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Amazon cloud services – a walkthrough for comparison to gae

Amazon cloud services – a walkthrough for comparison to gae. http://www.flickr.com/photos/maggiew/6145245962/. Installing developer tools for Amazon's Web Services (AWS) into Eclipse. Download Eclipse Enterprise Edition http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

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Amazon cloud services – a walkthrough for comparison to gae

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  1. Amazon cloud services – a walkthrough for comparison to gae http://www.flickr.com/photos/maggiew/6145245962/
  2. Installing developer tools for Amazon's Web Services (AWS) into Eclipse Download Eclipse Enterprise Edition http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ Start Eclipse, use Help -> Install New Software http://aws.amazon.com/eclipse Probably can omit the AWS tools for Android Restart Eclipse, go to Workbench
  3. Creating a HelloWorld app Create a new AWS Java Web Project (orange box icon) Notice the project structure Follows current web application standards (Google App Engine probably will get up to date!) Your jsps will go in the WebContent folder Right click on WebContent -> New -> JSP Insert <% out.write(""+(new java.util.Date())); %>
  4. Tour through an AWS app
  5. Running your HelloWorld app Choose Run -> Run As -> Run on Server Manually create a new server Apache / Tomcat 6 You probably will need to download and install using the button provided Wait for Tomcat to install and start up Open up a web browser Go to http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/test.jsp Edit the project name to match yours (HelloWorld)
  6. Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Load-balanced web hosting platform Very similar to Google App Engine environment Somewhat more configurable in terms of specifying when number of servers should grow
  7. Create a deployment environment
  8. Ready to deploy? Choose Run -> Run As -> Run on Server Choose your new server environment Finally, hit the app in the Eclipse mini browser
  9. All this and more… Amazon provides cloud-based storage for your data But you need to sign up for an account And provide them a credit card http://aws.amazon.com/ After you sign up, you get an accessKey & secretKey Put these in your Eclipse project within Java Resources / src / AwsCredentials.properties Then you can hit http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/index.jsp and see the resources that Amazon wants you to use online
  10. The resources I currently am using… S3 Buckets: Basically a blob SimpleDB: non-RDBMS data store EC2: Computation servers
  11. Amazon S3 Buckets A "bucket" is just a place to store chunks of data Every chunk has a unique URL You store data to the URL; you retrieve data later You can set restrictions to control whether other people can retrieve the content by URL (with/without authenticating first) Every bucket is associated with a specific region High replication within that region (for reliability) No replication outside that region (for legal reasons)
  12. Creating a bucket // instantiate an S3 connection as shown in default index.jsp // (I'd prefer to move it into a separate class, similar to // how PMF is created for Google App Engine) String BUCKET = "cs496-bucket"; s3.listBuckets(); // you can use this to see existing buckets if (!s3.doesBucketExist(BUCKET)) s3.createBucket(BUCKET);
  13. Storing an object in a bucket <form method="post" action="test.jsp"> Key: <input name="key"><BR> Value: <input name="value"><BR> <input type="submit"> </form> <% if (request.getParameter("key") != null) { s3.putObject( BUCKET, request.getParameter("key"), new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(request.getParameter( "value").getBytes()), null); } // note that you use InputStreams to read/write objects %>
  14. Listing all the objects in a bucket out.write("Existing Data: <BR><BR><table>"); ObjectListing listing = s3.listObjects(BUCKET); for (S3ObjectSummary item : listing.getObjectSummaries()) { out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(item.getKey().replaceAll("<", "&lt;")); out.write("</td><td>"); S3Object object = s3.getObject(BUCKET, item.getKey()); java.io.InputStreamin = object.getObjectContent(); java.io.ByteArrayOutputStreambos = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; intnread; while ((nread = in.read(buffer)) > 0) bos.write(buffer, 0, nread); in.close(); String value = new String(bos.toByteArray()); out.write(value.replaceAll("<", "&lt;")); out.write("</td></tr>"); } out.write("</table>");
  15. SimpleDB Non-RDBMS data storage, very similar to the feature set of Google App Engine No joins, queries with limited filtering Limited transactions May have temporary inconsistency However, very highly scalable Every SimpleDB is in a certain region A SimpleDB is subdivided into domains Similar to the concept of an entity kind (or an object-oriented class) To repeat: fairly similar to using JDO on GAE
  16. Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Analogous to Google App Engine instances Except that you have much more control You control how many machines you lease You control when the machines are turned on You control how powerful the machines should be You control which operating system they run Selected from existing Amazon Machine Instances (AMIs), which are virtual machine images You have root access So you can ssh into the server and do anything Once you have machines, you can deploy onto them
  17. Example: 1. Choosing an AMI
  18. Example: 2. Choosing its capabilities
  19. EC2 Instance types Ranges from micro (i.e., free)… < 1GB of memory, approximately CPU of dual 1.0-1.2 GHz 2007 Opteron or 2007 Xeon processor "for short periodic bursts" …up to M3 Double Extra Large Instance… Around 30 GB of RAM, and up to 13 times the compute power of a micro EC2 instance … or to even higher amounts of RAM & CPU
  20. Example: 3. Create a keypair(Required to load code onto EC2 instance)
  21. Example: 4. Launch the instance(After choosing defaults for other options)
  22. Waiting for the instance to start up
  23. Log in via ssh
  24. Do anything you please with the server
  25. Summary: Comparison to GAE Elastic Beanstalk: Similar to GAE appengine S3: Similar to GAE datastore blobs SimpleDB: Similar to JDO on GAE datastore EC2: Similar to GAE backends Except that in all cases, Amazon gives you more control and complexity
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