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Explore options for providing regular, seamless summer meals. Learn about reimbursement rates, claiming meals, and program eligibility guidelines from Arkansas Department of Education's guidance.
ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Summer Programs Regular Summer Seamless Summer Afterschool Snacks Donna Ratliff, ADE/CNU February 2016
Options for School Meals during the Summertime • Regular Summer Program • Seamless Summer Option (SSO) Program • Summer Food Service Program (through DHS)
ADE Regular Summer • Extension of the regular school year • Count and claim students based on application type (Free, Reduced Price, Paid) at the point of service • District will receive reimbursement at the current School Year’s (SY) reimbursement rates for Free, Reduced Price and Paid
ADE Regular Summer • District must notify ADE of intent to offer regular summer meals BEFOREserving meals • Indicate regular summer and include dates on Agreement and Policy Statement OR • Have Superintendent request approval in writing at least TWO WEEKS prior to beginning meal service
Claiming Regular Summer Meals • Meals are claimed based on Free, Reduced Price and Paid meals served and must be counted at the point of service. • Indicate Regular Summer Meals by an ”X” in Summer
ADE Seamless Summer How it Works: • School Food Authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP) are eligible to apply for the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) through the State Agency (ADE CNU). • SFA’s must be able to demonstrate administrative capability and have no significant problems operating either the NSLP or SBP.
ADE Seamless Summer • District must notify ADE of intent to offer Seamless Summer meals BEFORE serving meals • include dates on Agreement and Policy Statement Agreement at the beginning of the year or • have Superintendent request approval during SY • Approval WILL NOT be granted without a completed Schedule C for the SY meals are to be served • At least TWO WEEKS PRIOR to the start of meal service to allow ADE CNU to process the paperwork
SCHEDULE C-16 – 2015-16 SEAMLESS Summer Option (SSO) Funded through the ADE
ADE Seamless Summer • How it Works • Site is area eligible when geographical boundaries of a school attendance area has at least 50% of its children approved for free or reduced price meals, OR • Eligibility through the use of Census Data can be used if the site is not area eligible but the homes or sites are located immediately adjacent to an eligible area • Census data tracks and Census Block Groups (CBG’s) are available at http://www.fns.usda.gov/areaeligibility
ADE Seamless Summer • How it Works: • Once approved, SFA’s serve meals free of charge to children 18 years of age and under • Student enrollment in participating district is not required. • Meals will be counted at the point of service
ADE Seamless Summer Times of Operation: • The district may operate the SSO from May through September when school is not in session • Year round schools may operate the SSO during any scheduled break 10 or more school days, unless shorter periods are approved by the State Agency • Traditional schedule schools cannot operate SSO during spring or winter breaks.
ADE Seamless Summer • SSO sites must offer breakfast to children in the morning hours. • The designated lunch period will be between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., unless otherwise exempted by FNS (such as supper service that would not occur during these hours).
ADE Seamless Summer • Types of Sites for Feeding Summer Meals: • Area Eligible • Open • Restricted Open • Enrolled • Closed Enrolled • Camps • Migrant Sites
ADE Seamless Summer Types of Sites: • Area Eligible • Open • Serves all children through age 18 at a site that is located within the geographical boundaries of a school attendance area with at least 50% of its children approved for free or reduced price meals. • Meals reimbursed at free rate for all attending children served. • Restricted Open • Serves all children through age 18 on first-come, first-serve basis at a site that is located within the geographical boundaries of a school attendance area with at least 50% of its children approved for free or reduced price meals. • Attendance is limited for reasons of security, safety; or control. • Meals reimbursed at free rate for all attending children served • SFA’s must submit explanation of why it is restricting attendance and on what basis to the State Agency for approval
ADE Seamless Summer Types of Sites with Identified Group(s) of Students • Enrolled • Closed Enrolled • Serves children through age 18 in a specific program or activity serving only an identified group of children. • Meals reimbursed at free rate when site has: • At least 50% of the children enrolled at the site approved for free or reduced price meals; or • Documentation indicating that the site is located within the geographical boundaries of an attendance area with at least 50% of its children approved for free or reduced price meals. • A closed enrolled site not meeting at least one of the above criteria is not eligible to participate unless qualified as a day camp. • An explanation of why the SFA is sponsoring a closed enrolled site provided to ADE, CNU with application • Summer school is NOT a closed enrolled site under SSO
ADE Seamless Summer • Enrolled children’s eligibility status may be determined by: • Information obtained from their school; • Applications submitted and approved by the sponsoring school; • Direct certification conducted by the sponsoring school • Camps • May be residential or non-residential (day camp) • Must offer regularly scheduled food service as part of an organized program for enrolled children • Eligibility must be established for each enrolled child, Free, Reduced or Paid • Cannot be Area Eligible • Claim for reimbursement based on child’s eligibility
ADE Seamless Summer • Migrant • Primarily serving children of migrant families through age 18 • Must be certified by a migrant coordinator • Meals reimbursed at the current NSLP or SBP free rates for all children in served
ADE Seamless Summer • Any meals served to children in the academic summer school during the time they are considered attending school must be claimed and reimbursed under the REGULAR Summer. • Maximum of two meals, such as lunch and breakfast, or lunch and one snack, or breakfast and one snack, may be claimed for reimbursement per day.
ADE Seamless Summer • Schools operating SSO and use Offer vs Serve are required to follow the Offer vs Serve requirements of NSLP and SBP. • Off-site consumption of meals is not allowed, except as part of a scheduled event such as a planned field trip. • Students may save some items, such as whole fruit or bag of baby carrots, for later consumption that are non perishable items and do not require cooling or heating. Be sure to refer to applicable State and local food safety regulations
ADE Seamless Summer • Monitoring the Seamless Summer Program • Schools are required to review each SSO site at least once during it’s operation • The SFA must review the meal counting, claiming, meal pattern, menu planning and food safety requirements for compliance at all sites. • On-site Review form is available on Child Nutrition website: • http://www.arkansased.org/divisions/fiscal-and-administrative-services/child_nutrition_unit/forms • CNU will review at least one site of SSO when SFA has a CRE that year or at the discretion of the State Agency
ADE Seamless Summer Claim • On the monthly claim for reimbursement filed with the State Agency, the SFA must identify meals served at SSO or Regular Summer sites separately from other NSLP or SBP meals served at other sites. • All meals served at the point of service are reported in the “Free” category • School districts operating SSO may not pay for non-Program adult meals through the nonprofit food service account
ADE Seamless Summer Claim • Indicate Seamless Summer meals by and “X” in Seamless Summer • Indicate Reimbursable meals claimed in the “Free” section of the claim
ADE Seamless Summer • All meals served under SSO will receive • The severe need breakfast rate for those that qualify • The safety net rate for those that qualify • 6 cents
ADE Seamless Summer • http://www.fns.usda.gov/sites/default/files/SFSP_SeamlessComparisonChart.pdf USDA website provides a comparison chart of all available Summer Meals Programs • Currently 2014-2015 and is Updated in January after SFSP reimbursement rates are released. The new rates have been posted to the Federal register as of Jan 13th, 2016 but the chart has not been updated. • Includes Reimbursement Rates, Monitoring, Reimbursement Method, Meal Pattern, Eligibility Requirements, etc.
