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Mentor Selection Information Session. Master program Operations Management & Logistics. Dr. S.A.E. Resing-Sassen Vice Director of Education IE Prof.dr.ir. J.C. Fransoo Program Director, OML Ir. dr. S.D.P. Flapper Mentor Matching Advisor, OML. Agenda.
Mentor SelectionInformation Session Master program Operations Management & Logistics Dr. S.A.E. Resing-Sassen Vice Director of Education IE Prof.dr.ir. J.C. Fransoo Program Director, OML Ir. dr. S.D.P. Flapper Mentor Matching Advisor, OML
General information on the procedure Dr. Simone Resing-Sassen Vice Director of Education School of lndustrial Engineering
Master Program Time Line May 2013 Mentor selection Sep 2014 – Jan 2015
Mentor selection procedure IM/OML It is compulsory for students to register for participation in the mentor selection, prior to the mentor selection information meeting. Students registered in OASE before May 1, course code 1MC00.
Mentor selection procedure OML Student applies at mentor Student canapply (take interviews) at multiple mentors simultaneously Notethatitcan happen that a mentor receivestoomanyrequests for interviews; then the mentor mayrejectsome interview requestsbasedupon the submitted information (statement/motivation, resume/CV, grade list) Mentor decides on student autonomously Requestadvice at OML mentor matching advisor: dr.ir. S.D.P. Flapper
Mentor guidance during Master program • Month 1: start of Master program • Month 3-5: applicationtoone of the mentors • discusswith mentor general interest, and electives program for second and third semester, includinginternational term (formalapproval) • Month 6-17: Master Thesis preparation • meet bimonthlywith mentor todiscuss research topic and questions, possible company involvement • role of mentor is role model researcher,accompanies the student in selecting a good(design-oriented) research question • Month 18-24: Master Thesis (full time) • guidanceduring thesis project
Final qualifications of Master program • Disciplinary knowledge • Independently conduct a research project (thesis project) • development of new knowledge and insights in a purposeful and methodical way • Construct a (re)design of a business process, based on this research project • synthetic activity aimed at the realisation of new/modified artefacts, creating value in accordance with predefined requirements
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 , s r Master thesis preparation o o t t t bi-monthly meetings n c n e a Core and elective o t m n i t o Master Thesis Project a courses e c c h i t t bi-weekly meetings l s p f Core and elective Core and elective r p o i f A courses courses e n o Master Thesis Project • 30 cp (840hrs), one full time semester • Student shouldspend at least 20% of time on campus • Self-contained (i.e., includesessentials of preliminarywork) • Formalformattingrequirements (max. 50 pages, poster) • Judgedby mentor and second assessor(check by examination board) • Master thesis evaluation criteria • See Thesis Manual at education.ieis.tue.nl
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 , s r Master thesis preparation o o t t t bi-monthly meetings n c n e a Core and elective o t m n i t o Master Thesis Project a courses e c c h i t t bi-weekly meetings l s p f Core and elective Core and elective r p o i f A courses courses e n o Master Thesis Preparation • 10 cp (280 hrs), Semesters 2 and 3 • Product after Semester 2: literature review (1ML05), max. 25 pgs • scoping of the research area • literature study • identification of relevant research questions • Product after Semester 3: research proposal (1MR05), max. 25 pgs • definition and discussion of research questions • research design (methodology) • project plan (timing) • Judged by mentor and second assessor
Further information • Website displays a lot of information • information on research areas, and list of mentors • dates in the procedure • important forms (e.g., assignment, electives, start thesis project) http://education.ieis.tue.nl • Electives Form: hand in before December 1, 2013Fill in correctlytopreventdelays! • 120 ects: alllisted courses willofficiallybecome part of your program • Goingabroad: international courses tobelisted • Restrictedelectives: tobeapprovedbyyour mentor
CPB Looking for a company for your Master thesis project ifyour Mentor does not have a project? Always consult withyour mentor Center for Projects and Business Assignments (CPB) See http://industria.tue.nl/study/cpb/ Email:cpb@tue.nl
Research Areaswithin the OML Program Jan C. Fransoo Program Director, OML
Quantifying the effect of Business Process Redesign on ecological sustainability within ITIL V3 Student: Tim Slotboom Mentor: Dr Rik Eshuis Company: Accenture
Research Questions • How can ITIL V3 processes become more ecologically sustainable using Business Process Redesign? • RQ 1: which subset of ITIL processes is relevant for ecologically sustainable business process redesign? • RQ 2: what role does business process redesign play in ecological sustainability within ITIL V3? • RQ 3: what is the quantitative impact of business process redesign on the carbon footprint reduction for an ITIL V3 case study? / Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences
RQ1: part of a selected ITIL process / name of department
