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Ribosome, Golgi apparatus

Ribosome, Golgi apparatus. Joe Thompson, James Banta, Gino Mainello , Zack Sheehan . Ribosome's. Makes proteins from amino acids Referred to as the central dogma. Ribosome's cont. Turns RNA into proteins through the process of translation

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Ribosome, Golgi apparatus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ribosome, Golgi apparatus Joe Thompson, James Banta, Gino Mainello, Zack Sheehan

  2. Ribosome's • Makes proteins from amino acids • Referred to as the central dogma

  3. Ribosome's cont. • Turns RNA into proteins through the process of translation • Ribosome’s are either free floating or located on the endoplasmic reticulum.

  4. Golgi Apparatus • The Golgi apparatus is a flattened stack of tubular membranes that modifies, short, and packages proteins into vesicles and transports them to other organelles or out of the cell.

  5. Ribosome’s and Golgi Apparatus • The Golgi Apparatus is found in the cell near the Nucleus. • Ribosome’s are made from complexes of RNAs and protiens.

  6. Golgi Apparatus cont. • Golgi Apparatus are only found in eukaryotes. • Some proteins are sent to the Golgi apparatus after they are made.

  7. Ribosome's and what they do • Ribosome’s are molecular machines found in all cells, they build protein molecules according to instructions received from RNA. • Ribosome's are found all around inside the cell.

  8. Works Cited http://www.thepriceofrice.com/2007/03/do-you-believe-in-nanomachines-you.html http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=ribosomes+in+things&view=detail&id=28A1D0B3C8B05D5DC106994C31437ADA28AE2206&first=1&FORM=IDFRIR&qpvt http://www.cbv.ns.ca/bec/science/cell/page11.html http://student.ccbcmd.edu/courses/bio141/lecguide/unit1/proeu/dkgolgi.html

  9. Works Cited http://library.thinkquest.org/06aug/01942/plcells/ribosome.htm http://missbakersbiologyclasswiki.wikispaces.com/5th+Period's+Cell

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