1. Rob Haley
2. Background Options for Change field site
Dental Modernisation Group Established early 2003
Oral Health Needs Assessment undertaken in 2005
1st Oral Health Strategy Approved by Board October 2005
3. Engagement with Profession Dental Modernisation Group established 2003
LDC Meetings
Individual meetings with practices
Service development work
PCT Learning Events
Practice Manager Forum
Practice Facilitator Deanery attached
Oral Health Commissioning Group
5. Commissioning Approach Need to work upstream for long term benefits
Acknowledge and serve the disease burden already in Adults
Focus prevention on Children using evidence informed interventions
Commission actions, programmes and services necessary to improve and secure oral health
7. Healthier mouths and happier smiles Why a new strategy?
First Oral Health Strategy approved by Board in 2005
SHA requests update
Changes in the role of the PCT in relation to dentistry
Choosing Better Oral Health published
Ability to commission new types of dental services to match with the people of Salfords oral health needs
8. Healthier mouths and happier smiles Aims of the new strategy
Reduce the prevalence of dental decay, especially in young children
Reduce inequalities in dental decay prevalence and uptake of services
Ensure access to urgent, out of hours and elective care is available to all
Provide evidence informed care according to identified need
Promote choice by service users by ongoing consultation and engagement
Commissioning and provision of modern, primary dental care services
Ensure that key preventive messages and actions are delivered.
9. Healthier mouths and happier smiles Action plan ladders
The Oral Health Strategy describes how each of the action points will be delivered
Describe what has already beenachieved
Key targets to reach
Key times to reach them
Helps the wider dental teamunderstand their roles in deliveringoral health for Salford
12. Service Changes - Impact Tooth Brushing at Lunchtime Scheme
Weaning & Beyond
Forged Links with other Public Health Teams to ensure consistent messages
Support the Brushing for Life Campaign
Links to Primary Dental Care Practices
13. Service Redesign Based on principle of Care pathways
Risk and Need assessment at patient level based on 3 sets of information
Red, Amber or Green
Defines both preventative treatment interventions and recall interval
Makes best use of skill mix
EDDN (GDC Approval November 08)
15. What next towards 2009 and beyond Evaluation and roll out of new service model
Best Value review?
Expansion of EDDN
Use of dental public health component in contracts?
Greater use of clinical indicators for measurement not just UDAs