RQ2: Green BPR Best Practices SelectionExtension of Devil’s Quadrangle • Method: • Online-surveys • Hypotheses: • H1: The subset of BPR best practices does have a significant impact on ecological sustainability and is therefore valid. • H2: The subset of BPR best practices improving ecological sustainability is complete. • Variables in CO2 • Travel • Electricity • Paper-use / Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences
RQ3: Implementation at a Case Study Final Results / Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences • Improvements per year (Absolute / Relative) • Travel: 1455 kgCO2 / 18% • Electricity: 21 kgCO2 / 2% • Paper: 137 kgCO2 / 37% • Total: 1612 kgCO2 / 20% = Equal to electricity consumption of 1,10 households (CBS, 2012)
How to increase the performance of project teams Student: Roland van de Kerkhof Mentor: Prof Eva Demerouti Company: Multiple
How to increase performance of project teamsAuthor: Roland van de KerkhofSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Evangelia Demerouti What is the reasonforandobjective of the intervention? Teams are essentialfor the production of manyorganizations as they have toproduce/develop high qualityproductswithin short time frames. The goal of thisstudy is todevelopan /interventionthatcanenhance performance of teams. How can performance of teams be increased? By … 1. increasing individual and team work engagement 2. setting group-relevant and difficult goals (participatory)
How to increase performance of teamsAuthor: Roland van de KerkhofSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Evangelia Demerouti Why are these factors important? Becausetheyincreasewillingnessandability of individualstoinvest effort in team relevant and high-achievement goals. How is the studydesigned? Experimentalgroup was instructedto set SMART*, group-relevant anddifficult goals; control groupwas instructedto set group-relevant goals *SMART= Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound
How to increase performance of project teamsAuthor: Roland van de KerkhofSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Evangelia Demerouti On-line questionnaire & instructionsforinterventions Team performance ratedby the supervisor; allotherconstructsratedby the team members (including the setting of the goal) More than 50 teams andtheir supervisors are willingtoparticipate ( high relevance of the topic fororganizations)
Redesign of the maintenance concept development framework for Heineken Student: Merel de Bruijn Mentor: Dr Simme Douwe Flapper Company: Heineken Zoeterwoude
Problem introduction Heineken Zoeterwoude / Operations Management and Logistics
Problem introduction OPI-Nona:Operational Performance Indicator – No order no activity. Produced output as percentage of the theoretical output in that time. Production line 7 / Operations Management and Logistics
Problem introduction Minor stop: unplanned stop < 5 minutes Breakdown: unplanned stop > 5 minutes / Operations Management and Logistics
Problem introduction / Operations Management and Logistics
Research question Maintenance concept: Collection of rules that describe maintenance; when to do what for which component, how to do it and by whom. Can Heineken Zoeterwoude increase the OPI-Nona of production line 7, through reduction of the breakdown time of the packers, by improving the maintenance concept of that technical system, taking a budget restriction into account? / name of department
Redesigned framework Maintenance policy: Basic rule prescribing when to execute maintenance at a component
Application on packer • 13.848 minutes unplanned downtime • Maintenenance budget €100.000 • Stopday every 2 weeks – 6 hours • Not much data registered • Unreliable data • Developed Bill of Materials
Application on packer • Unplanned downtime: 13k min • Budget: € 97k • Implemented!
Conclusion • Maintenance concept for the packers • Fulfilling the maximal acceptable unplanned downtime • Within the maintenance budget • Redesigned framework for the review and development of a maintenance concept • Fulfilling specific objectives within cost restrictions • New maintenance policies • Different maintenance policy decision process / Operations Management and Logistics
Reminder PDEng & PhD honours tracks PDEng: Prof Will Bertrand PhD: Prof Geert-Jan van Houtum
Topics Questionstoaskyourselfbefore Meeting with S.D. Flapper Meetings withpotential mentors After the meetings withpotential mentors Questions?
1. Questionstoaskyourselfbefore Write the answersto the followingquestions down Whatdo you want to do afteryour master study? Why? Whatdo you want to get out of your master project? Why? Whatare your strong / weak points? Why? What are the top-3 PROBLEMS you want towork on forwhich type of organisation? Why? Whatare the characteristics of the best master thesis mentor foryou? For what do you want most support, forwhatless? Why?
2. OPTIONAL: Meeting with S.D. Flapper Duration: +/- 20 minutes, sobeprepared well! Requestfor meeting via email (s.d.p.flapper@tue.nl) withsomealternativedays/hrsthatwould fit your time schedule. FCFS processing. Preparation: bringwithyou/send 1 workingdaybefore meeting per email youranswerstoquestions 1.1-1.5. cv (in English) courses andgrades bachelor courses and (partial) grades (e.g. relatedtoassignments) master courses nowdoing