ADE Seamless Summer Outreach Please visit the following sites for information and outreach materials regarding summer meals: 1. The Summer Food Service Program Outreach Toolkit is available to Sponsors and Feeding sites. It includes fliers, letters to parents, and other materials that help schools raise awareness of the summer feeding programs among students and families. The toolkit is available at http://www.fns.usda.gov/sfsp/summer-meals-toolkit 2. The Share Our Strength and the Arkansas No Kid Hungry Kid Campaign have developed strategies to improve access and increase awareness of the availability of summer meals to children. Outreach materials are available by request at http://www.arhungeralliance.org/programs/no-kid-hungry/summer-meals/ Grant Opportunities-Contact the No Kid Hungry Campaign at 501-399-9999 3. Information on Summer Food Service Program http://www.fns.usda.gov/sfsp/summer-food-service-program-sfsp
USDA Summer Memos • SP 10-2015 Area Eligibility in Child Nutrition Programs • SP 14-2015 Demonstration Project for Non-Congregate Feeding for Outdoor Summer Meal Sites Experiencing Excessive Heat with Q & A • SP 13-2015(v.2) Summer Meal Programs Meal Service Requirements Q 7 A - Revised • SP05-2016 Meal Service Requirements in the Summer Meal Programs Q & A
USDA Summer Memos • SP 07-2013 Summer Feeding Options for School Food Authorities (Revised) • Summary of Options available to school food authorities for feeding children in the summer months • Commissioner’s Memo FIN-15-083 Summer Meals 2015 • New Commissioner’s Memo to be released in Feb 2016
Afterschool Snacks • Federally assisted snack program • Snacks are served to children after their regular school day ends. • Give children a nutritional boost and can draw them to supervised activities
Afterschool Snacks • NSLP afterschool snacks • Must participate in NSLP and serve snacks that meet Federal requirements • Regularly scheduled activities in an organized, structured and supervised environment • Include educational or enrichment activities e.g., mentoring or tutoring programs • No Offer vs. Serve in Snack program • Competitive interscholastic sports teams are not an eligible afterschool program through NSLP..
Afterschool Snacks • What sites can participate? • School District must operate the NSLP and an afterschool care program • Both Area Eligible and non-Area Eligible sites can participate • Area Eligible if program is located at a school or in the attendance area of a school where at least 50% of the enrolled children are eligible for free or reduced price meals. All snacks are claimed at the “free” rate • Non-Area Eligible can use the meal application already on file. If there is not an approved free or reduced price application on file, the school will earn the paid rate of reimbursement. Snacks are claimed by category based on eligibility determination from meal application; free, reduced price or paid.
Afterschool Snacks • What type of snacks must be served in my program? • Snacks must contain at least TWO different components of the following four: • Fat-free (unflavored or flavored) or low-fat fluid milk (unflavored); • A serving of meat or meat alternate • A serving of vegetable(s) or fruit(s) or full strength vegetable or fruit juice; • A serving of whole grain or enriched bread or cereal • Refer to Food Buying Guide for snack meal pattern
Afterschool Snacks • What if my school site is not eligible under NSLP? • You may still qualify for snack reimbursement under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Contact your State Agency
ADE Summer Programs and Afterschool Snacks • Contact Information • Stephanie Starks at stephanie.starks@arkansas.gov • Donna Ratliff at donna.ratliff@arkansas.gov • Child Nutrition Unit at (501) 324-9502
Community Eligibility • Reminder of Key Dates • No later than April 15th- LEA’s must submit to ADE, CNU a list of schools with: • An identified student percentage of at least 40% • An identified student percentage greater than or equal to 30% but less than 40% • Schools in the 4th year of electing with an identified student percentage greater than or equal to 40% but less than 40% • No later than April 15th- State agencies must notify LEA of their districtwide eligibility and provide CEP guidance to LEA’s – will be through Commissioner’s Memo • No later than May 1st- ADE, CNU posts the LEA districtwide and school ISP • LEAs mustnotifytheStatenolaterthanJune30thofthe schoolyearpriortothefirstyearofelectingCEP
USDA Guidance Memo • E-rate • USDA Memo SP 08-2015 Updated E-rate Guidance for Schools Electing Community Eligibility • Notifies LEA’s of recently updated rules issued by the Federal Communications Commission regarding the calculating of discount rates under the E-rate program for schools electing CEP • ADE, CNU Commissioner’s Memo FIN-15-058 • Title I • USDA Memo SP 35-2015 Community Eligibility Provision: Revised Department of Education Title I Guidance • Provides guidance for LEA’s beginning the implementation of CEP
CEP Reimbursement Estimator http://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/community-eligibility-provision calculator to estimate Federal reimbursement the district/school may receive, or the non-Federal funds the district/school will need to put into the child nutrition account. • tracking form to show percentage of identified students for each year the district/school is on CEP • Reimbursement rates - safety net and severe need • 6 cent reimbursement
Community Eligibility For questions regarding Community Eligibility contact: Donna Ratliff at (501 324-9502 donna.ratliff@arkansas.gov
Direct Certification • Key Dates • Last match was completed on January 22, 2016 • Remember you must access the Direct Certification portal statewide match and process the new DC matches 3 times/year