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Do you Love Extreme Sports?

Do you Love Extreme Sports?. What about Mountain Biking?. What About Snow Boarding?. And Skate Boarding?. What about being able to do all of these with one Amazing Device!?. You Can With the ATS ( All Terrain Skateboard!).

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Do you Love Extreme Sports?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do you Love Extreme Sports?

  2. What about Mountain Biking?

  3. What About Snow Boarding?

  4. And Skate Boarding?

  5. What about being able to do all of these with one Amazing Device!?

  6. You Can With the ATS (All Terrain Skateboard!)

  7. Featuring the A-Track on the back of the board,similar to a tank, you can go anywhere on any terrain. Wether its in the snow, down a muddy mountain trail or on the Beach! • Exchange the wheels on the front with a set of skis for amazing snow performance. • Get the upgraded electric motor upgrade and no pedaling is needed.

  8. Enhance Extends the sport of skateboard to different terrain such as snow, down hill mountain and mud and sand. It’s a multitasking board, allowing the user to enjoy the adrenaline rush of snowboarding, skateboarding, and mountain biking in one board! Obsolete Hiking, Mountain Biking, Snowboarding. Retrieve Brings back our connection to nature through having fun without getting stuck! Reverse Dangerous, your not connected to the board directly through the use of bindings in snow boards. You have to change over parts if you want to go from downhill trails to snow.

  9. Get Your ATS Today!

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