomes inappropriate, it will need to be repaired or replaced.
Students are Expected to… • demonstrate good citizenship and sportsmanship at all times. Rude, inconsiderate and/or inappropriate language or behavior WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Students are expected to … • Provide a note from parents if activity needs to be modified or full exclusion. You will still dress out unless physically unable to (after 3 days a doctor’s note is required) and do an alternative assignment. Please modify P.E. for…
Students are expected to… • Discuss and sign the P.E. syllabus with their parents. • Keep the P.E syllabus in the pocket of their planner for future reference.
OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA • DO NOT jog through the outside fitness area….stay on the path. • Hitting the sign disturbs the neighbors…be considerate. • OFF LIMITS during snack and lunch. • Need teacher supervision to use equipment AT ALL TIMES!
SAFETY • Never stand behind storage unit for safety reasons. • Never be out of sight of teachers. • Do not wander behind PE building. • ALWAYS let a PE teacher know if you need to use the restroom or go to the office.
WE ARE HERE… • To help you have a great experience at South Lake! • SAFETY comes first…always report injuries to the PE teachers immediately.