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Police and Crime Commissioners Session 2 Working in Partnership with Police and Crime Commissioners. This session will look at:. Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.
Police and Crime Commissioners Session 2 Working in Partnership with Police and Crime Commissioners
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 shifts power away from Whitehall bureaucrats and, through Police and Crime Commissioners, into the hands of the public. Supported by Removal of targets Crime maps Beat meetings 101 Community Engagement
Police and Crime Commissioners Police and Crime Commissioners who will have responsibility for: • Appointing the Chief Constable (CC) and holding them to account for the running of their force • Setting out a 5 year Police and Crime Plan (in consultation with the CC) determining local policing priorities. Setting the annual local precept and annual force budget • Making community safety grants to a range of organisations The first PCC elections will take place on 15th November 2012 and they will take office on 22nd November 2012.
Police and Crime Plans PCCs must set out their 5 year police and crime plan by March 2013
PCC Funding 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Local Authorities via DCLG and to Welsh CSPs Local authorities via DCLG and to Welsh CSPs PCC community safety fund Partnership funding PCCs Main Policing Pot (for PCCs) Continue with 2011/12 arrangements nationally Crime & Drugs Grants Local partnerships & agencies, VCS etc. Main Policing Pot (Core central govt. grants and precept) Pre-election Post-election Police Authorities Police Authorities PCCs 2014/15 One PCC pot
Opportunities for collective leadership • Need to maximise collective leadership between PCC, community safety, justice, health and other partners, to ensure the needs of the public are met • Freedom to commission services from other bodies • Opportunities for broader collaboration on joint priorities, across reform agendas e.g. health reforms and troubled families work • PCC will take a strategic overview across local partnerships, seeking ways to drive and coordinate action across their area
Legislative framework PCP oversight
Legislative framework – duties to co-operate • Legislation provides a flexible framework for co-operation • Intention is to enable collective local leadership on crime and justice • Deliberately broad and flexible, to allow local flexibility and innovation Police Probation
Police and Crime Panels • Will be established in each force area to provide regular, public scrutiny of the PCC. • Will be locally determined. • Under a duty to support, as well as challenge, the PCC. • They do not replace the police authority. That is the role of the police and crime commissioner • They are not a super-partnership. Although strong local partnership working will be vital.
How ready are local areas? Lessons learnt: Deep Dive Autumn 2011 • Partnership the need for the right people to engage at the right level early, in order to ensure local strategic discussion and alignment with PCC • Scrutiny some areas are placing a lot of emphasis on PCP, but Ministers are clear that this is intended as light-touch scrutiny body only • Simplification PCCs provide an opportunity to consider the current partnership landscape and what might be done locally to simplify this. • Localism fit between national and local services presents challenges. • Information We are providing appropriate advice and guidance on the framework but Ministers want to maximise local flexibility • Clarity HO messaging coordinated through PCC bulletin, website and inbox - pccpartnersenquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
What are the Home Office doing? The Home Office will be producing: • secondary legislation • a statement for partners, setting out the legislative framework and the commissioning role of PCCs [completed] • tailored information for specific audiences e.g. elected members [spring] • guidance explaining the legislation around police and crime panels [spring] • induction pack for incoming PCCs [summer] • evidence to inform PCCs of benefits of approaches in preventing crime and reducing re-offending [summer] All of this work is being overseen by a Ministerial Transition Board, ensuring the fit with other reform programmes
Further Information PCC web page: www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/police/police-crime-commissioners/ Enquiries: PCCPartnersEnquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk