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CAMPUS NORTHUMBERLAND. BACKGROUND. Dec 06 DOH letter to Chief Executive NHS North East - People with LD still inappropriately accommodated in the NHS - ‘ Valuing People’ 2001 - People living in Residential NHS campuses should have the chance to move
BACKGROUND • Dec 06 DOH letter to Chief Executive NHS North East - People with LD still inappropriately accommodated in the NHS - ‘ Valuing People’ 2001 - People living in Residential NHS campuses should have the chance to move - Our Health, Our Care , Our Say- NHS Residential Campuses should close by 2010
DEFINITION OF CAMPUS - DOH A service that is: • NHS provided long-term care in conjunction with NHS ownership/management of housing (residents do not have an independent landlord and housing rights) • Commissioned by the NHS • Includes people who have been in assessment and treatment beds more than one year who are not compulsorily detained or undergoing a recognised and validated treatment programme • People living in such accommodation are technically and legally NHS patients
DEFINITION CONTINUED The following cases would not be enough on their own to exclude services from reprovision: • The properties being small houses in a dispersed setting • An NHS discharge process having being followed
PROGRESS TO DATE • Northumberland Care Trust, VPST, and NTW agree and validate numbers in NTW • NTW – December 07 – Return to Department of Health
RETURN TO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH – DECEMBER 07 • NTW Campus People 33 (30 from our region) - 4 people from Northumberland
WHERE WERE THE NORTHUMBERLAND CAMPUS PEOPLE?AT TIME OF DECEMBER 07 RETURN • Bungalows – Northgate Hospital - 2 • Autism Service – Northgate Hospital - 1 • Forensic Rehabilitation – Northgate Hospital - 1
CURRENT POSITION AT 30TH APRIL 2007 • 3 PEOPLE FROM NORTHUMBERLAND 1 Bungalows - Northgate Hospital 1 Autism - Northgate Hospital 1 Forensic Rehabilitation - Northgate Hospital
CAPITAL FUNDING Commissioners have been invited to bid for capital funding to support the discharge of these Campus people.