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The Renaissance

The Renaissance. 1.1 The Renaissance . Began in Florence Italy. Means “re-birth” after the Middle Ages-Black Plaque Rebirth of classical Greek and Roman Produced: artists, architects, scholars, and scientists in short span of time. Time of creativity and change in many areas

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The Renaissance

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  1. The Renaissance

  2. 1.1 The Renaissance • Began in Florence Italy. • Means “re-birth” after the Middle Ages-Black Plaque • Rebirth of classical Greek and Roman • Produced: artists, architects, scholars, and scientists in short span of time. • Time of creativity and change in many areas • political, social, economic, and cultural. • Humanism-focus on individual accomplishments • Paintings were realistic and focused less on religious topics. • Rich families became patrons and commissioned great art. (de Medici’s)

  3. Dance – Renaissance: Court Dances • court dances- fancy occasions for the upper class to show off in front of nobility. • heavy gowns, large headdresses, long lacy sleeves, • Movements were restrained and refined. Slides, glides, small, slow steps, poses, and curtsies. • first court dances were done low to the ground. (basse) • peasant dances- were lively and consisted of large, wide steps performed mostly on grassy town squares.

  4. Types of dances Galliard: a lively dance, which included a number of hops and kicking steps Pavane: • meaning “peacock.” • a basse dance performed at ceremonies for Kings and Queens • movements were slow walking steps, which traveled forward and backward.

  5. Types of dances The Courante: This dance displayed gestures of courtship and flirtation The steps included walks, tiny runs, and glides. Other forms of entertainment at the court Jousting The Allemande: • Consisted of four dances together • Hands were held at all times during this dance • Movements were made up in such a way as to keep partners joined together throughout the dance. • Now used for a step in square dancing.

  6. 1.2 Drama/Theatre - Renaissance Commedia dell’Arte- means comedy of the professional guilds of artists stock characters(10-12) some wore masks, special skills of the actors, acrobats, dancers, musicians, and improvisers Slapstick humor short, physical comedy routines only venue for women actors until the English stage in the late 17th century.

  7. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) • English-speaking playwright • 38 plays • tragedy, comedy, and English history • During the reign of Elizabeth I • his plays occur over long periods of time, in many locations, and involve multiple subplots in addition to the main plot. • violence on stage and ghosts and spirits. • platform on stage in which multiple locations could be imagined. • outdoor theatres • Costuming was everyday clothing • men were the only • Young boys played women roles

  8. Examples of Shakespeare’s plays include: • Tragedy: • Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Othello • Comedy: • A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, Taming of the Shrew • History: • Henry V

  9. The Globe Theatre • In London built in 1599 • Thrust stage • Paid according to where you sat • The yard or pit- paid a penny. • The gallery two pennies for the first level, three pennies for the second and so on. • Color of flag flying • Black- tragedy , white-comedy and red-history. • Destroyed by fire in 1613 • Second Globe Theatre was built on the same site June 1614 and closed in 1642 • Virtual tour

  10. 1.3 Renaissance Music • Music helped to reconcile faith and reason • Movement from monophony to polyphony • Polyphony: many sounds • Multiple musical lines together • 2 or more separate voices or parts • Rise of instrumental and secular music (non-religious)

  11. Council of Trent (1545-1562) Reformation in the Catholic church • Changes in music & mass • Away from polyphony • Distracted from text

  12. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina • 1525-1594 • Italian Renaissance Composer • polyphony • perfect balance of voices, seamless phrasing • the sound seems to never stop • Every voice part is equally important • Pope Marcellus Mass • Well-known work

  13. Other Composers • John Dowland (1563-1626) • English known for melancholy songs- "Flow my tears” • Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) • Franco-Flemish who studied polyphonic style • William Byrd (1543/1623) • English wrote church/liturgical music • Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) • Italian composer, marked the transition from the Renaissance style of music to that of the Baroque period. • Opera-L'Orfeo,

  14. The Medici Family

  15. Patrons of the Arts Wealthy people bought and showcase artwork. Lorenzo de Medici was a member of the wealthiest family in Florence they supported the arts, giving lots of money

  16. Characteristics of Renaissance Art 1. Realism & Expression • Expulsion fromthe Garden • Masaccio • 1427 • First nudes sinceclassical times.

  17. 2. Perspective • The Trinity • Masaccio • 1427 Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! First use of linear perspective! What you are, I once was; what I am, you will become.

  18. 3. Classicism • Greco-Roman influence. • Secularism. • Humanism. • Individualism  free standing figures. • Symmetry/Balance The “Classical Pose”Medici “Venus” (1c)

  19. 4. Empasis on Individualism • Batista Sforza & Federico de Montefeltre: The Duke & Dutchess of Urbino • Piero della Francesca, 1465-1466.

  20. 5. Geometrical Arrangement of Figures • The Dreyfus Madonna with the Pomegranate • Leonardo da Vinci • 1469 • The figure as architecture!

  21. 6. Light & Shadowing/Softening Edges Sfumato Chiaroscuro

  22. 7. Artists as Personalities/Celebrities • Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, andArchitects • Giorgio Vasari • 1550

  23. The Renaissance “Man” • Broad knowledge about many things in different fields. • Deep knowledge/skill in one area. • Able to link information from different areas/disciplines and create new knowledge. • The Greek ideal of the “well-rounded man” was at the heart of Renaissance education.

  24. Leonardo da Vinci Self-Portrait --, 1512 • Artist • Sculptor • Architect • Scientist • Engineer • Inventor 1452 - 1519

  25. Leonardo, the Artist • The Virgin of the Rocks • Leonardo daVinci • 1483-1486

  26. Leonardo, the Artist:From hisNotebooks of over 5000 pages (1508-1519)

  27. Mona Lisa – da Vinci, 1503-4 ?

  28. A Macaroni Mona

  29. A Picasso Mona

  30. An Andy Warhol Mona

  31. A “Mona”ca Lewinsky

  32. Mona LisaOR da Vinci??

  33. The Last Supper - da Vinci, 1498& Geometry

  34. Refractory Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie Milan

  35. The Last Supper - da Vinci, 1498 vertical horizontal Perspective!

  36. Deterioration • Detail of Jesus • The Last Supper • Leonardo da Vinci • 1498

  37. Leonardo, the Sculptor • An Equestrian Statue • 1516-1518

  38. Leonardo, the Architect:Pages from his Notebook • Study of a central church. • 1488

  39. Leonardo, the Architect:Pages from his Notebook • Plan of the city of Imola, 1502.

  40. Leonardo, the Scientist (Biology):Pages from his Notebook • An example of the humanist desire to unlock the secrets of nature.

  41. Leonardo, the Scientist (Anatomy): Pages from his Notebook

  42. Leonardo, the Inventor:Pages from his Notebook Family Guy

  43. Leonardo, the Engineer: Pages from his Notebook Studies of water-lifting devices. A study of siege defenses.

  44. Michelangelo Buonorrati • 1475 – 1564 • He represented the body in three dimensions of sculpture.

  45. David • 1504 • Marble

  46. 15c Whatadifferenceacenturymakes! 16c

  47. The Pieta • 1499 • marble

  48. The Sistine Chapel1508 - 1512

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