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Study Guide #8. 1) Identify 2 ways of thinking in relation to how the North and South looked at the issue of slavery and union differently 2) Identify 5 causes of the Civil War and explain how each lead the Union to dissolving.
Study Guide #8 • 1) Identify 2 ways of thinking in relation to how the North and South looked at the issue of slavery and union differently • 2) Identify 5 causes of the Civil War and explain how each lead the Union to dissolving. • 3) Identify 2 major battles and their impact on the outcome of the war • 4) Analyze two ways that the Civil War changed the Union
3) Define the difference between the Contact and Compact theory • Contract Theory- states signed into a contract, if contract is changed, states can secede • Why might southern states feel they can leave the Union? (What is about to change from the contract?) • Compact Theory- the nation is one whole and no one can leave
4) What was it about slavery that Northerners most opposed to? • Expansion of slavery (into the west) • Whites did not want competition of labor with blacks • Why might people want to hire blacks over whites? IS there another group whites disapprove of for the same reason?
5) Missouri Compromise • No slavery in La. Territory above 36’30 (designed to keep slavery in the south) • 6) Compromise of 1850 • Issue- whether to allow slavery into areas acquired from Mexico • CA enters union as a free states • Fugitive Slave Law- forces northerners to return runaway slaves • How does this compromise upset the South and North? • S- N gets more power in Senate • N- forced to go against beliefs if anti-slavery
7) Kansas-Nebraska Act • Repeals the Missouri Compromise • Why does this upset Northerners so much? • Expansion of slavery into an areas it never existed • 8) Bleeding Kansas • Mini- Civil War between anti-slavery forces (free-soilers) and pro-slavery forces in Kansas over issue of slavery • Popular Sovereignty- people of Kansas voted to allow slavery • Problem- Pro-Slavery forces cheated by having voters come from Missouri (Slave State) • Bleeding Kansas erupts from this disputer election
10) Lincoln-Douglass Debates • Lincoln, Republican- against slavery, runs for Senate seat from Ill., Linclonloses but shows himself to be Presidential material • 11) Harper’s Ferry • Failed slavery revolt lead by white person, John Brown • S. blames Republican Party for leading raid and states it will secede if a Republican/Lincoln wins the Presidency • Election of 1860 • Lincoln wins Pres. by only winning N. states • South feels it has lost all political power and secedes
13) Fort Sumter • 1st shots of Civil War (Upper South Secedes) • 14) Antietam • Bloodiest day of war, Union wins, Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation (states all slaves in areas of rebellion are free) • How many slaves are free? How does the EP change the nature of the war? • Does not free any slaves but makes the CW a war for freedom (when the South loses, slavery will end) • 15) Gettysburg • Biggest battle of war, South loses 30k troops and will never be as strong again • 16) Vicksburg • Splits the South in Half (Union takes control of Miss. River) • Both battles mean south is on the way to losing the war • 17) Appomattox Courthouse • Gen. Lee (s) surrenders to General Grant (N), Grants allow S. to go home and begin planting (no harsh surrender terms)
18) Two Key transformations because of CW • Compact Theory- the US is one nation forever, not a collection of states (more power for Federal Government) • Industrialization- North transforms w. factories and will become the richest nation and largest manufacturing nation in world by 1900 • 20) What was extraordinary about the election of 1864? • First election held during a Civil War (election did not have to happen • Lincoln wanted election to be a referendum on slavery (Lincoln winning meant Americans wanted to end slavery- 13th Amendment)