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DHARMA-BASED PERSON-CENTERED APPROACH SHIN-SHU COUNSELING. -THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SHIN-BUDDHISM AND PCA WITHIN MYSELF- K. Yamashita Mimasaka University Japan yamakaz@mvi.biglobe.ne.jp. It was 35 yeas ago that I encountered Professor Gisho Saiko. He was a
It was 35 yeas ago that I encountered Professor Gisho Saiko. He was a marvelous Listener. His smile was so beautiful. I was deeply relieved by him. It was an unbelievable encounter. Later I discovered the secret. He was a living Shin-Buddhist (Pure land Buddhism) who deeply understood person-centered approach. I followed him. I have been learning PCA in my life and entranced into Shin-Buddhism teaching. Now both are connected deeply within myself inseparably. I am deeply relieved and having rich moment with my clients, students, friends, family within this deep connection. I would like to share myself with you in this presentation.
1.Contents of this presentation 1 My speaking(60min). and sharing (20min.) 2 Mainly this is my subjective report, and I will try it in a rule of objective Dharma-based person-centered approach (D-pca). 3. I aim at being given a demonstration of D-pca at the same time. 2. My encounter of PCA and Shin-Buddhism brought me the ultemately deep awareness that should be called the treasure of my life. 転迷開悟 1. The place where I have been experiencing PCA and Shin-Buddhism 2. my experiencing of PCA 3. Buddhism (Shin-Buddhism) has given me ultimately deep spiritual awareness. 3. Shin-shu counseling/Dharma-based person-centered approach 1. Saiko-model (Fig. 1, 2) 2. My way of being as a counselor/helping person 3. Co-travelers of living (御同行、御同朋-On-Dogyo, On-Dobo) Index
1 Professor Gisho Saiko 2 PCA Encounter groups and counseling workshops (in Japan) Play Mountain Place-Humanistic alternative school (Los Angeles) International PCA Forum 3 Hoza (法座), Dharma meeting Listening Shin-Buddhism Teaching Practice (calling Amida Buddha’s name, Nembutsu) Sharing ourselves in a small group (like Encounter group) 2-1 The place where I have been experiencing PCA and Shin-Buddhism
1 PCA has affinity to Eastern thought “Organism” not a creature, “Shujo(衆生)”, “Ujo(有情)”, Ikimono(生きもの)“, ”sentient being“ Lao-tse, “Wu-wei”, “noaction 2 I have been learning the importance of “experiencing”, “congruence”, “authenticity”, “caring”, “understanding person’s internal frame of reference” within relationship. 3 “To Be That Self Which One Truly is” (Rogers), “The way to do is to be” (Lao-tse), “自由(Ji-yu)”, “あるがまま”(Aruga mama) 4 However I am not satisfied, something vacant, spiritually thirsty. 2-2 It is me who it continues being attracted by big charm of PCA becoming the bridge of the Western thought and Eastern thought.
1 About Shin-Buddhism (see. Saiko’s paper p.2) I will share how Shin-Buddhism (Buddha Darna) is living within myself. 2. Knowing about myself with Buddha’s wisdom Suffering, Four major forms of suffering and eight major forms of suffering. Suffering comes from myself. I am blind and lost.I have Evil Karma. I am ego-oriented, have ego-attachment. I am finite.There is no in-finite in myself. I do not have self-power to become Buddha (awakened person). 3. Turnabout, Transcendent (Shinjin gyakutoku) Spiritual A-ha experience Ultimate awareness 4 Awaking to Buddha‘s compassion (Amida Buddha’s Vow) I am deeply knowing that Buddha’s compassion(Amida Buddha’s Vow) is directing to myself. I have fundamental Joy deeply in myself. This means I am relieving, liberating 2-3 Buddhism (Shin-Buddhism) has given me ultimately deep spiritual awareness. 転迷開悟
In short, it is a path in which an “ordinary foolish person” can become a Buddha. “Any person who believes in Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow and recites the Buddha’s Name (Namu Amida Butsu) attains birth in Amida’s Pure Land and becomes a Buddha (Saiko). I believe the term “Buddha Dharma” better represents the religious system that is commonly called Buddhism. The reason is it is a way of life for all the humanity, not just an “ism,” which is a system of thought. Sakyamuni Buddha attained perfect awaking to the truth and reality if human suffering, and this awaking is called “wisdom.” Out of compassion for people, he decided to share his realization with them to emancipate them from suffering. Because it has come from the Buddha’s supreme awaking and contains the dynamic power of saving people based on his wisdom and compassion, I wish to call the Buddha’s teaching “Buddha Dharma (Saiko).” About Shin-Buddhism (Saiko)-Buddha Dharma-
1. Dharma-based congruence I am deeply awaking myself with Buddha Dharma. I was born alone, dying alone, coming from somewhere, going to somewhere alone. I am in the ocean of death-and-birth. I am in the Evil Karma. I am relative and finite, lost and blind I do not have self power go beyond myself. Because of this reality Amida Buddha’s Vow (Buddha‘s compassion) is directing me. I am deeply awaked and liberating. I have fundamentally great joy deep in myslef. 2. Dharma-based unconditional positive regard I am awakening that clients/persons are also with Buddha Dharma. Amida Buddha’s Vow (Buddha‘s compassion) is directing them. Even they are not awaking it, I am awaking this reality. I deeply with them as mundane persons who are directed by Amida’s Vow (Buddha‘s compassion). 3. Empathic understanding This is the same concept of Rogers. This is the process to reach to understand clients/persons’ inner world, internal frame of reference. 3-2 My way of being as a D-pca counselor/helping person
Clients/persons are the only persons who know their directions. They do their thing. We are same persons with Buddha Dharma. We are co-travelers in our life. Life is not easy. I am being with them having sadness, heavy feeling, hardness. Sometimes I am stucked, crying with them. Even this, Amida Buddha’s Vow (Buddha’s Compassion) is always directing us. I am being with them in great joy and relieving. I think this attitude is beyond “unconditional positive regards (Rogers)”. 3-3 Co-travelers of living , 御同行、御同朋(On-Dogyo, On-Dobo)
1. Saiko,Gisho Dharma-based Person-Centered Approach in Japan 2001 paperpresented 8th InternationalPCAForuminJapan 2. Rogers, C. R. A Way of Being 1980HoughtonMifflinCompany 3. Rogers, C. R. On Becoming a Person 1961 HoughtonMifflinCompany 4. Ueda, Yoshifumi/Hirota, Dennis Shinran-An Introduction to his Thought 1989 Hongwanji International Center 5. Brazier, C. Buddhist Psychology-Liberate your mind, embrace life- 2003 Robinson References