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Year 12 Applied Business. Unit 3 – Course Work task. Task Sheet. The tasks you need to do are explained. TASK A. Task A (7 mini questions) should be on 1 document. No other pieces of work... Just Task A! . Your answers need to be in order!
Year 12 Applied Business Unit 3 – Course Work task
TASK A Task A (7 mini questions) should be on 1 document. No other pieces of work... Just Task A!
Your answers need to be in order! • Explain the new product that Green Days are offering consumers • Explain why they are offering this ‘organic children’s cereal’ • Explain what Green Days’ aim is • Explain what Green Days marketing objectives are • Explain how Green Days are going to achieve their objectives • Explain who Green Days target market are • Explain how Green Days segment the market
TASK B All of your research and analysis should be on 1 document. No other pieces of work... Just Task B!
Explain6 different methods of market research that you could carry out to help devise a marketing mix for the new cereal. Include the advantages and disadvantages in your explanation • Conduct 2 forms of primary research to identify whether there is demand for an organic children’s cereal and to help you create a marketing mix for the cereal. Present your findings appropriately (graphs) and analyse the findings. • Conduct 2 forms of secondary research to identify whether there is demand for an organic children’s cereal and to help you create a marketing mix for the product. Present your findings appropriately (tables) and analyse the findings.
TASK B – Question 1 Use a text book/the internet and explain what a Questionnaire is. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using one to create a new marketing mix for Green Days. Then do this for 5 other methods of market research.
TASK B – Question 2 One form of Primary research could be your questionnaire. Create a graph for every question and analyse the results. Log on to the following for an example of how to analyse; P:Drive Business Studies T&T L&T Enterprise Y12 Applied Unit 3 Mr Mitchell Analysing questionnaire graph results
TASK B – Question 2 Another form of Primary research could be TEST MARKETING. You could say how you gave students a bowl of organic cereal and a bowl of normal cereal. They didn’t know which was which, but they had to say which one they preferred. (Out of 50 students asked, 42 preferred the organic cereal) Analysing your results will be exactly the same as analysing your graphs but you will just have to do it once.
TASK B – Question 3 One form of Secondary research could be the Screen shots and Product Position Map of other organic cereals. REMEMBER you will still have to analyse your screen shots. Analyse it as previously, but you only have to do it once.
TASK B – Question 3 Another form of Secondary research could be Sales figures of organic cereals. *(If they have gone up over time... Then it shows there is a market/demand for organic cereal) REMEMBER you will still have to analyse the sales figures. Analyse it as previously, but you only have to do it once.
TASK C All of your marketing mix (4 P’s) should be on 1 document. No other work... Just Task C!
*Research needs to be included in your reasoning – graphs, screen shots, sales figures and test marketing • Product • Explain the main features that you think the new cereal should have making reference to your research. • Price • Identify a suitable pricing strategy and price for the new cereal bar.Explain your choices by making reference to the research you have conducted. • Place • Explain where the new cereal should be sold (supermarkets, health food shops, online etc) making reference to your research. • Promotion • Explain at least 2 above the line and 2 below the line methods of promotion that you will use and why they are appropriate.
PRODUCT • Protection/Promotion/Information • Product; • Organic ingredients • Link to research – Screen shots; best selling organic products have these ingredients, are this size, look like this etc Why?!
PRICE • Pricing strategy chosen; • Penetration? • Skimming? • Cost Plus? • Link to research – Questionnaire results; how much people are prepared to pay. Screen shots; cost of other cereals etc Which one and why?!
PLACE • Distribution method; • Traditional • Modern • Direct • Link to research – Questionnaire results; where do people buy there cereals normally. Screen shots; competitors products available at supermarkets etc Which one and why?!
PROMOTION • Above the Line (Awareness of the product) • Explain 2 types that Green Days should use • Below the Line (Persuade to buy it) • Explain 2 types that Green Days should use Explain why those and not other types?! Explain why those and not other types?!
TASK D All of your evaluations for you marketing mix (4 P’s) should be on 1 document. No other pieces of work... Just Task D!