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This vocabulary list includes words like abhor, amend, chaos, and more. Improve your vocabulary and language skills for 10th grade.
10TH GRADE VOCABULARY LIST - 3rd Quarter 1. ABHOR– (v) to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply ex. A pacifist is someone who ________ violence in all its forms. SYN: detest, despise ANT: admire, cherish 2. AMEND – (v) to change in a formal way; to change for the better ex. If you are not doing well in a particular subject, you may want to ____________ your way of studying it. SYN: modify, improve, correct 3. CHAOS – (n) great confusion, disorder ex. A great many people lost their fortunes and even their lives in the ____________ brought on by the French Revolution. SYN: anarchy, turmoil ANT: order, regularity4. COMMODIOUS - (adj) roomy, spacious ex. No one would expect a tiny studio apartment to have particularly _________ closets. SYN: comfortable, ample ANT: cramped, claustrophobic5. CORROSIVE– (adj) eating away gradually, acid like; bitterly sarcastic ex. Sulfuric acid is on e of the most _________ substances known to chemistry. SYN: caustic, spiteful ANT: bland, mild
10TH GRADE VOCABULARY LIST - 3rd Quarter 6. DISCERN – (v) to see clearly, recognize ex. It is a jury’s job to ________ the truth by carefully evaluating all the evidence presented at trial. SYN: perceive, detect ANT: overlook 7. IMPLICATE – (v) to involve in; to connect with or be related to ex. The suspects never stood trial because there was no solid evidence to ________ them in the daring series of robberies. SYN: incriminate ANT: absolve8. INTER - (v) to bury, commit to the earth; to consign to oblivion ex. Jewels and other objects once _______ with Egypt’s pharaohs can now be seen in numerous museums all over the world.ANT: unearth, exhume9. RENEGADE– (n) one who leaves a group; a deserter, outlaw; (adj) traitorous, unconventional ex. Many a writer has been labeled a ______ for refusing to conform to society’s conventions. SYN: (n) turncoat ANT: (n) loyalist, patriot 10. REPREHENSIBLE – (adj) deserving blame or punishment ex. Stalin eliminated many potential rivals by accusing them of all sorts of ________ acts that they did not commit. SYN: blameworthy ANT: commendable, blameless
10TH GRADE VOCABULARY LIST - 3rd Quarter 11. SOMBER - (adj) dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit ex. The atmosphere in the locker room of the losing team could best be described as _________.SYN: mournful ANT: bright, cheerful 12. TURBULENT – (adj) disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy ex. Letters and diary entries may reveal a person’s lifelong struggle to gain some control over __________ emotions. SYN:tumultuous, agitated ANT: clam, tranquil13. VOLUMINOUS – (adj) of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length ex. The task of summarizing the ___________ reports issued by government agencies may fall to members of the legislator’s staff. SYN: bulky, plentiful ANT: meager, brief 14. ANIMOSITY– (n) strong dislike; bitter hostility ex. The deep _______ between the Montagues and Capulets could not prevent Romeo and Juliet from falling in love. SYN: ranchor, enmity ANT: affection, fondness 15. APATHY – (n) a lack of feeling, emotion, or interest ex. The student who constantly failed all of his classes looked at school with _____________. SYN: indifference ANT: concern
10TH GRADE VOCABULARY LIST - 3rd Quarter 16. COMMEND – (v) to praise, express approval; to present as worthy of attention ex. The mayor _______ the young people for their volunteer work at local hospitals and soup kitchens. SYN: applaud, entrust ANT: abhor, loathe17. CONDOLENCE– (n) an expression of sympathy ex. A few well- chosen words of ____ can be a great comfort to someone who has lost a loved one.SYN: solace, commiseration, sympathy 18. CONSECRATE – (v) to make sacred, hallow; to set apart for a special purpose ex. Traditionally most religious denominations hold special ceremonies to _______ a new house of worship. SYN: devote, dedicate ANT: desecrate, dishonor19. DECREPIT – (adj) old and feeble; worn-out, ruined ex. “I may be aging,” the famous movie star replied, “but I am hardly _________.” SYN: broken-down ANT: vigorous, sturdy 20. DERIDE – (v) to ridicule, laugh at with contempt ex. Most people find jokes that _______ somebody’s national origin or social background extremely offensive. SYN: mock, scorn ANT: praise, applaud
10TH GRADE VOCABULARY LIST - 3rd Quarter 21. INGENUOUS - (adj) innocent, simple; frank, sincere ex. In his novels, Dickens has harsh words for those who take cruel advantage of ________ young people. 22. MULTIFARIOUS– (adj) having great variety; numerous and diverse ex. Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks reveal that he was a man of ______ interests. 23. OBSOLETE – (adj) out-of-date, no longer in use ex. manufacturing companies periodically replace ___ machinery. 24. REPRISAL – (n) an injury done in return for injury ex. The Highland clans of Scotland engaged in cattle rustling in _______ for real or imagined injuries. 25. REVEL– (v) to take great pleasure in; (n) a wild celebration ex. Some movie stars do not _______ in the attention their fans and the media pay to them.
