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Our Advocate Partners Wilma Gillis, CRNA, BSN Luanne Irvin, MS

Our Advocate Partners Wilma Gillis, CRNA, BSN Luanne Irvin, MS. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research. Sample Slide One. Sample Text.

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Our Advocate Partners Wilma Gillis, CRNA, BSN Luanne Irvin, MS

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  1. Our Advocate Partners Wilma Gillis, CRNA, BSNLuanne Irvin, MS Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  2. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  3. Sample Slide One • Sample Text Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  4. Why have Advocates?To…. • Have grassroots contact w/members • Communicate gratitude closer to home • Optimize fundraising at state events • Refer members and students to programs and resources • Heighten CRNA awareness of the mission and work of the Foundation Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  5. ….but why else??? • The Foundation staff is very small • Volunteers are the lifeblood of non-profits • Programatic work is enormous • Gratitude is most meaningful when it is repeated and reinforced • State Advocates know the unique needs and potential within their state Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  6. Non-Profits and Raising $$$ • It costs them more to raise money--$20 for every $100 raised—5 x a corporation • They lack leverage compared to companies • Donors need to “feel like” writing their checks • Selling / proving impact or value is needed Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  7. Outmoded Warm Glow Theory • People used to give to feel good • Psychic returns were the motivators • It did not matter what the results were • Piecemeal returns not OK, today • Unsustainable in current economic arena Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  8. Warm Glow does not Work Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  9. Social Outcomes Impact • The Foundation’s impact message needs to be a part of each pitch • Relying on giving to just give and “feel good” will not be successful in current era Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  10. IMPACT = Success! • People and businesses pay for it—ie “green”, organic, sustainable resources • Social issues affect business’ economic competitiveness • Trust is won by companies supportive of social causes • Brand loyalty is affected by causes • Willingness to pay for social changes is honored within the marketplace Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  11. Qualities of the Successful Advocate • Belief that our Foundation makes a strong and positive impact on our profession • Willingness to share the value messages with your state members • Willingness to be a consistent presence in your state • Willingness to function as a liaison to the BOT and Foundation staff Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  12. Qualities and Talents • Public speaking • Outgoing personality • Writing skills • Time to give • Listening skills • Trustworthiness • Creativity • Knows the members • Willing to express gratitude • Willingness to hold fundraisers • Patience to wait for the message to work Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  13. Patience is REALLY Big Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  14. Reading your Audience Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  15. Generational Differences Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  16. What is a generation? • A generation is a cohort group who share birth years who are deeply influenced by and tightly bound together by their times • They share defining, galvanizing moments Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  17. Take-away Trends for Gen-Y or -Nexters, born after 1983 • Short term incentives are more successful in younger generations to maintain productivity • Define requested commitments clearly to within acceptable time parameters • Coach and reward as part of the assigned work • Utilize their techno-literacy • Be efficient with time expectations • Embrace creativity • Immediacy of feedback—text, email • Outsource work not CRNA-mandated!!! Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  18. Take Aways for the Gen-Xersborn between 1965 - 1982 • Work smarter, not harder • Comfortable with change, diversity and technology • It’s OK to change jobs to advance • Want challenge…and fun • Tattoos, piercings, different / casual dress • Drive eco-efficient cars • Spend cautiously, may still have loans Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  19. For Baby Boomers, born 1946 - 1964 • Communications explosion • Buy now, pay later—plastic • The 60-hour work week • Trendy, designer fashions, vintage wine, fine cars • Team players, fairness in workplace • Personal growth Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  20. The Traditionalists, born 1910 - 1945 • Dedication, hard-work ethic • Honor, duty before pleasure • Respect for authority • Conformity • Sacrifice • Patience, delayed reward Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  21. Creativity and Positive Attitude Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  22. What is also required? • Donation of your time • Annual gift of at least $100 • Help at annual meetings or assemblies • Maintaining your knowledge of Foundation programs • Availability to state members for questions • Representing the Foundation in highly ethical, professional, supportive manner Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  23. What is the Term of Office? • No minimum or maximum • Ongoing service is great for knowledge of the state membership • Skills are developed over several years • If you as an advocate feel “tired” or overburdened, suggest a replacement • If you are not an advocate and never saw the work of one, ask to be named! Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  24. Perks of the Office • Having the satisfaction of supporting our profession’s future • “Contributing” to research and science—even from the head of a bed • Networking within state and nationally • Developing a new skill set for fundraising • Setting a generous example for others Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  25. Table Talk Exercise • Why did you say yes to being a donor? • Why did you say yes to being an Advocate? • What is your best talent/quality that you bring to the role? • In what area do you perceive a need? Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  26. What Will the Foundation Staff Do For You? Provide the support, materials and training needed for you to be successful. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  27. Advocate Support • Advocate Handbook with samples • Solicitation and Cultivation Materials • Training – Conference Calls, Workshops, emails, etc. • A listening ear… Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  28. Advocate SupportSolicitation/Cultivation Materials • Display poster • Brochures – FFL, Planned Giving, etc. • Annual Report and Recognition Booklet • Donation envelopes • Foundation note cards Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  29. Advocate Support - Display Poster Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  30. Advocate Support – Brochures Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  31. Advocate Support – Annual Report and Recognition Booklet Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  32. Advocate Support – Donation Envelopes Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  33. Advocate Support – Note Cards Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  34. Advocate Support – A Listening Ear Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  35. What does the Foundation Need from Advocates?The Annual Paperwork • AANA Foundation State Advocate Duties • Acceptance To Serve Agreement: Conflict of Interest Guidelines & Policy Code of Ethical Principles and Professional Practice • AANA Commitment to Serve Pledge Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  36. AANA Foundation State Advocate Duties • Speak at state association meetings. • Distribute Foundation materials at state association meetings. • Organize state association fundraisers to raise money for Foundation Annual Giving and/or state-sponsored scholarships. • Volunteer time at the Foundation Booth at AANA meetings. • Volunteer time at AANA Foundation special events. • Handwrite thank you notes to donors in the represented state. • Donate personally to the Foundation. • Attend Advocate training sessions. • Participate in Advocate conference calls. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  37. Advocates are Asked to Pledge to : • Make attendance at all Advocate meetings, workshops and conference calls a high priority. • Come to meetings prepared to contribute… • Represent the Foundation in a positive and supportive manner at all times and in all places. • Observe the parliamentary procedures outlined in Roberts Rules of Order or other parliamentary models, and display courteous conduct in all training and workshop meetings. • Make every effort to learn the role of serving as an AANA Foundation Advocate. • Participate in workshops, seminars and other educational events that enhance skills; Advocate conference calls; and Advocate receptions and luncheons during AANA meetings. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  38. AANA FoundationAcceptance to Serve Agreement • Conflict of Interest Guidelines • Conflict of Interest Policy • Code of Ethical Principles and Professional Practice • Commitment to Serve Pledge Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  39. What else does the Foundation Need from Advocates? • Encourage students to apply for scholarships and researchers to apply to fellowships and research grants • Encourage State Association to sponsor a student scholarship • Submit Award nominations • Identify potential major and corporate donors Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  40. One Can Make a DifferenceHow Simple Actions Can Change the World Edited by Ingrid E. Newkirk Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  41. Gratitude Moment • Thank you for being a part of this program! • Thank you for being or being interested in the Advocate role! • Your work as an Advocate is important for the future of this profession. • Staff and Board of Trustees are always here to help. They value your efforts! Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

  42. Advocates, like water and sunshine, bring new growth and beauty! Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research

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