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Scoop. Directed by: Woody Allen Celine Renaud-Brice. THE BASIC FILM PARADIGM. INCITING INCIDENT.
Scoop Directed by: Woody Allen Celine Renaud-Brice
INCITING INCIDENT • Inciting Incident – A dead journalist, Joe Strombel, is seen sitting in a boat steered by the Grim Reaper himself. The audience gathers that this man has just died, and is on his way to either heaven or hell. A fellow passenger on the boat informs him that a well-known and respected businessman in London is actually a serial killer and that he is the one who murdered her. Joe decides that, dead or not, he has one big story left in him, and makes a daring escape, by jumping off the boat.
SECOND THOUGHTS • Second Thoughts - Sondra Pransky, a college newspaper reporter, goes to a magic show on a night off and is randomly picked from the audience, by the magician, to enter a “Disappearing Box.” Inside suddenly appears Joe Strombel, who tells her what he’s found out, urges her to pursue the story, and then disappears.
CLIMAX OF ACT I • Climax of Act One - Sondra Pransky does some research on the serial killer and the businessman that Joe Strombel told her about, whose name is Lyman, and goes back to visit the magician, Splendini, from the magic show. Together they decide they should work on this case together, to uncover the truth about the serial killer’s real identity. Then suddenly Strombel appears again, giving them both more clues about Lyman. The Grim Reapers emerges suddenly and then takes him away again.
FALLING ACTION OF ACT I • Falling Action in Act I – Sondra Pransky and Splendini team up and decide to go meet Lyman and find out what really happened and if he actually is a murderer.
RISING ACTION OF ACT II • Rising Action - Sondra Pransky purposefully “bumps into” Lyman at a party he is hosting and pretends to be an actress and that Splendini is her father. She tries to get more and more clues about him, without being too suspicious. Both Sondra and Splendini believe he did commit the crimes.
OBSTACLE/CONFLICT 1 • Conflict I: While investigating for potential clues, Pransky finds herself falling for Lyman, much to the dislike of Splendini. But Lyman grows suspicious as he finds her wandering around his basement and wine compartment, looking around for clues.
OBSTACLE/CONFLICT 2 • Conflict 2: Pransky and Lyman are now officially dating. It’s her birthday and he tells her that he must leave for a business trip, but that very night she sees him walking outside on the street. She tries to follow him but loses sight of him. She then hears screams, but goes home anyway. The next day she reads in the news that the infamous serial killer has struck again.
MIDPOINT- A BIG “TWIST” • Midpoint/Climax – Pransky and Splendini want to go to the police and tell them about their suspicions but decide not to until they obtain further proof. Pransky becomes increasingly afraid of Lyman but then finds out that the police already found the culprit for the crimes. So there is no possible way that Lyman is the murderer, and they were simply on the wrong track the entire time.
FALLING ACTION OF ACT II • Falling Action of Act II–Pransky feels very guilty for accusing Lyman of those horrible crimes, and even confesses to him what she had believed before. He laughs it off and then asks her to go on a trip with him to his country house. She agrees.
RISING ACTION OF ACT III • Rising Action of Act II– The two lovers, Pransky and Lyman, are at his country house and decide to go out on a rowboat in the middle of his private lake. Things start to take a turn for the worst when Lyman spills confidential information about a crime he “supposedly” did not commit. Pransky grows suspicious again and is now afraid.
CLIMAX OF ACT III • Climax – Lyman admits to his crimes and pushes Pransky overboard, because he thinks she can’t swim. Meanwhile, Splendini crashes into a tree as he was driving to Pransky so that he could save her (because he had figured out on his own that Lyman truly was a serial killer) but just ends up dying.
DESCENDING ACTION OF ACT III • Denouement/Descending Action – Lyman calls the police, telling them that his girlfriend had fallen overboard from a rowboat and that he had been unable to swim to her in time. As he’s saying this, Pransky walks in, completely wet, saying that she was the captain of her school’s swim team. • He gets sent to prison, and she gets to become a famous reporter.
RESOLUTION • Resolution – Splendini is now rowing the Death boat as well, along with Joe Strombel, and the Grim Reaper is steering it. Pransky, who’s alive, has many editors praising her article, calling it a wonderful investigation and saying that it is an honor for their paper to run it. And Lyman is in prison, for the crimes that he committed.