10TH GRADE VOCABULARY LIST - 3rd Quarter 26. SUAVE - (adj) smoothly agreeable or polite; pleasing to the senses ex. Nick Charles, the clever detective in the Thin Man movies is a _______ man-about town. 27. ALLOCATE– (v) to set apart or designate for a special purpose ex. ________ a portion of your wealth to charity 28. ARDENT – (adj) very enthusiastic, impassioned ex. The cheers of the _________ fans spurred the team on to win.29. BRASH – (adj) prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent ex. _____ newspaper reporters fire off tough questions at the candidates. SYN – rash, impetuous, brazen ANT – cautious, wary 30. CAPRICIOUS - (adj) subject to whims or passing fancies ex. Our constitutional system of checks and balances is designed to prevent the _______ use of power by any branch of federal government. SYN – impulsive, fickle, unpredictable ANT – constant, steady, unwavering
10TH GRADE VOCABULARY LIST - 3rd Quarter 31. CHASTISE– (v) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely ex. State and federal laws now forbid the use of corporal punishment to _________ prisoners. 32. COPIOUS – (adj) abundant, plentiful; wordy, verbose ex. The _________ and detailed footnotes at the bottom of the page. SYN – ample, profuse, bountiful ANT – scanty, meager 33. EXULT - (v) to rejoice greatly ex. The campaign workers ___ in the victory of their candidate. SYN – revel, glory ANT – mope, lament, sulk, rue 34. GNARLED– (adj) knotted, twisty, lumpy ex. the ______ limbs of cypresses dominate the landscape 35. INKLING – (n) a hint; a vague notion ex. I had absolutely no ___ of what to expect as I entered the room. SYN – clue, intimation, suggestion
10TH GRADE VOCABULARY LIST - 3rd Quarter 36. OMNIPOTENT - (adj) almighty, having unlimited power or authority ex. Many of the heroes of ancient myths and legends appear to be all but _________ . SYN – all-powerful. ANT – powerless, weak • PALATABLE– (adj) agreeable to the taste or one’s sensibilities. Suitable for consumption. ex. _____ dishes and seasonings. SYN – edible, attractive ANT – distasteful, disagreeable 38. POIGNANT– (adj) deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp taste or smell. ex. There is something truly _____ about the sight of falling leaves in autumn. SYN – bittersweet, melancholy 39. SOPHOMORIC– (adj) immature and overconfident; conceited ex. Adolescents arent the only people who sometimes behave in a _____ manner. SYN – superficial ANT – mature, knowledgeable 40. SPONTANEOUS- (adj) arising naturally; not planned in advance ex. A _______ beach trip for the long weekend. SYN – unplanned, impromptu ANT – planned, rehearsed
21. INGENUOUS - (adj) innocent, simple; frank, sincere SYN: naïve, candid ANT: worldly, sophisticated 22. MULTIFARIOUS– (adj) having great variety; numerous and diverse SYN: varied, heterogeneous ANT: uniform, homogeneous 23. OBSOLETE – (adj) out-of-date, no longer in use SYN: antiquated ANT: current, up-to-date 24. REPRISAL – (n) an injury done in return for injury SYN: revenge, retribution 25. REVEL – (v) to take great pleasure in; (n) a wild celebration SYN: relish, savor ANT: abhor, loathe 26. SUAVE - (adj) smoothly agreeable or polite; pleasing to the senses SYN: sophisticated, urbane ANT: crude, clumsy 27. ALLOCATE– (v) to set apart or designate for a special purpose SYN: assign, allot 28. ARDENT – (adj) very enthusiastic, impassioned SYN: intense, avid ANT: indifferent, apathetic 29. BRASH – (adj) prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent SYN: rash, impetuous, brazen ANT: cautious, wary 30. CAPRICIOUS - (adj) subject to whims or passing fancies SYN: impulsive, fickle, unpredictable ANT: constant, steady, unwavering